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Her Majesty the Queen

18 ақпан 2015, Сәрсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
The theme: Her Majesty the Queen.
The Aim: 1. To enrich pupils knowledge about royal family, to develop pupils abilities in
speaking; to enrich their vocabulary.
2. To develop their reading, writing, listening skills and grammar, lexical habits.
3. To bring up pupils to be attentive, to write neat and correct.
The type of the lesson: mixed lesson
Teaching methods: speaking, reading, writing, completing, comparing.
Visual aids: an interactive board, pictures
The Procedure of the Lesson

I. Organization moment.
Теасher: Good morning, boys and girls. I`m so glad to see you today.
Good morning, dear colleagues! Welcome to our lesson.
Today we are going to talk about royal family, king and queen.
Today we`re going to read, speak and write about royal family, king and queen.
We will revision last grammar materials and do a lot of tasks.
The class is divided into two groups and will works in groups.
“Boys” and “Girls”

II. Now, first – What was your home task for today? Revision all covered materials about prepositions.
Prepositions of movement:
Across – out -
Around – over -
Away from – past -
Down – through -
Into – toward –
Off – under -
Onto – up -

Task № 1 Work with cards. Complete the sentences with missing prepositions
1. Kim jumped ….. the pool of water.
2. Peter went …… the bridge.
3. He rode his camel ……. the desert.
4. The ball went …… the net.
5. He drove the truck ……. the hill.
6. Christopher Columbus sailed ….. the Atlantic Ocean.
7. Carol looked ……. the window.
8. They went …… the stairs.
9. Roger ran …….. the wall.
10. We drove ……. the tunnel.
11. Rossana walked ……the street.
12. The airplane flew ……. the city.
Now, share with neighbour answer sheets and check his work.

1. over 5. down 9. to
2. to 6. across 10. through
3. across 7. through 11. across
4. over 8. up 12. over

How many mistake did your neighbour?

III. Now, look at the blackboard. Write down the new theme.
The theme of our lesson is “Her Majesty the Queen”.
I want to show you presentation about Royal family. Presentation.

New words:
Duke – Герцог (атақтың ең жоғары деңгейі)
Duke of York – Йорк герцогы
Heir presumptive – Мұрагер (монархтың ер баласы болмаған жағдайда, ер баласы өмірге келгенге дейін монархтың үлкен қызы немесе бауыры бола алады.)
Work with text. Read and translate the text: Her Majesty the Queen.
The Queen was born in London on 21 April 1926, the first child of King George and Queen Elizabeth. Five weeks later she was christened Elizabeth Alexandra Mary in the chapel at Buckingam Palace. The Princess`s early years were spent at 145 Picadilly, in London and the country homes of grandparents, King George V and Queen Mary. Princesss Elizabeth was educated at home with Princess Margaret, her younger sister. After her father succeeded to the throne in 1936 and she became heir presumptive, she started to study history and law. She also studied art and music, learned to ride and enjoyed amateur theatricals and swimming.
Prince Phillip - was born on 10 June 1921. He was the only son of Prince Andrew of Greece.
The Prince came to Britain at an early age to be educated. He attended a school, in Scotland, and the Royal Naval College. During the second World War he served at the sea. The Prince plays an active part in national life and acts as president or patron of some 800 organizations. The Prince is a keen sportsman.

IV. Physical minute. Stand up – Hands up - Hands down …..

V. Work with posters. Posters “Queen” and “Phillip”. Write down all about the queen and the king what do you know about them.
The next, you must say 2 stars and 1 wish.
- Work was good, but … to use little information, not enough to work.
- Work is very full, but it would be good if the work was more colourful.
- Please, say me what mark you put …. For example.

VI. Conclusion.
In conclusion of our lesson I would like to show you photopresentation about
Royal Family.
I like you today. – Do you like our lesson? – I do too.
And I hope you `ll be use this information about Royal Family not only at the lessons and of course in your life.
Your marks are: … Your home task: to prepare retelling of the text “Queen and Prince”
Thank you for the lesson. Good - bye.

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There is /There are оралымы. Animals
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