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English around us

13 ақпан 2013, Сәрсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
The aims of the lesson: "English around us."
to enrich pupils’ knowledge concerning the theme. to develop pupils’ interest to work with the team and more information about English language
to develop pupils’ skills in oral speech and reading, to practice active vocabulary in speech and to develop pupils’ communication skills. Presentation skills;
to bring up the feeling of love towards the education and to develop pupils’ interest the English language;

Visual aids: picture, cards, new words, interactive board, text papers.

The outline of the lesson

I. Organization moment.
II. Check up the homework.
New lesson
III. Crossword
IV. Introduce with the new words.
V. Work with the text.
VI. Work with the cards. Conclusion.
VII. Speaking.
VIII. Homework.
XI. Marks.
X. The end of the lesson

I. Organization moment.
- Good morning, pupils!
How are you?
Who is duty today?
Who is absent?
Today we are going to speak about the theme “English around us”.

II. Check up the homework.
- What was your homework for this lesson?
Are you ready?

III. Crossword
Which month is the day of Independence celebrated in?
The capital of Kazakhstan
The language we learn.
The ocean which washes the west coast of GB
The head of the state is…..
The name of continent.
The river in the UK
The state language of Kazakhstan is…..
The name of the planet we live on.
What is the translation of the of the word “күш”

IV. Introduce with the new words.

Now pupils, look at the blackboard. Today we have some new words. Listen to me then repeat after me.
Solve [s l v], v. Come to answer, explanation;
Sign [sain], n, a standard mark;
Software s ftwe], n. tech. The set of system (in the form of programs rather than machine parts) which control operations of a computer. Opposite – hardware;
Sweat shirt swetn. Sort of T - shirt
Magicm dik], n. A strange influence or power;
En rich [in rit ], v. To make rich
Influence [` influens], v. have an effect on; What influenced you to do it?

Integrate [` int greit], v. 1) combine two things as to form a whole: I integrated your suggestion with my plan. 2) to become a member of community: Kazakhstan is integrating into the world community.

Affair, n – іс
Frequent, adj – жиі
Solve, v – мәселені шешу
Sign, n. - белгі
Software, n. – программалық қамтамасыз ету
Magic, n. – сиқыршылық
Integrate, v. - бірігу
Influence, v. - ықпал ету
Enrich, v. – байыту

V. Work with the text.
Now pupils, ll give you papers with the text “English around the world”. At the first read the text in you group and tell us what do you understand reading the text. The first group:

When you were learning the meaning of the word “around” you were given an example of using it in the sentence “English around the world”. Lets think why it is said so. “Do you speak English?” – this question is most frequently heard when people from different countries gather. Although there are about three thousand languages in the world, English is the most widespread. It is the official language is many countries. It is the official language of the UK of GB and Northern Ireland, of the USA, of Australia and New Zealand. English is used as one of the official languages in Canada, in the Irish Republic and the Republic of South Africa. It is also spoken as a second language in many parts of India and Africa.

English is the most widely used language in international business, science and foreign affairs. Some people say that English should be to international language because it is the most widespread language in the world. They think that many problems may be solved easier if everyone speaks English. So we can say English concerns everyone.

The second group:
Let s put ourselves into the real conditions of our life. English is everywhere. It is signs, clothing, soft drinks and households products around the world. The names of pop - group, software and magazine are often presented in English. Sometimes we use English words for effect rather than as a language, for example. “OK!” or “no problem” to the end of our talk.
Learning English is becoming important for everyone because we live in real life and we should know what is going on around us in the world. The world is changing rapidly is many fields, of technology, business, science, education, arts and medicine. These changes will influence us sooner or later. Today the Republic of Kazakhstan is integrating into the world com – 72 minute and the problem of learning English for the purpose of communication is especially important for us.
Now you are learning English and if you want to know it well you should always work hard. You may ask what should be done to know English better. Shortly speaking you should
Enrich your vocabulary;
Use new words in grammar structures and conversation;
Read in English as much as possible;
Write in English not only exercises given by the teacher but do it in your own diary; write about the thinks which you have already learned in English;
Listen to BBC news in English;
Communicate if possible with English speaking people; it will help you a lot.
Soon you will see your progress in English. Remember the rule: Learn speaking by speaking. Learn reading by reading.
VI. Work with the cards.
Card #1
“Do you speak English?” – this question is most frequently heard when people from different countries gather.
Ағылшын тілі дүние жүзіндегі ең көп тараған тіл
Card #2
Although there are about 3 000 languages in the world, English is most widespread.
Ол дүние жүзінің көптеген елдерінде мемлекеттік тіл болып табылады.
Card #3
It is the official language in many countries
Ағылшын тілі Ұлыбританияның, Солтүстік Ирландияның, АҚШ тың Аустралияның және Жаңа зенландияның мемлекеттік тілі.
Card #4
English is the most widely used language in international business, science and foreign affairs
Ағылшын тілі халақаралық бизнесте, ғылымда және шет мемлекеттермен қатынаста жиі қолданылады.
Card #5
Some people say that English should be the international language because it is the most widespread language in the world.
Ағылшын тілі әр түрлі салада қолданылады
Card #6
English is everywhere. It is in signs, clothing, soft drinks and household products around the world.
Әлемде не болып жатқанын білу үшін ақылшын тілін біліп үйрену әрбір адам үшін қажеттілікке айналуда
Card #7
The names of pop – groups, software and magazines are often present in English.
Бүгінде Қазақстанды дүние жүзі мемлекет ретінде таниды. Сондықтан ағылшын тілін оқып үйркну қажеттілік тудырып отыр.
Card #8
English words are used as an magic to be included on T – shirt, sweat shirts, and caps.
Бұл күждері біз ағылшын тілін үйренудеміз.
Card #9
The world is changing rapidly is many fields, of technology, business, science, education, arts and medicine. These changes will influence us sooner or later.
Егер біз оніы жақсы білгіміз келсе, тек өзіміздің талабымыз бен еңбегіміздің арқасында ғана мақсатқа жете аламыз.
VII. Speaking
Today you read and speak about English languages. Now answer to my questions.
Why is it said English “ around the world?”
What fields is English used in?
Why should people learn English?
Why should we living in Kazakhstan learn English too?
What should you do learn English better?
VIII. Homework.
Your homework for the next lesson ex. 7 p. 74 read the dialogue.
IX. Marks.
X The end of the lesson.
The lesson is over. Thank you for attention. Good bye!

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Мұғалімі: Арысланова Сания Облысы: Қызылорда Ауданы: Шиелі Ауылы: Ақмая Мектебі: №49 The theme of the lesson: Dream vacation
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Lesson plan of the teacher of English Seksenbaeva Mira, conducted in the 4th grade Сөздік қорларын дамытуға арналған
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