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Sport for health

04 ақпан 2013, Дүйсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Урок: Step 5а 9 класс Дата__________ Проверила ___________
Тема: “Sport for health”
Задачи: 1. Практиковать учащихся в чтении текста и обсуждение проблемы используя информацию из текстов.
2. Развитие навыков говорения по теме
3. формирование навыков здорового образа жизни.
Наглядные пособия: small texts

a) Read these three texts (Ex. 1, p. 28). match them to the sport.
a — 3, b — 1, c — 2.
b) What’s the word? Can you find nine words? All the words from the texts above. Write in your notebook
1. Flexible
2. Heart
3. Lungs
4. Health
5. Strong
6. Body
7. Easy
8. Strong

a) Make a survey about eating. Find out some facts about eating in your class using the following questions:
1. Have you ever been on a diet?
2. Do you avoid fat food?
3. Do you have a lot of salt with your food?
4. Do you take vitamins?
5. Do you eat between meals?
6. Do you eat frozen and take - away meals?
b) Write a short report using the information you collected in your eating survey. Use:
Most of us… Some of us…
Nearly all of us… About half…
None of us… About a quarter…
Hardly any of us… About a third…
A few students…

a) Ex. 3, p. 32 Look at the title of the text and try to predict what it will be about.
b) The following words all appear in the article. Match each with its correct definisions.

1. to giggle -----a) funny, amusing
2. to monitor -----b) the treatment of illness of the mind or body without drugs or operations
3. to research -----c) to watch, listen to or examine what is happening
4. humorous ------d) to laugh in a silly way, childish way
5. therapy ---------e) detailed study of subject to find out something new
c) Ex. 3, p. 32 Read the article once to make sure you have a good general idea of what it is about.

V. Match the summaries of the paragraph to the correct paragraph
3 — We lose an astonishing 385 laughs a day
5 — there were 4 laughs
2 — the opinion of the 1st specialist
1 — this is laughter therapy in action
4 — the effect of the laughter

Exercise 5, 6, p. 33
Get ready to the Progress Test on page 201


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