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How many boys are there in your class?

13 ақпан 2014, Бейсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Form 5
Theme of the lesson: How many boys are there in your class?
Aims of the lesson:
Educational: To enrich pupils’ speech using vocabulary, knowledge, listening activities, memory.
Developing: To develop their reading, writing, speaking skills and grammar, lexical habits.
Bringing - up: To bring - up interest to the subject, to bring - up pupils to be attentive to write neatly.
Visual aids: pictures, an interactive board.
Outline of the lesson:
I Organization moment
- Greetings
II Checking the homework: Exercise 15, 16

III Warm - up:
- How many fingers do I have?
Five on my right hand,
Five on my left hand.
How many fingers do I have?
How many toes do I have?
Five on my right foot,
Five on my left foot.
How many toes do I have?

IV. Vocabulary work:
long [lɔŋ] – длинный
short [ʃɔːt] - короткий

IV. The theme of the lesson.
Our theme in our lesson is “ How many boys are there in your class?”.
- How many boys are there in your class?
- There are ten boys.
- How many windows are there in your class?
- There are three windows.
Exercise1 p102. Read.

V. Practice work:
Exercise 2 Listen and repeat.
- How many boys are there in your class?
- There are thirteen boys.
Exercise 3. Talk to your friend about the boys and girls in your class. Use the words in the word
Word box
with black hair
with blond hair
with long hair
with blue eyes
with short hair
- How many boys with black hair are there in your class?
- There are four boys with black hair.
Exercise 4. Talk to your friend about the classroom object.
- How many desks are there in your classroom?
- There are twelve desks.
Exercise 5. Talk to your friend about the things in your bag?
- How many pens are there in your bag?
- There are five books.
Exercise 6. Listen and repeat.
Omar: Are there any boys from Kazakhstan?
Colin: No, there aren't any.
Exercise7. Talk to your friend about the boys and girls from other countries, towns, area, etc.
- Are there any boys and girls from India?
- Yes, there are some / No, there aren't any.
Exercise 8. Count the boys and girls with black, brown, blue eyes, with black, brown and blond
hair, and girls with long and short hair and fill in the chart.
VI. Homework: Exercise 9, 10 p103
VIII. Conclusion: Giving marks. The lesson is over! Good bye!

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