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23 мам 2016, Дүйсенбі
Категориясы: Кембридж тәсілі
Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы,
Әйтеке би кенті №249 мектеп - лицейдің
ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі
Сүйеубаева Жулдызай

Бекітемін: №249 мектеп - лицей директорының оқу – тәрбие ісі жөніндегі орынбасары Ж.Жарылқаған

Subject: English
Grade: 4 “а”
Date: 20. 04. 2016
The theme: “Clothing” Ex 1 - 4 on p 209, 210
The aims:
A) educational: to introduce the pupils with new grammar and with new words
and to teach them how to use them in their own sentences. To teach them how to work with visual aids.
B) developing: to develop them to speaking, reading, writing and auding abilities. To teach them to polylanguages.
C) cultural: to educate the pupils to respect their classmates, to be a honesty, to teach them to speaking etiquette.
The type of the lesson: Mixed lesson
The kind of the lesson: Practical
Teaching technology: Teaching by developing technology
Teaching methods: vocabulary method, method of
explanation, question - response, bring
Visual aids: posters, book, pictures
Literatures: I. N. Vereshchagina “English III”

The outline of the lesson
I. Organization moment
1. 1. Greeting
Teacher: - Good morning pupils
Pupils: - Good morning
Good morning
Good morning to you
Good morning our teacher
We are glad to see you
Teacher: - OK, sit down. Who is on duty today?
Pupil 1: - I am on duty today
Teacher: - Who is absent?
Pupil 1: - … … …
1. 2. Warm - up
a) Play game “Champion”
II. Explanation of the new lesson (material)
2. 1. Grammar material – Adjective
Beautiful – more beautiful – (the) most beautiful
Interesting – more interesting – (the) most interesting
III. Doing exercise
3. 1. ex 1 on p 209
Look at the picture and compare
1. cap - -
2. bird - -
3. fish - -
4. doll - -
5. book - -
6. picture - -
3. 2. ex 2 on p 210
Choose the right words for each gap

Tastier, newer, the longest, more beautiful, longer, nicer, more interesting, older, the shortest, big, long

The giraffe has got a … neck
What animal has got the … tail?
I think that bananas are … than oranges
The elephant has got … eras
The horse has got a … than the pig
The new doll is.. than the old one
I think that the book “Pinoccino” is … than “The three little pigs”
There is no place … than home
My Grandpa is … than my grandma
Kate’s toys are … than Jane’s
3. 3. ex 3 on p 210
Learn to pronounce and use the new word
3. 4. ex 4 on p 210
The man is a magician. He can do magic. Say what he has got
Example: He has got a … in his …

IV. Concluding the lesson
- What is Adjective?
- repeat the new words.

V. Giving the home task
5. 1. ex 9 on p 214
Choose and write any 5 sentences (see ex 2)

VI. Putting the marks
The lesson is over. Good bye!

Толық нұсқасын жүктеу
2 975
  • 0
0 дауыс

The Adverb
The Adverb
to introduce the pupils with new grammar and with new words and to teach them how to use them in their own sentences. To teach them how to work with visual aids.
At the shop
At the shop
educational to enrich pupil’s knowledge, to enlarge their interest in learning foreign languages and to introduce the pupils with new words and give them more information
This is my friend
This is my friend
To teach pupils say about their friends, to enrich their vocabulary. To develop reading, writing, lexical habits. To bring up their love profession.
He has got two legs
He has got two legs
Атырау қаласы, Жаңаталап селосы, Жамбыл орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Сарбупиева Айжарқын Шынбатыровна
At the Zoo
At the Zoo
Lesson plan of the teacher of English Seksenbaeva Mira, conducted in the 4th grade Сөздік қорларын дамытуға арналған
"Must" модальді етістігі
"Must" модальді етістігі
to introduce the pupils with new grammar material and with new words of the lesson, to teach them how to use the new words in their own sentences, to teach them to work with active board
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