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Choosing schools

08 ақпан 2013, Жұма
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
The plan of the lesson.
Form: 9 “A” “Ә”
The theme of the lesson: Choosing schools

The aims of the lesson:
1. To check up their knowledge on this theme
Practical aims
1. to develop listening, writing and speaking abilities
2. to check up the knowledge of lexic
Developing aims:
1. to improve students' motivation and participation
in classroom activities
2. to stimulate students' to a learning foreign language
Visual aids: a computer, projector
Visual materials: cards, wallpaper, pictures

The procedure of the lesson.

Organization moment:
Teacher’s activity Pupils’ activity
- Good, morning children! - Good morning, good morning
Good morning too you
Good morning and teacher
How are you?
- I’m very well, thank you! And you? - We are fine.
- Sit down, please
- Who is on duty today? - I’m on duty today.
- Who is absent? - All are present.
- What day is it today? - Today is…Thursday
- What date is it today? - Today is the 7 th of February

Our theme in our lesson is “Choosing schools.”
Speak about your school
Exercise 8 Read the text
Traditional British school

Well, I went to a traditional British public school. I left four years ago. The school is in the city. It has about 700 students, and it's mostly a boarding school. There are lots of facilities for sport — tennis courts, a swimming pool. There are also good science laboratories and lots of computers. The classes are small, so if you fall behind with your work the teacher will go over it with you. It may have changed now, but we did a lot of subjects and we even had lessons on Saturday mornings! We had some free afternoons when we could get together. They gave us lots of homework and we had tests all the time. 1 remember that after - school clubs were quite popular. I was in a drama club — we once put on a performance of Hamlet — and I also set up a school radio station! There were lots of rules and discipline was strict. We could only go out of the school at certain times, and we had to wear a uniform. I didn't get into trouble very often, but one of my friends did. He got lots of punishments — he wasn't allowed to go out at the weekend, and once he was sent home for three weeks.

Read the text “Alternative American school”
Exercise 9 Read the text again and complete the table. Draw a table of this kind in your notebook

British school
American school
Location and size
After - school activities

Exercise 12 complete the sentences
There’s a good library in our school if you want to ——– information or —— your work
I couldn’t finish my diploma work because of my health and now I’m —– it
I have to sisters. We all —- which each other
There are a lot of after - school activities you can —–
At university we have free afternoons when we can ——
My brother is going to ——– his own restaurant

VIII. Home work

Geography and travelling. Review lesson
Geography and travelling. Review lesson
Talking about the countries; getting new information; enlarging students’ vocabularies;
School rules
School rules
To improve the skills using the lexical and grammar materials on the theme school rules
To improve the skills using the lexical and grammar materials on the theme places
Қызылода облысы, Шиелі ауданы, №127 Ш. Уәлиханов атындағы орта мектеп - лицейі ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Ұлтарақова Қалдыгүл Секенқызы
Planning my time
Planning my time
The plan of the lesson Theme: Planning my time Form: 6 The aims of the lesson: Educational: to consolidate lexical stock, to encourage students in different tasks and to express their opinions, to enrich students’ vocabulary.
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