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Importance of innovative technology in the teaching of foreign languages

02 сәуір 2015, Бейсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Importance of innovative technology in the teaching of foreign languages

In recent years, increasingly raises the question of the application of new technology in the classroom. It is not only new hardware, but new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to learning. The main purpose of learning a foreign language is the formation and development of communicative culture of pupils, teaching practical mastery of a foreign language. Teacher's task is to create conditions for practical language learning for each student, to choose such training methods that would allow each student to show their activity, their creativity. Task of the teacher - student intensify cognitive activity in learning foreign languages.
New approaches to teaching I applied during practice lessons in 5 - th grade. Used the following new methods of learning and teaching work in groups. Interactive teacher - student relationship, student - student, the use of ICT. Evaluation for learning and student learning assessment: self - assessment, formative, summative assessment. In psychological training, games, interviews, interactive communication in the classroom, I created a favorable atmosphere.
"New approaches to training" - dialogic teaching and learning (dialogue in the classroom). In English, the dialogue is a central place of dialog speech drafting proposals, work in pairs. Children in a conversation exchange ideas, broaden horizons, setting my goals in the classroom to teach critically, to think, to work on his own reasoning problems intensify previously acquired knowledge to analyze their own activities students develop critical thinking through reading and writing strategy is a system of instructional techniques.
Problem - solving skills, the ability to engage in self, the ability to collaborate and work in a group. Students must be taught not only to read and write, but also to meditate. Lesson in 5 class using structure There is \ there are I gave such a task where students have to think critically, and there were problems and puzzles that forced students to reflect critically.
Teachers are not the only party evaluators. Students may be involved in the evaluation of their classmates and themselves, or why you want to work in accordance with the information and feedback in order to improve their learning.
Interactive training - this mutual action of the teacher with the students, student teachers. ICTs to develop intellectual and creative abilities of students in their ability to independently acquire new knowledge to work with various sources of information, improve the quality of teaching the subject.
During practice the lesson using the new method was very interesting. Students actively participated in all stages of the job. On the lessons were used ICT use assessment for learning and assessment of student learning self - esteem, formative assessment.

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