Prepositions, revision
The theme: Prepositions, revision
The aims:
Educational: to form pupil`s skills in speech, to instruct pupils in using words, to enrich pupil`s vocabulary with some words to the given theme, to revise the words and grammar covered.
Developing: to develop pupil`s abilities in writing, reading, speaking, listening, pair and group work
Bringing up: to teach pupils to use prepositions.
Methods of the lesson: interactive, communicative approach.
Type of the lesson: introductory
Equipment of the lesson: pictures, grammar charts, an interactive board.
Procedure of the lesson:
I. Organization moment: Get ready for the lesson, please! I am waiting for you to be quiet.
II. Checking the home task: Revision of the vocabulary, and grammar of the previous course.
III. New lesson: Prepositions, revision.
I. Rule: Демеуліктер зат есімнің немесе есімдіктің сөйлемдегі басқа сөздерге қарым - қатынасын білдіретін көмекші сөздер болып табылады.
Prepositions: in, inside - ішінде, on - үстінде, over - жоғарыда, across - арқылы, near - жанында, onto - үстінен, into – ішінен, ішіне, past - өтіп, at - жанында, above - үстінде,.
Look at the blackboard and learn the rule:
In, on, below, above, near, far, behind, in front of, onto, off, into, out of, around, among, between, opposite.
II. Doing exercises: 1.
1. The clock is … the wall. (on)
2. The ball is … the table. (under)
3. The cat is … the armchair. (next to)
4. The table is … the armchair. (opposite)
5. The carpet is … the floor. (on)
6. The lamp is … the table. ( on)
7. The flowers are … the vase. (in)
8. The table is … the chair and the armchair. (between)
III. Уақыт пен оқиғаларды көрсету үшін қолданылады.
The time: at 4 clock
Holidays: at Christmas, at Easter, at the weekend.
In the expressions: at the moment, at present, at noon, at midnight.
Жыл ай күндерімен.
Month: in April, in March
Seasons: in winter, in spring
Years: in 1994, in 1985.
Centuries: in 20 th century
Аптаның күндері және даталармен қолданылады:
Days: on Friday, on Monday
Dates: on July 4 th
Specific part of day: on Monday evening
IV. Exercises:
1. The course begin at / in January 7 th and ends at / on / in March 10 th.
2. I went to bed at / on / in midnight and got up at / on / in 6. 30 the next morning.
3. We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived at / on / in 5. 00 at the morning.
4. Mozart was born in Salzburg at / on / in 1756.
5. Are you doing anything special at / on / in the weekend.
6. Hurry up! We ve got to go at / on / in five minutes.
7. I havent seen Ann for a few days. I last saw her at / on / in Tuesday.
Answers: 1. on…. on 2. at …. at 3. at …in 4. in 5. on 6. in 7. On
V. Physical training. Stand up! Hunds up, hunds down, hunds in, hunds to,
Hunds opposite, Go on, go across, go behind, go on
Sit down, stand up.
VI. Tests:
1. Whats happening … this picture?
2. I arrived … the station … a taxi.
3. I looked … the box, but there was nothing ….
Answers: 1. d 2. b 3. B
VII. Work with pictures. Picture = 1. 2. 3
VIII. Home task Marking. The lesson is over. Good bye!
The aims:
Educational: to form pupil`s skills in speech, to instruct pupils in using words, to enrich pupil`s vocabulary with some words to the given theme, to revise the words and grammar covered.
Developing: to develop pupil`s abilities in writing, reading, speaking, listening, pair and group work
Bringing up: to teach pupils to use prepositions.
Methods of the lesson: interactive, communicative approach.
Type of the lesson: introductory
Equipment of the lesson: pictures, grammar charts, an interactive board.
Procedure of the lesson:
I. Organization moment: Get ready for the lesson, please! I am waiting for you to be quiet.
II. Checking the home task: Revision of the vocabulary, and grammar of the previous course.
III. New lesson: Prepositions, revision.
I. Rule: Демеуліктер зат есімнің немесе есімдіктің сөйлемдегі басқа сөздерге қарым - қатынасын білдіретін көмекші сөздер болып табылады.
Prepositions: in, inside - ішінде, on - үстінде, over - жоғарыда, across - арқылы, near - жанында, onto - үстінен, into – ішінен, ішіне, past - өтіп, at - жанында, above - үстінде,.
Look at the blackboard and learn the rule:
In, on, below, above, near, far, behind, in front of, onto, off, into, out of, around, among, between, opposite.
II. Doing exercises: 1.
1. The clock is … the wall. (on)
2. The ball is … the table. (under)
3. The cat is … the armchair. (next to)
4. The table is … the armchair. (opposite)
5. The carpet is … the floor. (on)
6. The lamp is … the table. ( on)
7. The flowers are … the vase. (in)
8. The table is … the chair and the armchair. (between)
III. Уақыт пен оқиғаларды көрсету үшін қолданылады.
The time: at 4 clock
Holidays: at Christmas, at Easter, at the weekend.
In the expressions: at the moment, at present, at noon, at midnight.
Жыл ай күндерімен.
Month: in April, in March
Seasons: in winter, in spring
Years: in 1994, in 1985.
Centuries: in 20 th century
Аптаның күндері және даталармен қолданылады:
Days: on Friday, on Monday
Dates: on July 4 th
Specific part of day: on Monday evening
IV. Exercises:
1. The course begin at / in January 7 th and ends at / on / in March 10 th.
2. I went to bed at / on / in midnight and got up at / on / in 6. 30 the next morning.
3. We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived at / on / in 5. 00 at the morning.
4. Mozart was born in Salzburg at / on / in 1756.
5. Are you doing anything special at / on / in the weekend.
6. Hurry up! We ve got to go at / on / in five minutes.
7. I havent seen Ann for a few days. I last saw her at / on / in Tuesday.
Answers: 1. on…. on 2. at …. at 3. at …in 4. in 5. on 6. in 7. On
V. Physical training. Stand up! Hunds up, hunds down, hunds in, hunds to,
Hunds opposite, Go on, go across, go behind, go on
Sit down, stand up.
VI. Tests:
1. Whats happening … this picture?
2. I arrived … the station … a taxi.
3. I looked … the box, but there was nothing ….
Answers: 1. d 2. b 3. B
VII. Work with pictures. Picture = 1. 2. 3
VIII. Home task Marking. The lesson is over. Good bye!

This is my friend
To teach pupils say about their friends, to enrich their vocabulary. To develop reading, writing, lexical habits. To bring up their love profession.

Where is my bag?
Ақтөбе облысы, Ақтөбе қаласы №34 орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Баймбетова Лаззат Едиловна

When have we got Computer Studies?
Батыс Қазақстан облысы, Казталов ауданы, Бостандық ОЖББ мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Ж.С.Жалмуханбетова

At the Zoo
Lesson plan of the teacher of English Seksenbaeva Mira, conducted in the 4th grade Сөздік қорларын дамытуға арналған

Planning my time
The plan of the lesson Theme: Planning my time Form: 6 The aims of the lesson: Educational: to consolidate lexical stock, to encourage students in different tasks and to express their opinions, to enrich students’ vocabulary.
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