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Nature of Almaty

19 наурыз 2017, Жексенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Nature of Almaty

The aim: To give students new knowledge; To enlarge their vocabulary; To develop their speech abilities; To revise and practice grammar: article;
Procedure of the lesson.
I. Organization moment.
- Good afternoon, boys and girls. Sit down. Who is on duty today?
What date is it today? What day of the week? Is anybody absent?

II. Awakening. Brainstorming.
- Have you ever been to Almaty?
- Have you ever been to Medeu?
- Is the air fresh in Medeu and Shymbulak?
- What lakes of Almaty and Almaty region do you know?
- Where is Charyn Canyon?

III. Realization of meaning.
1. New words.
Gorge n [go: d3] – шатқал
Refrigerate [` ri `fried3әreit] – мұз қатыру
Birch [bә: t ] n – аққайың
Dike [daik] n – бөгет
Landslide [`lәendslaid] n – қар көшкіні
Capacity [kә`pәendslaid] n - сыйымдылығы кең
Charm[t a: m] n – әдемілік
Nature reserve [ri`sә: v] n – қорық
2. Text (to listen the text) Group A reads about Khan Tangiri, Charyn Canyon, Peak Talgar Students A reads about Medeu, Shymbulak
Students translate the text.
4. Grammar. Article ‘the’ The definite is used with some geographical names and sometimes they are not used.
1. We don`t normally use ‘the’ with the names of places:
Europe, North America, Africa, Asia, Antarctica.
France, Japan, Russia, Brazil.
Samara, Almaty, Kiev, Obninsk.
2. We use ‘the’ in names with ‘republic’, ‘kingdom’, ‘states’, ‘federation’:
The Russian Federation
The United Kingdom (the UK)

IV. Reflection
Exercise 1. Complete the chard with the words given above.
Alatau mountains, Kokzhailau, Charyn Canyon, Peak Talgar, Almaty, Ili River, Medeu, Shymbulak, England, Niagara Falls.

The zero article
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________

Exercise 2. Complete the semantic map.

V. Homework: To write an essay about the lakes, rivers of your region /village/.

Батыс Қазақстан облысы, Жаңақала ауданы
№3 жалпы орта білім беретін қазақ мектебінің
ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Шманова Замзагул Кайршаковна

Толық нұсқасын жүктеу
1 826
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0 дауыс

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