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John Brown-Fighter Against Slavery

03 ақпан 2013, Жексенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
The theme of the lesson: John Brown - Fighter Against Slavery.
The aim:
Educational: to give more information about John Brown – Fighter Against Slavery. To enrich pupils’ knowledge in all spheres of country study.
Development; To develop their thinking and speaking abilities.
Bringing up: to bring up pupils to be interest in English.
Type of lesson: introduction of the new lesson.
Methods: question - answer, individual and group work.
Visual words: an active board, a portrait of John Brown, pictures, things, Crossword puzzle.
The procedure of the lesson.
I. Organization moment.
II. Introduction of the new theme.
John Brown – Fighter Against Slavery (report).
He was born in 1800 in Torrington, Connecticut, U S A, during the pioneering days of Ameirca, while the population of this new and great country was not very large. Both of John Brown’s grandfathers fought in the American Army during the War of Independence. His father, Owen, was against slavery and an agent of the Underground Railroad.
In 1805, the Browns went to Ohio. There John received his education, and grew up as a disciplined young man who liked to work. He was only nine years old when he saw a black slave beaten to death.
‘’When I grow up, I will do something to help the poor slaves. I want them to have their freedom, ” he said.
Slavery was the rule at that time in the Southern States of America. Slaves could be bought in the open market, and sold again. Husbands and wives, mothers and children could be sold to different masters. John early began to protest against slavery.
John Brown believed in strong action. So he decided to build indefended camp in the mountains of Virginia.
Runaway slaves could come to the camp and be defended there against their masters. He wished to organize a republic free of slavery.
His plan was to attact the government arsenal at Harper’s Ferry in Verginia and try to free and arm the slaves.
On the night of the 16th October, 1859, his party of twenty - one men, white and black, marched on Harper’s Ferry and took by storm an important building there. John Brown hoped that many slaves would join him, but when morning came no slaves had come. They were afraid.
But if the slaves did not come, the Marines did. When John Brown and his men were ordered to stop fighting, John Brown answered,” I prefer to die here.”
In the fighting which followed, Brown’s two sons were killed and several more of his men. He himself was wounded.
John Brown was hanged, but very soon he became a hero to the Negro slaves and to the whites who were against slavery.
John Brown’s name became a symbol of revolutionary action and struggle for the rights of the Negro people in the U.S.A.

Work with new words;
Folk song, slavery, master, was born, Pioneering day, Underground Railroad, education, black slave, to beat, market, sell (sold), Defendet camp, toarm, to wound.

Answer the questions:
1. When was John Brown born?
2. Is he American man or Kazakh man?
3. Is he hero or a doctor?
4. What town was he born?
5. What was his ideas?
“ When I grew up, I will help the poor slaves.”

Brainstorming: Crossword puzzle “ Friendship”
1. What is the English for “ Жұма?”
2. Who is figter against slavery?
3. Is John Brown Kazakh man or an American?
4. What month is it now?
5. Raymonds grandmother.
6. What profession is it?
7. What is English for “ Құл?”
8. What is the capital of America?
9. Достық.
10. Who is the head of Kazakhstan?
Conclusion: We have a music pause. Let’s sing and dance.
John Brown’s body.
Teacher: Dear students and guests!
Our English party is over. Thanks a lot to everyone for taking an active part at our lesson.
Good bye! I wish you success and luck.
See you soon!
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