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15 желтоқсан 2015, Сейсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
The theme of the lesson POLYGLOT
The aims: Oқушылардың пәндерге қызығушылықтарын оята отырып логикалық ойлау қабілеттерін дамытып, дуниетанымын кеңеиту, ұиымшылдыққа, тапқырлыққа, алғырлыққа зеінді болуға тәрбиелеу.
Good morning dear teachers and pupils! Welcome to our competition. Our game is very popular. I’ll want to start my lesson with the quotation of our president. ’’Every young man must know three or more foreign languages’’Let me introduce our competitors with the task of the game.
1. Who is the quickest?
2. Polyglot
3. Warm - up
4. Do you know?
5. Riddles
6. Who is the best?
In the first round pupils must find the name of pictureand say it in three languages, for ex. monument - ескерткіш - памятник,
Eagle - буркіт - орел
Deer - бұғы - олень
Bridge - көпір - мост
Nature - табиғат - природа
Helicopter - тікұшақ - вертолет
The juries will give them marks. If the pupils answer in three languages right they’’ll get 15 points
If you say only in one languages your points wil be 5 in two languages 10.
The second round is ‘’Polyglot’’. The pupils must complete the proverbs
East or) west….(home is the best)
How many people…(So many customs)
Куи железо -(пока горячо)
Отансыз адам…(ормансыз булбул )
Ел жаусыз болмас…..
Кто рано встает…..
Better late ….
Ісі жақсынын….
Труд кормит …..
The next we’ll have Warm - up. You’llread questions and answer the it. They are logical questions and it is very interesting.
The third round is Do you know? There are a lot of questions about everything. І
1Where is Kazakhstan situated?(in central Asia)
2Romeo and Juliet was written by…?(W. Shakespeare)
3What is national symbol of England?(red rose)
4The country with the largest population?(CHINA)
5The hottest continent of the world?(Africa)
6The oldest university in England?(Oxford)
8The smallest bird on the world?(Calibri)
They live in a water, but they are not fish. What is it?
After that you’’ll have another task and it’s called Riddles.
Y OU must read and find it’s answer
1. Take off my skin – Iwill not cry but you will. What am I?(onion)
2. Where you can find roads without cars, forests without trees and cities, and cities without houses?(map)
3. They don’t eat me alone, but cannot eat without me.(Salt)
The fouth round is called Who is the best?
I’LL read the questions and all answers will start with the letter B.
1. A little child(baby)
2. The name of the fruit.(banana)
3. The antonym to the word good(bad)
4. An object in the classroom(blackboard)
5. The capital of Germany(Berlin)
6. The name of the school subject.(biology)
7. Acolour (black)
8. A clever friend of man
The last task is I want to be. There are a lot of leters and they are the names of professions. You must find it. It’s time to finish our game/. The jury will speak about the results of the game. And we’ll know who the winner is. Our congratulations. Thank you for your participation. Good - buy.
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Magic of languages
Magic of languages
To check pupils’ knowledge from English, Kazakh and Russian through playing games, doing different tasks To develop pupils’ reading, speaking and thinking abilities and inlarge their vocabulary.
At the shop
At the shop
educational to enrich pupil’s knowledge, to enlarge their interest in learning foreign languages and to introduce the pupils with new words and give them more information
What do you want to be?
What do you want to be?
Маңғыстау облысы, Бейнеу ауданы, Ақжігіт ауылы, Совет Одағының Батыры Мәди Бегенов атындағы орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Қосшыбекова Айгерим Саттаровна
It is wonderful time
It is wonderful time
Ақтөбе облысы, Ырғыз ауданы, Ы. Алтынсарин атындағы орта мектеп ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Сабанбаева Элеонора Жанкелдіқызы
Young leaders
Young leaders
Маңғыстау облысы, Қарақия ауданы, Мұнайшы кенті, №7 орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Түешиева Меруерт
At the Zoo
At the Zoo
Lesson plan of the teacher of English Seksenbaeva Mira, conducted in the 4th grade Сөздік қорларын дамытуға арналған
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