Pets, our lovely pets
17.03.10-6”C”, Unit 5 “Wildlife”
Topic:”Pets, our lovely pets!”(2 lessons)
Guiding question: “What is your attitude to keeping pets?” PROS and CONS
Areas of Interaction:
ATL-we learn how to be organized and disciplined, open minded
Environments-we learn to respect others, everything that is around us.
CS- we learn how to take care of others, especially unprotected animals, to save their lives, to love them and be attentive to them.
Grammar to be used while discussing this topic:
♦ Types of questions
♦ Articles a/an/the
♦ Conditional 1
♦ Conditional 2
Objectives of the lesson:
1. To develop students’ skills of speaking, reading, listening, writing, thinking, problems solving through the activities used on this very lesson.
2. To develop students’ general knowledge about pets’ keeping; -how to take care, how to feed, how to behave with them.
3. To make students understand and love animals, not to destroy their habitats.
Topic:”Pets, our lovely pets!”(2 lessons)
Guiding question: “What is your attitude to keeping pets?” PROS and CONS
Areas of Interaction:
ATL-we learn how to be organized and disciplined, open minded
Environments-we learn to respect others, everything that is around us.
CS- we learn how to take care of others, especially unprotected animals, to save their lives, to love them and be attentive to them.
Grammar to be used while discussing this topic:
♦ Types of questions
♦ Articles a/an/the
♦ Conditional 1
♦ Conditional 2
Objectives of the lesson:
1. To develop students’ skills of speaking, reading, listening, writing, thinking, problems solving through the activities used on this very lesson.
2. To develop students’ general knowledge about pets’ keeping; -how to take care, how to feed, how to behave with them.
3. To make students understand and love animals, not to destroy their habitats.
Назар аударыңыз! Жасырын мәтінді көру үшін сізге сайтқа тіркелу қажет.

Learner will be given several questions concerning the topic to share with each other.

Павлодар облысы, Екібастұз қаласы, Солнечный поселкесі №28 Абай атындағы жалпы орта білім беретін мектептің ағылшын тілі мұғалімі: Исабекова Сая Жанатовна

Атырауская область, Курмангазинский район, Средняя школа им. М. Ауэзова Учитель английского языка Изатова Бахытгуль Тукеновна

Keeping rules in public places
Open door lesson, 6”C” grade,(Kazakh Taught Stream) “Miras” International School. Theme: “School.” “Keeping rules in public places.”
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