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Winter and Summer Sports

19 ақпан 2015, Бейсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
11 th form date:
The theme: Winter and Summer Sports
The Aim: 1. To enrich pupils knowledge about sport, to develop pupils abilities in speaking;
to enrich their vocabulary.
2. To develop their reading, writing, listening, skills and grammar, lexical habits.
3. To bring up pupils to be attentive, to write neatly and correctly.
The type of the lesson: mixed lesson
Teaching methods: speaking, reading, writing, completing, comparing.
Visual aids: an interactive board, pictures
The Procedure of the Lesson

I. Organization moment.
Теасher: Good morning, boys and girls. I`m so glad to see you today.
Good morning, dear colleagues! Welcome to our lesson.
Today we are going to talk about winter and summer sports.
Today re going to read, speak and write about different kinds of sport.
We will do a lot of tasks.

II. Now, first – look at the blackboard. Answer my questions, please.
1. What traditional sports and games do you know?
2. What water sports do you know?
3. What team games usually play in our school?
4. Do you know anything about the latest winter and summer Olympic Games?
5. In what city and when did they take place?
6. What is your favorite sport?

III. Work with vocabulary. Repeat after me and translate into native language.
a) Running - cycling - football - swimming - volleyball -
surfing - boxing - snowboarding - climbing –
arm wrestling - mountaing - biking - bodybuilding - street ball -
skateboarding - darts - diving - fitness - windsurfing -

IV. What was your home task for today?
Get ready to prepared some materials about sport. Who wants go to the blackboard?
P 1 -
P 2 - … etc.

V. Teacher: First of all, I`d like to remind you of the difference between the words:
sport and game.
Sport - is an sport activity and another meaning – a kind of sport.
Game - is a sport play.
Here are examples: Boxing is a sport. Volleyball is a game.
Your examples, please. P 1, P 2, P 3…. etc

VI. Work with text. Read and translate. Read one after another.
VII. Summer and Winter Sports

People all over the world are very fond of sports and games. That is one of the things in which people of every nationality and class are united. The most popular outdoor winter sports are shooting, hunting, hockey and, in the countries where the weather is frosty and there is much snow — skating, skiing and tobogganing. It's so nice to go to the skating - rink on a frosty sunny day. Some people prefer to be out of town in such weather and to sledge or to ski in the woods. Many people greatly enjoy figure - skating and ski - jumping.
Summer affords excellent opportunities for swimming, boating, yachting, cycling, gliding and many other sports. Among outdoor games football takes the first place in public interests; this game is played in all the countries of the world. The other games that have firmly established themselves in favour in different countries are cricket, volley - ball, basketball, and so on. Badminton is also very popular both with young and old.
All the year round many people indulge in boxing, wrestling, gymnastics and track and field events. Scores of young girls and women go in for callisthenics. Over the last few years aerobics has become popular with young girls and women. Aerobics helps them to be slim, healthy and strong. The interest for it greatly increased thanks to Jane Fonda, a prominent American actress, the founder of this kind of sport. This woman may serve as an impressive example of inexhaustible health, cheerfulness and beauty. Being a great enthusiast of aerobics she has been trying to initiate many women all over the world into this sport.
Among indoor games which one can go in for all the year round are billiards, table tennis, draughts, chess, of course. The results of chess tournamets are studied and discussed by enthusiasts in different countries. So we have all grounds to say that sport is one of the things that makes people kin.
Find answers to the questions in the text and write down in your exercise - book.
1. What are people all over the world fond of?
2. What unites people of every nationality?
3. Why do people prefer to be out of town on a frosty sunny day?
4. What are the most popular outdoor winter sports?
5. What opportunities for sports does suя фmmer afford?
6. What game takes the first place in public interest?
7. When do many people indulge in boxing, wrestling, athletics, gymnastics?
8. Who goes in for calisthenics?
9. Why is chess the great international game?

VIII. The next task exercise № 1
In what sports and games do they use them?
1. Balls – football, tennis, polo etc.
2. Skates - figure skating, ice hockey, ice running etc.
3. Rackets - badminton, tennis, ping - pong etc.
4. Water - water polo, water skiing, swimming etc.
5. Horses - polo, horse racing, jumping etc.

IX. Pupils, your home task was to prepared presentation about sport. Are you ready for the lesson? Who wants to show us your presentation. Please, ….
IX. Conclusion.
In conclusion of our lesson I would like to say that sport is our friend.
I like you today. – Do you like our lesson? – I do too.
And I hope you `ll be strong, athletic and brave not only at the lessons and of course in your life.
Your marks are: … Your home task: to prepare retelling of the text “Winter and summer sport” Thank you for the lesson. Good - bye.

Назар аударыңыз! Жасырын мәтінді көру үшін сізге сайтқа тіркелу қажет.

Winter and summer sport
Winter and summer sport
- To develop pupils’ speaking, translating and thinking skills and abilities on the whole. - To increase their active vocabulary on the given theme.
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A question of sport
A question of sport
Жамбыл облысы, Байзақ ауданы, Ғани Мұратбаев атындағы мектеп-гимназиясының ағылшын және неміс тілдері пәнінің мұғалімі Ергожина Несибелды Зариповна
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