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The leader of the XXI Century

08 ақпан 2013, Жұма
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Мақсаты: мектеп оқушылардың ағылшын тілінде сөйлейтін елдердің тарихы, салт-дәстүрін, олардың мәдениеті жайында білімдерін тереңдету, ой белсенділігін дамыту, дүниетанымын кеңейту, грамматикалық білім-білік дағдысын, ұлтаралық ынтымақтастыққа, өз елін қадірлеуге, сүюге тәрбиелеу.
The leader of the XXI Century
Moderator: - Good afternoon dear guests, teachers and students. Welcome to our intellectual show “ Leader of the XXI century”!
Well, we begin our game and I am glad to introduce the participants of our intellectual show.
We are glad to see all of you and hope you will enjoy our game.

I round “Baiga”
- you are welcome to enjoy the 1st round “Baiga”! I ask questions to participants and each correct answer gives you
Be careful! Good luck!

1. The head of Great Britain is
a) President
b) The Queen
c) People
d) The King
2. What is the nick name of the flag of the UK?
a) Union Jack
b) The Bald Eagle
c) The Golden Man
d) Uncle Sam
3. When did Christopher Columbus discover America?
a) in 1492
b) in 1592
c) in 1392
d) in 1692
4. How many stripes does the American flag have?
a) 13
b) 33
c) 30
d) 3
5. What was the first capital of the USA?
a) London
b) Washington D. C
c) Philadelphia
d) New York
6. There are ____ regions in our Republic.
a) 15
b) 9
c) 19
d) 14

II round Polyglot
The next round you will enjoy is “Polyglot”. here are some proverbs you have to find. Answers should be given in three languages ( English, Kazakh and Russian).
Each correct answer is equal to 10 points.

1. All is not ____ that glitters. (gold – алтын-золото)
2. Curiosity killed the ____. ( cat – мысық – кошка )
3. Live and ____. (learn – оқу-учить )
4. ___ may be known by its song. (bird – құс – птица )
5. Better late than _____. (never – ешқашан – никогда )
6. There is no place like ____. (home-үй – дом )
7. A tree may be known by its ____. (fruit-жеміс-фрукты)
8. Actions speak louder than ____. (word-сөз – слова )
9. _____ is power. (knowledge-білім – знание )
10. An ____ a day keeps the doctor away. (apple – алма-яблоко)

III round Doda
Famous Americans-10 The first president of the USA.
Famous Americans – 20 The famous American writer who wrote “Romeo and Juliet”.
Famous Americans – 30 On the third Monday in February Americans celebrate Presidents Day. Two American presidents are honored on this holiday. Who are they?
History – 10 Kazakhstan was established as the republic of Kazakhstan in …
History – 20
When was Akmola renamed Astana?
History – 30 Almaty was the Capital of our country until..
Great Days – 10
This holiday honors our mothers, grandmothers, women in the world.
Great Days – 20
The Kazakhs celebrate this holiday on March. People pay each other Visits, forgive wrongs and cancel debts
Great Days – 30
When is Halloween celebrated?
The places to visit – 10 Where is Disneyland?
The places to visit – 20 In what US city the Statue of Liberty?
The places to visit – 30 A mountain on the boarder of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan where they boarder with China

IV round
There are some questions to a 30 seconds. The task is to answer the question as quickly as possible. Each correct answer is equal to 1 point.

The first student
1. Where is Disneyland? (In California)
2. Which month is the day of independence in Kazakhstan? (December )
3. The first Capital of our Republic.
4. What is the official language of Kazakhstan? (Kazakh )
5. The head of Great Britain? ( The Queen )
6. What is the national symbol of Kazakhstan? (golden man )
7. How many rooms are there in the White House? (132 )

The second student
1. The head of Kazakhstan is … (president)
2. What is the official language of the USA? (English)
3. The president of the USA? (Barak Obama )
4. Kazakhstan is situated in… (Central Asia )
5. Who was the first president of the USA? (Washington)
6. Ahmet Yassaui Mausoleum is in … (Turkestan )
7. Which month Nauryz is celebrated in Kazakhstan? (March)

The third student
1. The Kazakh traditional food is … (beshbarmak)
2. How many states does the USA consists of? (50)
3. What colour is our flag? (blue )
4. What is the official language of China? (Chinese)
5. The national emblem of England is … (rose)
6. Is Washington D. C a state? (No)
7. What is American` s national sport? (Baseball)
8 320
  • 80
2 дауыс

Magic of languages
Magic of languages
To check pupils’ knowledge from English, Kazakh and Russian through playing games, doing different tasks To develop pupils’ reading, speaking and thinking abilities and inlarge their vocabulary.
The Leader of the XXI century
The Leader of the XXI century
Оқушыларды ағылшын тіліне әлемдік тіл ретінде қызығушылығын қалыптастыру. Өткен Қазақстан, Ұлыбритания, АҚШ мемлекеттері тақырыптары бойынша білімдерін тиянақтау. Ойы жүйрік, танымдық деңгейі жоғары, интеллектуалды оқушылардың дарынын ашу,
“The leader of the XXI Century” – XXI ғасыр көшбасшысы
“The leader of the XXI Century” – XXI ғасыр көшбасшысы
Қайырлы күн құрметті ұстаздар оқушылар! 21 ғасыр көшбасшысы атты интеллектуалды ойынымызға қош келдіңіздер! Well, we begin our game and I am glad to introduce the participants of our intellectual show. We are glad to see all of you and hope you will
The leader XXI century
The leader XXI century
ОҚО, Бәйдібек ауданы, Шаян ауылы, Күлтөбе негізгі орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Шүкірова Гүлбану Ерөскенқызы
It is wonderful time
It is wonderful time
Ақтөбе облысы, Ырғыз ауданы, Ы. Алтынсарин атындағы орта мектеп ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Сабанбаева Элеонора Жанкелдіқызы
The aims of the brain game «I am a Leader»
The aims of the brain game «I am a Leader»
Ақтөбе облысы, Ақтөбе қаласы, №12 орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Базарова Ақтолқын Сисенбайқызы
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