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Travelling to London

02 қаңтар 2013, Сәрсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Objectives: Unit 4. Step 9. (презентациясымен)
The theme of the lesson: Travelling to London.
• To enrich the pupils’ knowledge giving theme more information about London.
• To develop pupils’ pronunciation in English.
• To great an interest in studying in English language.

Equipment: active board (slides)
Organization moment:
• Good afternoon, children.
• Good afternoon, teacher. Sit down, please.
• Today is the 4th of March.

Checking up the home work.
Teacher: Today our lesson will be unusual. At our lesson we’ll make a trip to London, the capital of Great Britain. But at first let’s checking up the home work. Read the text and translate it. (slide 2)
1 Боранбаева
2 Ж. Айманай
3 Толепов
4 Бисенова
T: And now let’s complete the sentences. (slide 3)

1. London is the capital of Great Britain .
2. It’s population is about 8 million people.
3. London is situated on the both banks of the River Thames.
4. Traditionally London is divided into several parts.
5. The City is the heart of London.
6. Westminster is the historic centre of government.
7. The West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London.
8. There are a lot of factories and docks in the East End.

T: Divide the words into two groups (slide 4)

London is the capital of Great Britain. T
Westminster is the historic centre of government. T
London is the smallest city in the world. F
London is the biggest city in Europe. T
The East End is the richest part of London. F

T: Very good. Thank you.
Presentation of the new material.

T: The theme of our lesson “Travelling to London” (slide 5)
First let’s review all the word which will help us in our journey. (slide 6)
Write new words in your exercise book.

• Ancient ескі
• architect сәулетші
• are buried жерленген
• demonstration демонстрация
• Cathedral үлкен шіркеу
• Church шіркеу
• represent көрсету

• king патша
• Taken place Өтілді
• opposite қарама-қарсы
• queen ханым
• behind артында
• Square алаң
• tower мұнара
• next to жанында

Westminster Abbey. (Next slide 7) Torehan read and translate it.
St. Paul’s Cathedral (Slide 8) Akerke.
Big Ben (slide 9) Zhadyrasyn.
Thames (slide 10)
Buckingham Palace (slide 11) Nazirke
Trafalgar Square (slide 12) Aigerim
National Portrait Gallery (slide 13) Madi
Madame Tussaud’s museum. (slide 14) Aimanai.

Look at the map. (slide 15) You see the river Tames, Tower of London, Big Ben, …
“ It’s better to see something once than to hear about it a hundred times” Ол жайында жүз рет естігінше, бір рет көрген жақсы. (slide 16).
Big Ben (slide 17)
The Tower (slide 18)
The Tower (slide 19)
Tower Bridge (20)
Trafalgar Square (21)
Trafalgar Square (22)
Buckingham Palace (23)
Buckingham Palace (24)
Варота Букингемского дводца (slide 25)
Parade (slide 26)
Parade (slide 27)
Hall (slide 28)
St. Paul’s Cathedral (slide29)
St. Paul’s Cathedral (slide30)
Westminster Abbey. (slide 31)
Westminster Abbey.(slide 32)
The Great Court in the British Museum. (slide 33)
Главные варота Гайд Парка (slide34)
Hide Park (slide 35)
The Bank of England (slide36)
Stock Exchange (slide 37)
The Houses of Parliament (38)
The Houses of Parliament (39)
Bridge (40)

Match the pictures and the words. (slide 41).

St. Paul’s Cathedral
Piccadilly Circus

Big Ben
The Thames
Westminster Abbey

Match the pictures and the words. (slide 42).

Trafalgar Square
National portrait gallery

Double Decker

Unscramble these places you find in a city and write them into your copy-books. (slide 43)

• dcthrlaae ______cathedral___
• uummse __ Museum_______
• igb bne _Big Ben ________
• rta yllgrea _art Gallery_______
• nsviiutery __university______
• bdergi ____Bridge______
• rteow _____tower________

Look at the map of London, put in behind, opposite, next to . Ask your partner (slide 44)
a Where's the British Museum? It's _opposite_ the London University.
b Where's St. Paul's Cathedral? It's _next to___ Stock Exchange.
c Where's the Tower? It's _next to____ the River Thames.
e Where's the Bank of England? It's _behind___ Stock Exchange.

Concluding stage: Open the book on p 129. Ex: 7.
Home work: Ex: 1, 2; p: 130.
Giving marks.

Назар аударыңыз! Жасырын мәтінді көру үшін сізге сайтқа тіркелу қажет.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Сәтпаев орта мектебі Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Битимбаева К.М. The theme of the lesson: “ The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”
To introduce pupils’ with sights of Astana and London. To enrich the pupils’ knowledge of new words, to improve pronunciation and to develop oral speech. To educate pupils’ to love the beauty of London and be proud of the beauty of their native town
Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Қалыбаева Тұрдыхан Рамазановна
Geography and travelling
Geography and travelling
Ақтөбе Облысы, Ақтөбе қаласы, №52 негізгі мектеп ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Юсупова Венера Омирзаковна
Trains. Travelling
Trains. Travelling
Оңтүстік Қазақстан облысы, Түлкібас ауданы, Б. Момышұлы атындағы жалпы орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Үргенішбаева Гүлзат Нәбиқызы
Kazakhstan and London
Kazakhstan and London
Маңғыстау облысы, Маңғыстау ауданы, Шетпе лицейінің ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Аманиязова Жанар Болатқызы
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