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Caring for our world

16 қараша 2013, Сенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Form: 11
Theme:”Caring for our world”
1. Educational: talking about the places which have ecological problems, giving opinions, introducing pupils to global environmental issues
2. Developing: developing pupils’ logical thinking, predicting and speaking habits and skills, examining the links between the environment and people
3. Upbringing: making conclusions and generalizations of the main problems
Visual aids: ActivBoard, USB - flash, quote on the blackboard “If you don` t think about your future, you will not have it”, “Think globally, act locally”.
Type: non - traditional
Methods: problem
Forms: collective, group, individual
Procedure of the lesson

1. Organization moment
T: Good morning, children! --------- P: Good morning, teacher!
T: Who is on duty today? ----------- P: I’m on duty today
T: Who is absent? -------------------- P: All are present
2. Actualization
T: We have learned the sentences with wish. Now answer my question
T: What is the Kazakh for “wish”? -------- P: Қазіргі уақытта мүмкін емес нәрсені қалау сезімі
Translate into Kazakh
I wish I had a good friend ---------------------- Менің жақсы досым болғанда
I wish I was a sportsman ----------------------- Мен спортшы болғанымда
I wish I could become Robin Hood ---------- Мен Робин Гудқа айнала алсам ғой
3. New Lesson
T: Today we will have the lesson on the theme “Caring for our world”
We will talk about the places which have ecological problems
a) Warm - up
T: As a warm - up work I'll begin with the breaking news in the world
Do you know about the record jump from the space? (Video about Baumgartner)
P: Yes, we do
T:"Sometimes you have to go up really high to understand how small you are" said Felix Baumgartner
(The music of L. Armstrong “What a wonderful world”)
T: So the Earth is fragile, when viewed from space, it fits in the palm. And people on it are also defenseless.

So we must protect our home!
b) Presentation
1. Look at the video for children “Taking care of our world”
2. Introducing the Millennium Development Goals
Мыңжылдық даму мақсаттары

T: In 2000, 189 countries signed up to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The MDGs are 8 goals to help the world’s poorest people meet their needs. The aim of the Goals is try to overcome the biggest problems that face the world’s poorest people. We are going to learn what these Goals are.

1. аса ауыр қайыршылық пен аштықты жою
2. жалпыға бірдей бастауыш біліммен қамтамасыз ету
3. гендерлік теңдікті қамтамасыз ету және әйелдердің құқықтары мен мүмкіншіліктерін кеңейту
4. балалар өлімін қысқарту
5. әйел денсаулығын жақсарту
6. СПИД - пен, малариямен және басқа аурулармен күрес
7. экологиялық тұрақтылықты қамтамасыз ету
8. даму жолындағы жахандық бірігу
3. THE MDGs linking worksheet
T: Match the problem with the correct MDG. On this worksheet there are 8 problems. Meeting the MDG targets would help to solve these problems. Match the problem with the right MDG. Here’s one example to get you started…

Over half of the world’s children are born into poverty
1 child under 5 years of age dies every 4 seconds due to hunger or preventable
In developing countries almost 3 million people die every year from TB (a lung disease) and malaria. Hundreds of millions more
The world’s poorest people are the least powerful. They can find it difficult to get governments and rich countries to listen to them
Women grow most of the food in poor countries, but women only own 1% of the land
A woman in sub - Saharan Africa is over 200 times more likely to dies when having a baby than a woman in Ireland
72 million children around the world are out of school
1 in 3 of the world’s people don’t have proper toilets or washing facilities and almost 1 in 3 children in developing countries has no clean water to drink

Look at the blackboard, please. There is a quotation by a famous English writer G. Golsworthy – P1 - “If you don` t think about your future, you will not have it”.
T – What does it mean?
P1 – We should not damage our planet.
4. Match the pictures and sentence
Air pollution, conditions for poorest people living in big cities, safe drinking water, climate change, drying of the seas
air pollution -------------------- conditions for poorest people living in big cities
safe drinking water ------------------------ climate change

drying of the seas
5. Exercise 6. Read the text.
6. Brainstorming.
Have you ever been to the Aral Sea? ------------------ Yes, I have
Where is it located? --------------------- It’s located in Kazakhstan
What’s the problem of the Aral region? ------------------- a dying sea
7. Watch a video “The Aral Sea catastrophe and energy security”
Watch it very carefully as you will have a quiz after the video. Now look at these unknown words from the text. Listen to them and remember
irrigate - жерді жасанды жолмен суландыру
have talked about the ways how to fill it back – қайтадан толтыру жолдары туралы айтып келеді
build a dam - бөгет салу
northern part of the sea - теңіздің солтүстік бөлігі
Kazakh side - қазақ жағы
has grown - өсті
percent - процент
has still done nothing - әлі ештеңе істеген жоқ
1 billion dollar cotton industry - 1 миллиард доллар мақта өнеркәсібі
exposed sea is significantly easy to explore for oil and gas - жалаңаш теңіз мұнай мен газ барлауға айрықша оңай
These questions will be given to you after the video. Read and be ready to answer them
1. What is a problem in Central Asia?
2. What countries have talked about the ways how to fill it back?
3. What country built a dam?
4. How many percent has sea grown in Kazakh side?
5. What for is it easy to explore?

Playing the video showing the reasons and results of shrinkage of the Aral Sea
Have you any questions or is there anything you didn’t understand? You can watch it a second time if necessary.

Answer the questions
1. What is a problem in Central Asia?
a) water b) gas
2. What countries have talked about the ways how to fill it back?
a) Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan b) Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
3. What country built a dam?
a) Uzbekistan b) Kazakhstan
4. How many percent has sea grown in Kazakh side?
a) 50% b) 05%
5. What for is it easy to explore?
a) cotton b) oil and gas

c. Conclusion
How can we care for our world?
d. Giving homework Ex. 9 Translate into English The lesson is over
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0 дауыс

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