Қызылорда облысы,
Қазалы ауданы, Әйтеке би кенті,
№24 орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Жарылқасын Назгүл Айболатқызы
Form: 5
Lesson: 13
Theme: Flat
Aims: Обучение говорению, развитие всех видов речевой деятельности, обобщение знаний учащихся по теме.
1. Учить говорению, правильному произношению, учить вести диалог и беседу по теме.
2. Развивать навыки аудирования, чтения, говорения, письма.
3. Развивать стремление к знаниям, любовь к родному дому.
Visual aids: pictures, crossword
Type of the lesson: innovation
Method: mixe
Organization momtnt:
a) Т: Good morning, children!
Р: Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you!
Good morning, my teacher,
We are glad to see you!
T: Sit down please and get ready for the lesson.
b) T: Who is on duty today?
P: I am on duty today.
T: Please - PI- ask questions to -P2-.
PI: What's your name?
P2: My name is ...
PI: Is it your first name?
P2: Yes, it's my first name.
PI: What's your surname?
P2: My surname is ...
PI: How old are you?
P2: I'm eleven.
PI: Which class are you in?
P2: I'm in the 5 «A» class.
PI: Where are you from?
P2: I'm from Kazakhstan, и т.д.
Фронтальный опрос.
T: Are you from Russia?
P3:No, I'm not.
T: What's your address?
P4: My address is 20 Abay street.
T: Have you got a telephone?
Р5: Yes, I have got a telephone.
T: What is his (her) phone number?
P6: It's 2-23-54
T: How are you?
P7: Thanks, I'm fine.
P8: Thanks, I'm very well.
P9: Thanks, I'm OK.
P10: Thanks, I'm all right.
с) Сообщение цели урока.
- Ребята, сегодня на уроке мы будем делать следующее: отвечать на вопросы, составлять диалог, инсценировать, рассказывать стихи, отгадывать загадки, кроссворды, читать.
Phonetic drill:
1) Т: Look at the blackboard, listen and repeat (all
2) Let's tell the rhyme:
This is a mouse.
She lives in the house.
This is a cat,
He is very fat.
T: Who can repeat?Please PI, P2, P3.
Presentation of the new material:
a) Т: Children, be attentive! I read the text. Listen.
Omar's flat.
I have a friend. His name is Omar. Omar's family isn't very large. He has a father, a mother and a sister. His sister's name is Assel. She is five. They have a flat in a new house in Sadovaya Street. His flat is number 10. Their flat has four rooms and a kitchen. Two of the rooms are large. Omar and his little sister have separate rooms. Omar's room is small, it has one window. There is a bed and a sofa in his room. There is a computer in his room too. There is a desk on the right. It is Omar's desk. There are three chairs in the room. Assel's room is small too. There is a bed and a table in her room. There are two chairs. There are pictures, pencils and papers on the table.
b) Answer the questions:
1) What's the boy's name?
2) How old is he?
3) Where is his flat?
4) How many rooms are there in Omar's flat?
5) What rooms are they? (a living room, a children's room, a kitchen).
c) Повторение оборота There is...There are... (no картинкам).
d) T: Can you describe your rooms? Please, who wants to answer?
PI, Р2, РЗ, Р4,... (по цепочке).
Let's play.
a) Make up words.
Dr_in_r (drawing room)
Di_w_sh (dishwasher)
_oo_er (cooker)
W_shi_ma_i_e (washing machine)
b) Look at the words. Match them to the pictures. Which rooms do the words go with?
Т: And now I give you some riddles and you'll try to find the answers. Listen carefully. (Загадки).
1) I have legs,
One, two, three, four, But I cannot walk Across the floor, (a chair)
2) It does not ask questions
But must be answered, (a telephone)
3) This is a house
With one window in it,
Showing films
Nearly every minute, (a TV set)
4) It is running
Night and day
But it never
Runs away, (a clock) IV.
a) Do you know poems about a flat or a house?
1) Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,
Where is your house?
Mouse: Little cat, little cat,
I have no flat,
I am a poor mouse,
I have no house.
Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,
Come into my house.
Mouse: Little cat, little cat,
I cannot do that —
You want to eat me.
2). The kitchen is the nicest place,
In all the house to me.
For that's where Mummy bakes the pies
And smithy cakes for tea.
b) Find your place! (Найди свое место).
e) T: Children, here is a crossword.
"Mummy's crossword". Look and guess the words (Ученики разгадывают кроссворд, отвечая на. вопрос «Где мама это делает?»)
1. She watches television. (Drawing room)
2. She washes her hands. (Bathroom)
3. She makes breakfast. (Kitchen) 4. %f f
4. She goes to get some juice. (Cellar)
5. She lies in the sun. (Garden)
6. She sleeps. (Bedroom)
7. She looks for an old book. (Attic)
Home task: Make up dialogue
The end of the lesson: Lesson is over. Good Bye!
Қазалы ауданы, Әйтеке би кенті,
№24 орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Жарылқасын Назгүл Айболатқызы
Form: 5
Lesson: 13
Theme: Flat
Aims: Обучение говорению, развитие всех видов речевой деятельности, обобщение знаний учащихся по теме.
1. Учить говорению, правильному произношению, учить вести диалог и беседу по теме.
2. Развивать навыки аудирования, чтения, говорения, письма.
3. Развивать стремление к знаниям, любовь к родному дому.
Visual aids: pictures, crossword
Type of the lesson: innovation
Method: mixe
Organization momtnt:
a) Т: Good morning, children!
Р: Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you!
Good morning, my teacher,
We are glad to see you!
T: Sit down please and get ready for the lesson.
b) T: Who is on duty today?
P: I am on duty today.
T: Please - PI- ask questions to -P2-.
PI: What's your name?
P2: My name is ...
PI: Is it your first name?
P2: Yes, it's my first name.
PI: What's your surname?
P2: My surname is ...
PI: How old are you?
P2: I'm eleven.
PI: Which class are you in?
P2: I'm in the 5 «A» class.
PI: Where are you from?
P2: I'm from Kazakhstan, и т.д.
Фронтальный опрос.
T: Are you from Russia?
P3:No, I'm not.
T: What's your address?
P4: My address is 20 Abay street.
T: Have you got a telephone?
Р5: Yes, I have got a telephone.
T: What is his (her) phone number?
P6: It's 2-23-54
T: How are you?
P7: Thanks, I'm fine.
P8: Thanks, I'm very well.
P9: Thanks, I'm OK.
P10: Thanks, I'm all right.
с) Сообщение цели урока.
- Ребята, сегодня на уроке мы будем делать следующее: отвечать на вопросы, составлять диалог, инсценировать, рассказывать стихи, отгадывать загадки, кроссворды, читать.
Phonetic drill:
1) Т: Look at the blackboard, listen and repeat (all
2) Let's tell the rhyme:
This is a mouse.
She lives in the house.
This is a cat,
He is very fat.
T: Who can repeat?Please PI, P2, P3.
Presentation of the new material:
a) Т: Children, be attentive! I read the text. Listen.
Omar's flat.
I have a friend. His name is Omar. Omar's family isn't very large. He has a father, a mother and a sister. His sister's name is Assel. She is five. They have a flat in a new house in Sadovaya Street. His flat is number 10. Their flat has four rooms and a kitchen. Two of the rooms are large. Omar and his little sister have separate rooms. Omar's room is small, it has one window. There is a bed and a sofa in his room. There is a computer in his room too. There is a desk on the right. It is Omar's desk. There are three chairs in the room. Assel's room is small too. There is a bed and a table in her room. There are two chairs. There are pictures, pencils and papers on the table.
b) Answer the questions:
1) What's the boy's name?
2) How old is he?
3) Where is his flat?
4) How many rooms are there in Omar's flat?
5) What rooms are they? (a living room, a children's room, a kitchen).
c) Повторение оборота There is...There are... (no картинкам).
d) T: Can you describe your rooms? Please, who wants to answer?
PI, Р2, РЗ, Р4,... (по цепочке).
Let's play.
a) Make up words.
Dr_in_r (drawing room)
Di_w_sh (dishwasher)
_oo_er (cooker)
W_shi_ma_i_e (washing machine)
b) Look at the words. Match them to the pictures. Which rooms do the words go with?
Т: And now I give you some riddles and you'll try to find the answers. Listen carefully. (Загадки).
1) I have legs,
One, two, three, four, But I cannot walk Across the floor, (a chair)
2) It does not ask questions
But must be answered, (a telephone)
3) This is a house
With one window in it,
Showing films
Nearly every minute, (a TV set)
4) It is running
Night and day
But it never
Runs away, (a clock) IV.
a) Do you know poems about a flat or a house?
1) Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,
Where is your house?
Mouse: Little cat, little cat,
I have no flat,
I am a poor mouse,
I have no house.
Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,
Come into my house.
Mouse: Little cat, little cat,
I cannot do that —
You want to eat me.
2). The kitchen is the nicest place,
In all the house to me.
For that's where Mummy bakes the pies
And smithy cakes for tea.
b) Find your place! (Найди свое место).
e) T: Children, here is a crossword.
"Mummy's crossword". Look and guess the words (Ученики разгадывают кроссворд, отвечая на. вопрос «Где мама это делает?»)
1. She watches television. (Drawing room)
2. She washes her hands. (Bathroom)
3. She makes breakfast. (Kitchen) 4. %f f
4. She goes to get some juice. (Cellar)
5. She lies in the sun. (Garden)
6. She sleeps. (Bedroom)
7. She looks for an old book. (Attic)
Home task: Make up dialogue
The end of the lesson: Lesson is over. Good Bye!

My pet
to teach new words related to animals. To develop student’s listening, reading, speaking skills.

My cousins
Балалар, сендер өз ата - аналарың, аға – әпкелері туралы әңгімелей аласыңдар. Бүгінгі сабақта біз «Менің туысқандарым» тақырыбы бойынша көбірек сөздік жаттаймыз және 20 - ға дейін санауды үйренеміз.

Солтүстік Қазақстан облысы, Айыртау ауданы, Лобанов орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Сыйлыгул Захайқызы

My flat
Маңғыстау облысы, Бейнеу ауданы, Опорный орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Мекеева Замира

Қызылода облысы, Шиелі ауданы, №127 Ш. Уәлиханов атындағы орта мектеп - лицейі ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Ұлтарақова Қалдыгүл Секенқызы
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