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The bread roll

07 тамыз 2014, Бейсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
The bread roll
Out - of - class work on English - a component of educational work on a foreign language.
Purposes of the organization of out - of - class work on a foreign language:
The educational:
1. Increase of interest to a subject and positive motivation to learning of foreign language;
2. expansion of an outlook of pupils;
3. creation of additional conditions for speech communication of pupils out of a lesson;
4. development pronunciation and speech skills, skills of reading and audition;
5. development of intersubject communications.
The educational:
1. Development of creative abilities of pupils with different level of preparation;
2. education of respect for culture of the country of learned language;
The developing:
1. Formation and development of educational and intellectual skills (abstraction, comparison, analysis, synthesis, logic);
2. development of memory, attention, imagination, observation;

The bread roll
(Further on simply The Roll)

An Author
A Grandfather
A Grandmother
A Roll
A Hare
A Wolf
A Bear
A Fox

A big old oven, a table, a bench and a window.
Trees, flowers and bushes.
A stump.

AN AUTHOR: Long, long time ago, once upon a time somewhere about there lived the grandfather and the grandmother. They lived happily and friendly in a very old house. The grandpa and the grandma liked to work hard and sing songs.


A GRANDPA: Oh, it is so nice just simply live, yap.
A GRANDMA: Oh, enjoy the sky forget the grieve, yap.
A GRANDPA: Enjoy the honey drink and tea,
A GRANDMA: To eat sweet buns without plea.
AN AUTHOR: After singing the song the grandpa decided to ask the grandma to bake some roll.
A GRANDPA: Sweaty, can you bake some roll for us?
A GRANDMA: I would like to, but there is no more flour left.
A GRANDPA: Can you wipe the shelves carefully; maybe there you will find one or two scoops of flour.
AN AUTHOR: The grandma did what the grandpa asked her to do. Carefully wiped all shelves and finally found two scoops of flour. She made dough based on sour cream, formed a roll and put it in the oven for baking. The grandpa is singing a song, the grandma is singing along.

(Kids can show what they are doing during the song.)

A GRANDPA: We decided to bake the roll, to bake the roll, to bake the roll. (Make the roll).
A GRANDMA: We decided to bake the roll, to bake the fresh puffy roll.
A GRANDPA: We invited boys and girls, boys and girls, boys and girls. (Waving hands towards themselves).
A GRANDMA: We invited boys and girls, to eat our puffy roll.
A GRANDPA: Boys and girls ate our roll, our roll, our roll. (Show how they are eating the roll).
A GRANDMA: They became all tall and strong, tall and very strong.
A GRANDPA: They said, thank you and goodbye, and goodbye, and goodbye. (Waving hands "bye, bye").
A GRANDMA: See you grannies, please don't cry, please don't cry. (Show how they are crying).
A GRANDPA: We will visit you again hug and kiss you, hug and kiss you. (Sending kisses).
A GRANDMA: We will visit you again, please don't miss us, please don't miss us.
AN AUTHOR: When the roll was ready, the grandma took him from the oven and placed on the windowsill.
A GRANDMA: Look, grandpa, how lovely our roll is.
A GRANDPA: It is lovely.

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Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Карманова Жамал
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