Where are you going to do during your holidays
Қарағанды қаласы, №92 гимназия
Ағылшын тілі мұғалімі
Дильдабекова Мария Жолдыбайқызы
6th grade
Theme: Where are you going to do during your holidays
Aims: - to introduce the Present Perfect Tense and activate them
- To develop speaking, reading writing skills.
I. The educational tasks of the lesson:
To improve speaking abilities of pupils through checking presentation
To revise can and introduce could activate could in practice
To revise the verb in the Past Simple
II. Developing tasks:
To develop outlook of pupils
To train their memory
To increase their interest to the language by means of expressing the opinion based on the vocabulary learned
III. Bringing up tasks
To bring up skills of communication
To educate respect the other’s opinion
To bring up the tolerant and kindness
Greeting the students:
Good afternoon! How are you today?
Who is on duty today? Who is absent today?
What date is it today? What day is it today?
What is the weather like today?
Warm-up: Have you ever been to Astana? Have you ever been to Russia? Are you going to go to Russia? When are you going to go to Russia? Tell me what are you going to do in summer?
Reading skills: read what Asel and Dmitry wanted to do in New York
Before reading practice the pronunciation of the names of places.
Statue of Liberty, Chinatown, Broadway, Empire State Building, Capitol Central Park.
Ex the students mark the places they have visited on the list and then they read them. The teacher says the sentences and the students say it they are true or false
T – They haven’t been to the Statue of Liberty
St 1 – False They have been to the Statue of Liberty
T- They have been to the museums
St 2 – No They haven’t been there
Speaking skills: The students tell what places they have visited, are going to visit, haven’t visited yet.
St 1 – I have visited Astana I ‘m going to go to Almaty. I haven’t been to Almaty yet
St 2 – I have been to Kokshetay I ‘m going to go to Burabai I haven’t been to Burabai yet.
Ptactise the questions Where are you going to do during your holidays?
St 1 - Where are you going to do during your holidays
St 2 – I’m going to go to Russia
St 3- Have you been to Russia?
St 4 – No, I haven’t
St 5 – What are you going to do tonight?
St 6 – I ‘m going to watch TV
Homework: Ex 5 p 116
Ағылшын тілі мұғалімі
Дильдабекова Мария Жолдыбайқызы
6th grade
Theme: Where are you going to do during your holidays
Aims: - to introduce the Present Perfect Tense and activate them
- To develop speaking, reading writing skills.
I. The educational tasks of the lesson:
To improve speaking abilities of pupils through checking presentation
To revise can and introduce could activate could in practice
To revise the verb in the Past Simple
II. Developing tasks:
To develop outlook of pupils
To train their memory
To increase their interest to the language by means of expressing the opinion based on the vocabulary learned
III. Bringing up tasks
To bring up skills of communication
To educate respect the other’s opinion
To bring up the tolerant and kindness
Greeting the students:
Good afternoon! How are you today?
Who is on duty today? Who is absent today?
What date is it today? What day is it today?
What is the weather like today?
Warm-up: Have you ever been to Astana? Have you ever been to Russia? Are you going to go to Russia? When are you going to go to Russia? Tell me what are you going to do in summer?
Reading skills: read what Asel and Dmitry wanted to do in New York
Before reading practice the pronunciation of the names of places.
Statue of Liberty, Chinatown, Broadway, Empire State Building, Capitol Central Park.
Ex the students mark the places they have visited on the list and then they read them. The teacher says the sentences and the students say it they are true or false
T – They haven’t been to the Statue of Liberty
St 1 – False They have been to the Statue of Liberty
T- They have been to the museums
St 2 – No They haven’t been there
Speaking skills: The students tell what places they have visited, are going to visit, haven’t visited yet.
St 1 – I have visited Astana I ‘m going to go to Almaty. I haven’t been to Almaty yet
St 2 – I have been to Kokshetay I ‘m going to go to Burabai I haven’t been to Burabai yet.
Ptactise the questions Where are you going to do during your holidays?
St 1 - Where are you going to do during your holidays
St 2 – I’m going to go to Russia
St 3- Have you been to Russia?
St 4 – No, I haven’t
St 5 – What are you going to do tonight?
St 6 – I ‘m going to watch TV
Homework: Ex 5 p 116

The Past Perfect Tense (Аяқталған өткен шақ)
Let’s begin our lesson. Our new theme is “The Past Perfect Tense”. We are going to speak about Past Perfect Tense. We are going to act out dialogues, do the exercises, ask the answer the questions in order to enrich your vocabulary and develop

Some developments of agriculture in Kazakhstan. Present Tense
to improve speaking abilities of pupils through discussing the grammar;- to improve their knowledge in grammar;

When is your birthday? (Когда - ваш день рождения)
Маңғыстау облысы, Маңғыстау ауданы, Ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Куатова Гүлжайна

Coulours spelling
Маңғыстау облысы, Маңғыстау ауданы, Ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Куатова Гүлжайна

Planning my time
The plan of the lesson Theme: Planning my time Form: 6 The aims of the lesson: Educational: to consolidate lexical stock, to encourage students in different tasks and to express their opinions, to enrich students’ vocabulary.
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