Lucky chance
A Lucky chance
Мақсаты: Оқушылардың өткен тақырыптар бойынша білімдерін тексеру. Ағылшын тіліне деген қызығушылықтарын арттыру. Оқушылардың есте сақтау қабілеттерін, зейінін, ойдан шығару қабілетін дамыту. Сөйлеу қабілетін, өз ойын жеткізуге баулу.
Көрнекілік құралдар: мультимедиялық тақта, слайдтар, қара жәшік, ленталар, лентадан тігілген значоктар, команданың аттары, сигналдар.
Жарыстың барысы.
1. Мұғалімнің кіріспе сөзі:
- Good afternoon, dear friends! I hope you are fine today, aren’t you? The weather is wonderful and the spirit is excellent because we are gathering together to watch the competition between two teams named “A Lucky chance.” Our game is devoted to the English language material we have already learned.
- I hope our participants will answer our questions easily, because they’ve learnt a lot at English lessons.
- That’s why let’s greet our teams. Here they are, please!
(2 команда музыкамен залға кіріп орындарына барады)
2. Командаларды таныстыру және ойын шартын хабарлау.
- Well, let’s introduce our teams! The captain of the first team introduce your own team, please.
(1 - ші команданың капитаны өзінің командасын таныстырады: атын, ұранын, мүшелерін)
- O’ k, thank you. let’s meet the captain of the second team.
(2 - ші топтың капитаны өз тобын таныстырады)
- And of course - our jury. They are:
I member of the jury is - …….
II member of the jury is -………
III member of the jury is -……..
Of course, the jury will be eyes and ears to follow the game and they will be helpful to score the points. your task is get as many points as possible. The team with the highest score will become the winners of the game. You have the sheets of the paper in front of which are on the table and you have to fill in the table with the scores given for each part to the definite team.
And as for participants, the rules of our game are quite simple. You are to respect your group - mates and not to shout. No doubt, winning is the aim but it’s only a game. Don’t forget about it. And now it’s time to begin the game!
3. Ойын барысы
A) “Warming up”
- The first round is called “Warming up”. I have 14 questions. If you have the answer you should push the button and reply. One point will be awarded for every correct answer. Are you ready? Let’s start.
1. What is the full name of the UK?
2. Name the national symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
3. What illnesses do you know?
4. Name the modal verbs.
5. What do you know about the Education in Britain?
6. How many parts does the UK consist of?
7. Name the largest cities of Kazakhstan.
8. The most popular sport in England?
9. Name the English - speaking countries.
10. How many grammar tenses in English language do you know?
11. Continue the proverb.”East or West, … … ….”
12. Name the nationalities of the next countries:
China, Kazakhstan, Great Britain, the USA, Spain.
13. Name the grammar tense of the next sentences:
I study English language at school.
We are taking part in the competition.
How long have you been learning Mathematics?
What will you do tomorrow?
14. Continue the proverb: “… in need, is … indeed.”
b) “Puzzles in black box”
- the next round is called “Puzzles in black box”. The questions is hidden in black box. There are 15 of them. Find the question in the box and answer it. You will get one point for every right answer.
1)‘My heart is in the Highlands
My heart is not here
My heart is in the Highlands
A - chasing a deer
A - chasing a wild deer
and the following the roe
My heart is in the Highlands wherever I go.”
Whose poem is it? Name the poet.
2) We cut and mix vegetables to make …
3) Meat from a cow?
4) What can you say about the Statue of Liberty?
5) What is the difference between the Washington and Washington D. C.?
6) What is the name of the British flag?
7) Give the plurals, please:
Man, child, woman, ox, radio, foot, tooth, wolf, knife, wife, goose.
8) Fried slices of potatoes?
9) We laugh at ….
10) What should you do to keep fit?
11)“Alive question’’
12)“Alive question”
13)“Alive question ”
14)“Alive question”
15)“Alive question”
c) “Hurry up to see!”
The next round is “Hurry up to see!” I’ll show you several colorful pictures of some places of interest. You are to name them, where they are situated.
1. “Baiterek” Astana
2. “Big Ben” London
3. “the Tower Bridge” London
4. “the Statue of Liberty” New York
5. ‘’The white House” Washington
6. “Medeu” Almaty
d) “Trivial Pursuit”
- I see, our today’s game is coming to its end and the last round will turn out to be decisive. It’s called “Trivial pursuit”. This part is devoted to our captains. Only 10 seconds to think. If you don’t the answer, you’d better hurry up say to me “Go on!” not to waste time. One point will be awarded for every correct answer. This time we shall start with the team which has less point. The captains of other group please come here. Are you ready? Let’s start.
1 team captain’s questions:
1. What is your name?
2. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
3. What is your nationality?
4. Who is the president of Kazakhstan?
5. What is the symbol of England?
6. When do Kazakhs celebrate Nauriz?
7. What river runs through London?
8. What domestic animals do you know?
9. Can you speak English?
10. How many letters are there in English alphabet?
2 team captain’s questions:
1. What is your name?
2. What is the capital of England?
3. When is your birthday?
4. Who is the president of the USA?
5. What river runs through Astana?
6. When do British celebrate Christmas?
7. What is the symbol of the USA?
8. What wild animals do you know?
9. Can you speak Kazakh?
10. How many letters are there in Kazakh alphabet?
4. Қорытынды бөлім.
- Well, the jury, it’s time to declare the winners of our today’s game. You’re welcome.
- ( жюри қорытынды бағаларын хабарлайды) were the top. But team …, there’s no need to worry. You were also great. I’m sure next time you’ll be luckier!
Thanks a lot to everyone for taking an active part in our game. Thanks to all of you for coming, for taking part and learning something! Good bye!
Мақсаты: Оқушылардың өткен тақырыптар бойынша білімдерін тексеру. Ағылшын тіліне деген қызығушылықтарын арттыру. Оқушылардың есте сақтау қабілеттерін, зейінін, ойдан шығару қабілетін дамыту. Сөйлеу қабілетін, өз ойын жеткізуге баулу.
Көрнекілік құралдар: мультимедиялық тақта, слайдтар, қара жәшік, ленталар, лентадан тігілген значоктар, команданың аттары, сигналдар.
Жарыстың барысы.
1. Мұғалімнің кіріспе сөзі:
- Good afternoon, dear friends! I hope you are fine today, aren’t you? The weather is wonderful and the spirit is excellent because we are gathering together to watch the competition between two teams named “A Lucky chance.” Our game is devoted to the English language material we have already learned.
- I hope our participants will answer our questions easily, because they’ve learnt a lot at English lessons.
- That’s why let’s greet our teams. Here they are, please!
(2 команда музыкамен залға кіріп орындарына барады)
2. Командаларды таныстыру және ойын шартын хабарлау.
- Well, let’s introduce our teams! The captain of the first team introduce your own team, please.
(1 - ші команданың капитаны өзінің командасын таныстырады: атын, ұранын, мүшелерін)
- O’ k, thank you. let’s meet the captain of the second team.
(2 - ші топтың капитаны өз тобын таныстырады)
- And of course - our jury. They are:
I member of the jury is - …….
II member of the jury is -………
III member of the jury is -……..
Of course, the jury will be eyes and ears to follow the game and they will be helpful to score the points. your task is get as many points as possible. The team with the highest score will become the winners of the game. You have the sheets of the paper in front of which are on the table and you have to fill in the table with the scores given for each part to the definite team.
And as for participants, the rules of our game are quite simple. You are to respect your group - mates and not to shout. No doubt, winning is the aim but it’s only a game. Don’t forget about it. And now it’s time to begin the game!
3. Ойын барысы
A) “Warming up”
- The first round is called “Warming up”. I have 14 questions. If you have the answer you should push the button and reply. One point will be awarded for every correct answer. Are you ready? Let’s start.
1. What is the full name of the UK?
2. Name the national symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
3. What illnesses do you know?
4. Name the modal verbs.
5. What do you know about the Education in Britain?
6. How many parts does the UK consist of?
7. Name the largest cities of Kazakhstan.
8. The most popular sport in England?
9. Name the English - speaking countries.
10. How many grammar tenses in English language do you know?
11. Continue the proverb.”East or West, … … ….”
12. Name the nationalities of the next countries:
China, Kazakhstan, Great Britain, the USA, Spain.
13. Name the grammar tense of the next sentences:
I study English language at school.
We are taking part in the competition.
How long have you been learning Mathematics?
What will you do tomorrow?
14. Continue the proverb: “… in need, is … indeed.”
b) “Puzzles in black box”
- the next round is called “Puzzles in black box”. The questions is hidden in black box. There are 15 of them. Find the question in the box and answer it. You will get one point for every right answer.
1)‘My heart is in the Highlands
My heart is not here
My heart is in the Highlands
A - chasing a deer
A - chasing a wild deer
and the following the roe
My heart is in the Highlands wherever I go.”
Whose poem is it? Name the poet.
2) We cut and mix vegetables to make …
3) Meat from a cow?
4) What can you say about the Statue of Liberty?
5) What is the difference between the Washington and Washington D. C.?
6) What is the name of the British flag?
7) Give the plurals, please:
Man, child, woman, ox, radio, foot, tooth, wolf, knife, wife, goose.
8) Fried slices of potatoes?
9) We laugh at ….
10) What should you do to keep fit?
11)“Alive question’’
12)“Alive question”
13)“Alive question ”
14)“Alive question”
15)“Alive question”
c) “Hurry up to see!”
The next round is “Hurry up to see!” I’ll show you several colorful pictures of some places of interest. You are to name them, where they are situated.
1. “Baiterek” Astana
2. “Big Ben” London
3. “the Tower Bridge” London
4. “the Statue of Liberty” New York
5. ‘’The white House” Washington
6. “Medeu” Almaty
d) “Trivial Pursuit”
- I see, our today’s game is coming to its end and the last round will turn out to be decisive. It’s called “Trivial pursuit”. This part is devoted to our captains. Only 10 seconds to think. If you don’t the answer, you’d better hurry up say to me “Go on!” not to waste time. One point will be awarded for every correct answer. This time we shall start with the team which has less point. The captains of other group please come here. Are you ready? Let’s start.
1 team captain’s questions:
1. What is your name?
2. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
3. What is your nationality?
4. Who is the president of Kazakhstan?
5. What is the symbol of England?
6. When do Kazakhs celebrate Nauriz?
7. What river runs through London?
8. What domestic animals do you know?
9. Can you speak English?
10. How many letters are there in English alphabet?
2 team captain’s questions:
1. What is your name?
2. What is the capital of England?
3. When is your birthday?
4. Who is the president of the USA?
5. What river runs through Astana?
6. When do British celebrate Christmas?
7. What is the symbol of the USA?
8. What wild animals do you know?
9. Can you speak Kazakh?
10. How many letters are there in Kazakh alphabet?
4. Қорытынды бөлім.
- Well, the jury, it’s time to declare the winners of our today’s game. You’re welcome.
- ( жюри қорытынды бағаларын хабарлайды) were the top. But team …, there’s no need to worry. You were also great. I’m sure next time you’ll be luckier!
Thanks a lot to everyone for taking an active part in our game. Thanks to all of you for coming, for taking part and learning something! Good bye!

Star’s hour
Оқушыларды тез ойлауға, есте сақтауға, өз ойын жан - жақты толық жеткізуге, дұрыс сөйлеуге баулу; Өзін емін еркін ұстай білуге, мәдениетті деңгейде ойын, пікірін жеткізе білуге үйрету.

Learning English is fun
To check pupils ‘knowledge from English, Kazakh and Russian through playing games, doing different tasks To develop pupils’ reading, speaking and thinking abilities and enlarge their vocabulary.

Learning English is fun
To check pupils’knowledge from English, Kazakh and Russian through playing games, doing different tasks To develop pupils’ reading, speaking and thinking abilities and enlarge their vocabulary.

It is wonderful time
Ақтөбе облысы, Ырғыз ауданы, Ы. Алтынсарин атындағы орта мектеп ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Сабанбаева Элеонора Жанкелдіқызы

Travelling to the Knowledge land
Алматы облысы, Көксу ауданы, Балпық би кенті Нұрмолда Алдабергенов атындағы мектепке дейінгі шағын орталығы бар орта мектеп Ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Кушагенова Жанна Кайратовна

Whois champion
Қызылорда облысы,Қазалы ауданы, Абай ауылы, Абай атындағы №90 орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Қадырова Мира Қанибековна
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Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.
Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.