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04 қаңтар 2015, Жексенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Ашық сабақ: Animals
• білімділік – жаңа лексиканы қолдану дағдыларын қалыптастыру;
• тәрбиелік – қоршаған ортаны аялауға жағдай жасау;
• дамытушылық – сөйлеу мәдениетін дамыту (фонематикалық).
1. ойлау және сөйлеу дағдыларын белсендету;
2. диалог құру барысында тиімді лексика - грамматикалық бірліктерді қолдану;
3. коммуникативті технологиялардың қолдануын жүзеге асыру;

Сабақ барысы.
I. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі:
Hello, boys and girls. Hello, dear guests and kids. Glad to meet you here in the lesson. It is not usual today as there are only 20 minutes for reading, speaking, writing and listening. And of course we’ll find time for singing. Listen and sing a “hello” song.

II. Сабақ тақырыбымен танысу:
Look at the blackboard. There are some pictures here. Call them, please.
It’s a dog. ….
Good. What is the theme of the lesson? What do we talk about?
Pets and animals.

III. Негізгі бөлім: (Оқушылар үй жануарлары туралы жобаларын қорғайды)
Yes, you are right. Today we are going to speak about animals and pets. You know lots of animals. And I am sure you’ve got some pets. Who has got a pet? Raise your hands, please (идёт опрос).
Diana, have you got a pet? What pet have you got?
I know you’ve prepared projects about your pets. Do you want to present them for us? Who wants to start?

IV. How do you think? True/false.
Dear, boys and girls. Do you like our pupils’ presentations? And now I’ll see how attentive you are. Let me check your memory. There are 10 sentences on the screen. Some of them are true, some of them are false. Read the sentence and circle “yes/no”. If the sentence is wrong, give the right variant.

V. Диалог құрастыру.
Good job. We see you are good listeners. But let’s continue speaking about pets and animals. I see that some of you don’t have any pet. Now you’ll have a chance to phone a zoo shop and ask about a pet. Work in pairs. One of you is a shop assistant and the other is a customer. Learn about a pet and buy it. The information is given in your cards.

VI. «Actors» ойыны.
You know that animals are good actors. Lots of them work in circus. And what about you? Can you be an actor? Let us see. There are some cards here. Come to the blackboard take a card with the name of the animal. Don’t read it for us, just show. And we’ll try to guess your animal.
Dear, guests. Do you like our actors? I think they are perfect. And I’m sure it’s time to have a rest and sing a song about the farmer’s favorite dog “Bingo”.

VII. Сөзжұмбақты шешу.
Dear, pupils. You know lots of animals, there are pets in your families. As for me, I haven’t got a pet. But one animal is my favorite. To know what it is you should do a crossword. Let me divide you in two teams. I’ll give you only one minute. Start, please. Now come to the blackboard, one by one and fill in the crossword. Yes, my favorite animal is elephant. It is big, strong and wise.

VIII. Қорытындылау.
And you, my dear boys and girls are very clever and talented. I wish you good luck in everything. Thank you for the lesson. Good bye. Good bye dear guests. Welcome to our school.

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