My computer
My computer
5 form
Ф. Б. Айтжанова
«Сары - Арқа жалпы орта білім беретін орта мектеп»КММ
Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
The aims of the lesson: To enable students to talk about their time - table, about their school subjects by asking: «When have we got Biology?»,«How many lessons have you got on Monday?», «When is Maths?».
The type of the lesson: mixed lesson
The equipment: pictures with the names of subjects, a computer, slides, the interactive board.
The procedure of the lesson.
Organization moment.
Warm - up.
Your friend is his friend,
His friend is her friend,
Her friend is your friend,
But who then is my friend?
Your friend are our friends,
Our friends are their friends,
Their friends are your friends,
They are all then my friends.
Checking home task.
Match the professions.
an astronaut --------------- Мұғалім
a secretary ----------------- Банк менеджері
a taxi - driver -------------- Инженер
a doctor -------------------- Оператор
a teacher ------------------ Тіс дәрігері
a housewife --------------- Хатшы
a musician ----------------- Дәрігер
a lawyer -------------------- Жүргізуші
a driver --------------------- Үй шаруасында
a dentist ------------------- Музыкант
an operator --------------- Заң қызметкері
a bank manager ---------- Космонавт
Presentation of the new lesson.
The theme of the lesson is «My computer». Today we will speak the names of school subjects: Mathematics, History, Biology, Music, Computer Studies, etc.
Listen and speaking:
Exercise 1. p. 87. Dialogue. (Pair work)
Colin: We`ve got Maths on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
Ben: When do you have French?
Colin: Every day except Friday.
Ben: We`ve computer studies.
Colin: When?
Ben: On Wednesday.
Colin: How great!
Ben: When is Art? Art is my favourite subject.
Exercise 2. p. 88. Listen and repeat.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Friday Saturday Sunday Every day
Exercise 3. p. 88. Complete the crossword with the days of the week.
3. Wednesday
5. Friday
2. Tuesday
7. Sunday
6. Saturday
1. Monday
4. Thursday
Presentation of the question «How many lessos (Maths) have we got on Wednesday?»
Use Colin`s time - table, exercise 6.
Exercise 11. p. 89. Look and read.
This is the screen.
This is my computer.
This is the keyboard.
This is the mouse.
Exercise 12. a) Look and read
I can switch on my computer.
I can write e - mails.
I can type my tasks.
I can print.
b) Talk to your friend.
What can you do?
This is the printer. I can use the internet.
Exercise 13. Talk to your friend about your time - table.
– When do we have English?
On ….
– How many lessons do we have?
– What are they?
They are: Maths, ….
How many lessons do you have? – Сенде қанша сабақ бар?
What are they? - Олар қандай сабақтар?
Are you good at Maths? – Сен математикадан жақсымысың?
Time - table – сабақ кестесі
Work with the interactive board.
Make up words:
unsady -
mndaoy -
dfayri -
utesady -
edwnsayde -
stuhrady -
Check yourself: Sunday, Monday, Saturday, Friday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
Home task.
Conclusion. Evaluation
5 form
Ф. Б. Айтжанова
«Сары - Арқа жалпы орта білім беретін орта мектеп»КММ
Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
The aims of the lesson: To enable students to talk about their time - table, about their school subjects by asking: «When have we got Biology?»,«How many lessons have you got on Monday?», «When is Maths?».
The type of the lesson: mixed lesson
The equipment: pictures with the names of subjects, a computer, slides, the interactive board.
The procedure of the lesson.
Organization moment.
Warm - up.
Your friend is his friend,
His friend is her friend,
Her friend is your friend,
But who then is my friend?
Your friend are our friends,
Our friends are their friends,
Their friends are your friends,
They are all then my friends.
Checking home task.
Match the professions.
an astronaut --------------- Мұғалім
a secretary ----------------- Банк менеджері
a taxi - driver -------------- Инженер
a doctor -------------------- Оператор
a teacher ------------------ Тіс дәрігері
a housewife --------------- Хатшы
a musician ----------------- Дәрігер
a lawyer -------------------- Жүргізуші
a driver --------------------- Үй шаруасында
a dentist ------------------- Музыкант
an operator --------------- Заң қызметкері
a bank manager ---------- Космонавт
Presentation of the new lesson.
The theme of the lesson is «My computer». Today we will speak the names of school subjects: Mathematics, History, Biology, Music, Computer Studies, etc.
Listen and speaking:
Exercise 1. p. 87. Dialogue. (Pair work)
Colin: We`ve got Maths on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
Ben: When do you have French?
Colin: Every day except Friday.
Ben: We`ve computer studies.
Colin: When?
Ben: On Wednesday.
Colin: How great!
Ben: When is Art? Art is my favourite subject.
Exercise 2. p. 88. Listen and repeat.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Friday Saturday Sunday Every day
Exercise 3. p. 88. Complete the crossword with the days of the week.
3. Wednesday
5. Friday
2. Tuesday
7. Sunday
6. Saturday
1. Monday
4. Thursday
Presentation of the question «How many lessos (Maths) have we got on Wednesday?»
Use Colin`s time - table, exercise 6.
Exercise 11. p. 89. Look and read.
This is the screen.
This is my computer.
This is the keyboard.
This is the mouse.
Exercise 12. a) Look and read
I can switch on my computer.
I can write e - mails.
I can type my tasks.
I can print.
b) Talk to your friend.
What can you do?
This is the printer. I can use the internet.
Exercise 13. Talk to your friend about your time - table.
– When do we have English?
On ….
– How many lessons do we have?
– What are they?
They are: Maths, ….
How many lessons do you have? – Сенде қанша сабақ бар?
What are they? - Олар қандай сабақтар?
Are you good at Maths? – Сен математикадан жақсымысың?
Time - table – сабақ кестесі
Work with the interactive board.
Make up words:
unsady -
mndaoy -
dfayri -
utesady -
edwnsayde -
stuhrady -
Check yourself: Sunday, Monday, Saturday, Friday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
Home task.
Conclusion. Evaluation
Назар аударыңыз! Жасырын мәтінді көру үшін сізге сайтқа тіркелу қажет.

Family relationships
keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general and curricular topics

This is my friend
Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайту, дос туралы сөйлеуге үйрету. Достыққа, жолдастыққа тәрбиелеу

This is my friend
To teach pupils say about their friends, to enrich their vocabulary. To develop reading, writing, lexical habits. To bring up their love profession.

This is my friend
ОҚО, Бәйдібек ауданы, Шаян ауылындағы №1 жалпы орта мектеп-интернатының ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Бекеева Гулжан Махамбетқызы

What does your father do?
Ақтөбе облысы, Шалқар қаласы, №2 мектеп – гимназиясының ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Кеулімжаева Базаркүл Елеуқызы

Me and my friends
Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы, Әйтеке би кенті. №249 мектеп-лицейдің ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Сералиева Динара Куанышбаевна
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