Using songs in the adult classroom
Using songs in the adult classroom
«Music is biologically part of human life,
just as music is aesthetically part of human life.»
Music is often an integral part of the preschool and kindergarten child’s school experience. At school children become independent in choosing music.
Music also plays a role in focusing attention and providing a motivationg environment for learning. In addition, educational research confirms that we learn and retain information better when we find it interesting and meaningful.
Thus music can be successfully used in the adult English as a second language classroom to create a learning and motivating environment: to develop listening comprehension, speaking,
reading, and writing skills: to increase vocabulary; and to expand cultural knowledge.
“Why songs are so popular in the classroom?” Here some of their answers:
“I always have a felling that a song speaks directly to me. It’s great feeling. I like it.”
“Songs create a kind of atmosphere when I feel relaxed and comfortable.”
“They are not - threatening, I feel they are my friends”
“We can do both learn and enjoy. Our teacher gives us a chance to choose the song we like. That is wonderful.”
For short songs, students can work in small groups to write the words of a song.
Pop songs are written to be easily understood and enjoyed.
Songs can be used in discussions of culture. They are a rich mine of infotmation about human relations, ethics, customs, history, humor, and regional and cultural differences.
Dancing Queen
You can sing, you can jive,
Having the time of your life
Watch that girl, watch that scene,
Dig in the Dancing Queen
Monday night and the lights are low
Looking out for the place to go
Where they play the right songs,
Getting in the swing
You come in to look for a boyfriend
Anybody could be that guy
Night is young and the music's low
With a bit of rock music, everything is great
You're in the mood for a beer
And when you get the chance...
You are the dancing queen, young and sweet,
only sixteen
Dancing queen, feel the beat
from the tambourine
You can sing, you can jive,
having the time of your life
Watch that girl, watch that scene,
dig in the dancing queen
You're a teaser, you turn them off
Leave them burning and then you're gone
Looking out for another, anyone will do
You're in the mood for a coffee
And when you get the chance...
«Music is biologically part of human life,
just as music is aesthetically part of human life.»
Music is often an integral part of the preschool and kindergarten child’s school experience. At school children become independent in choosing music.
Music also plays a role in focusing attention and providing a motivationg environment for learning. In addition, educational research confirms that we learn and retain information better when we find it interesting and meaningful.
Thus music can be successfully used in the adult English as a second language classroom to create a learning and motivating environment: to develop listening comprehension, speaking,
reading, and writing skills: to increase vocabulary; and to expand cultural knowledge.
“Why songs are so popular in the classroom?” Here some of their answers:
“I always have a felling that a song speaks directly to me. It’s great feeling. I like it.”
“Songs create a kind of atmosphere when I feel relaxed and comfortable.”
“They are not - threatening, I feel they are my friends”
“We can do both learn and enjoy. Our teacher gives us a chance to choose the song we like. That is wonderful.”
For short songs, students can work in small groups to write the words of a song.
Pop songs are written to be easily understood and enjoyed.
Songs can be used in discussions of culture. They are a rich mine of infotmation about human relations, ethics, customs, history, humor, and regional and cultural differences.
Dancing Queen
You can sing, you can jive,
Having the time of your life
Watch that girl, watch that scene,
Dig in the Dancing Queen
Monday night and the lights are low
Looking out for the place to go
Where they play the right songs,
Getting in the swing
You come in to look for a boyfriend
Anybody could be that guy
Night is young and the music's low
With a bit of rock music, everything is great
You're in the mood for a beer
And when you get the chance...
You are the dancing queen, young and sweet,
only sixteen
Dancing queen, feel the beat
from the tambourine
You can sing, you can jive,
having the time of your life
Watch that girl, watch that scene,
dig in the dancing queen
You're a teaser, you turn them off
Leave them burning and then you're gone
Looking out for another, anyone will do
You're in the mood for a coffee
And when you get the chance...

My music
distinguish between phonemically distinct words; respond to questions on a limited range of general and some curricular topics;

My room. Project time
make basic personal statements about people, objects and classroom routines

Music keeps me happy!
Атырау қаласы, Ф. Оңғарсынова атындағы орта мектебінде ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Арайлым Нургалиева Избасаровна

MTV Contest (ән мен әншілер туралы)
Pupils listen to 10 pieces of music and should guess the singer or music band; if they know the exact name of the song they get an additional point.

Guess the melody
Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы, Әйтеке би кенті Ыбырай Алтынсарин атындағы № 204 орта мектеп ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Бозаева Алмагуль Бекетовна

Music keeps me happy!
Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы, Әйтеке би кенті, Ы. Алтынсарин атындағы №204 орта мектеп ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Бозаева Алмагуль
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Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.
Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.