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Springtime in Kazakhstan

25 мам 2016, Сәрсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
№1 Майқайың жалпы орта білім беру мектебі
Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Турсукпаева Сауле

Unit 6 Traditions and folklore
Theme: Springtime in Kazakhstan
1. Learning objectives: 1S3 pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly
1L1 recognize short instructions for basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly
1 L3 recognize with support simple greetings, recognize the spoken form of a limited range of basic and everyday classroom words
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to understand spring words.
Most learners will be able to recognise a spring scene image according to the teacher instructions.
Some learners will be able to make a short interaction.

I. Lead in
T: Good afternoon, children.
How are you today?
P: Fine.
T: When is Nauriz? When is Mother’s Day?
P: In spring. Exellent. You are right.
T: The theme is Springtime in --------. (The first slide The teacher shows the flag of Kazakhstan the pupils say Kazakhstan)
II. Pre - teaching
Pupils, listen and repeat. The teacher shows
(The new words from video English time songs “Spring is here”, whole class and individual)
Flowers, pretty flower, trees, bees, bloom, grass, air(ауаны демалып мағынасын түсіндіреміз ), clear(dirty), sing, year(календарь)
III. Drilling
Listen and repeat.
Well done.
IV. Introduction
Listen to the song (Video)
Listen and sing together.
Very good.
V. Practise
T. asks questions: Is it a flower? Is it air?
T: If it is right, clap your hands. If it is wrong, stamp your feet.
1. Remember the song, colour the pictures, show and say.
Green grass, pretty flower, singing bird, green tree, yellow and black bee
2. Listen and guess. What is it?
It is green. Is it right?
It is clean.
It is yellow and black.
It is singing a song.
Thank you. Good job.
3. Listen and choose the right picture. Put the number.
Show the green grass, singing birds, year.
Whole class work. Five pictures for each pupil.
Draw and colour the bees black and yellow.
Draw and colour the grass green.
Draw and colour the flowers pink.
Draw and colour birds blue.
Draw and colour the trees green.
Assessment: One star if the picture is nice, two stars if the colours are right.
VI. Reflection CCQ (Concept checking questions)
1. Is the air dirty?
2. Are the trees and grass red?
3. Is the cat singing a song?
4. Are the flowers pretty?
Very good job. Thank you for your work.

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I can play
I can play
recognise short instructions for basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly.
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Clothes and things, Одежда и вещи
Clothes and things. Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to 1. L3 recognise with support simple greetings recognise the spoken form of a limited range of basic and everyday classroom words
Our body
Our body
All learners will be able to: recognise the names of the body with some support pronounce words and use words in short exchanges, to talk about ability with some support read words and expressions, spell words correctly and use them in both oral and
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Hot and cold. Weather
Hot and cold. Weather
pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly use basic adjectives and colours to say what someone /something is or has produce words in response to prompts
Жануарлар. Animals
Жануарлар. Animals
pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly produce words in response to basic prompts
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