Бейсенбі, 27 Наурыз 2025
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Cotton girl and a cat (Мақта қыз бен мысық)

20 ақпан 2014, Бейсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Cotton girl and a cat
Author: Cotton girl and a cat were friends. A girl was cleaning the house and found a nut. She called her cat, but the cat didn’t come and the girl cat the nut herself. Then comes the cat.
Cat: What for you called me?
Author: But the girl say nothing.
Cat: I’ll spill your milk.
Girl: I’ll cut your tail. Cat spilt the milk. Girl cut it is tail
Cat: Return me my tail!
Girl: Return me my milk!
Author: Cat goes to the cow
Cat: Dear cow, give me milk please!
Cow: I’m hungry, bring me leaves. Cat goes to the tree
Cat: Dear tree, give me your leaves, please!
Tree: I’m thirsty I need water, please!
Author: On the way cat met many young girls.
Cat: Dear girls, give me water please!
Girls: Give us chewing - gum!
Author: Cat goes to the shop.
Cat: Give me chewing - gum, please!
Shop assistant: If you give me eggs, I’ll give you chewing - gum.
Author: Cat go to the hens.
Cat: Dear hens, give me some eggs!
Hens: I want to eat. If you give us some seeds, we will give you a lot of eggs.
Cat saw a mouse and caught it.
Cat: I’ll eat you unless you bring me some seeds.
Mouse brought seeds, hens gave eggs, shop assistant gave chewing - gum, girls gave water, tree gave leaves, cow gave milk, the Cotton girl gave its tail.

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Павлодар облысы, Екібастұз қаласы, Солнечный поселкесі №28 Абай атындағы жалпы орта білім беретін мектептің ағылшын тілі мұғалімі: Исабекова Сая Жанатовна
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