The aims of the brain game «I am a Leader»
1 Оқушылардың танымдылық ой – өрістерін кеңейту, алған білімдерін еркін қолдануға, кеңейтуге дағдыландыру.
2 Ойлау, еркін сөйлеу, тапқырлық, шапшаңдық қабілеттерін дамыту.
3 Ағылшын тіліне қызығушылықтарын арттыру, отанына, елде тұратын барлық ұлттарға деген құрмет, достық қарым - қатынасқа тәрбиелеу.
The equipment: мақал мәтелдер, ойын тақырыбы, сиқырлы сандар, компьютер
Good day dear guests and pupils. You are welcome to our English party.! Today we are going to have a brain Game I am a Leader between pupils 8th - 11th forms. The participants will show their knowledge about our country Kazakhstan. Our brain game consists of 7 rounds. At first we must choose the juries. Now let us beging our game. The rounds of the brain game I am a Leader
1st round. Warm up
2nd round. Baige
3rd round. Polyglot
4th round. 7 wonders
5th round. Who is quickly?
6th round. Lexical
7th round. Speaker
At first all participants introduce themselves. We call all our participants to the stage. There are 5 players
Hello my friends. I am…. I am a schoolgirl of 10th form. I like to…
My favorite … My hobby is.. My aim of the life is … I want to win this game and I wish my partner a good luck or enjoyable game…..
I Warm up Match Antonyms
1 Peace a) easy
2 Famous b) expensive
3 Difficult c) lazy
4 Return d) unknown
5 Open e) war
6 Hardworking f) independent
7 Cheap j) close
8 dependent h) came back -
II Baige Who answers faster or first gets a score
1 What country is Kazakhstan?
2 When was taken the Independence of Kazakhstan?
3 Who is the head of KZ?
4 Where lies our country?
5 How many population has Kazakhstan?
5 How many countries does KZ border on?
6 The coldest part of KZ is …
7 When was adopted the first Constitution?
8 How many regions has KZ?
9 The colour of flag of KZ. is…
10 What can you see in the flag?
11 What is the symbol of peace?
12 When did Astana became as capital of our country?
13 What religion dominate in Kazakhstan.?
14 When was flown the first cosmonaut to the space?
15 What is the symbol of Astana?
16 When is celebrated the Kazakh national holiday?
17 How many nationalities live in our country?
18 Who is the author of emblem of KZ?
19 Where and when was born the President?
20 What river is Astana on?
21 The author of the novel “Abai zholy” is …
22 What is the official language of our country?....
III Polyglot Say words in 3 languages, guess riddles quickly.
…… speak louder than words ( action)
Two …. are better than one (heads)
East or west …… is best (home)
There is no …… like home (place)
Knowledge is …. ( power )
So many countries so many …..(custams)
Motherland is everyones …. (birthplace)
Speech is silver …. is gold ( silence)
Who can be your sister’s mother for you? (mother)
What can be always yellow? (sun)
It runs, runs, but it will never run out
It flows, who knows. (a river)
This animal can go long time without food and water (a camel)
It is, it is cold. We can skate on it. What is this? (ice)
A blue sheet cover whole world (the sky)
What goes up when the rain comes. (an umbrella)
A place where you get books and must return it (book)
What day don’t you go to school? (on Sunday)
(After this round two of players who has fewer scores must leave the game).
IV 7 Wonders
On this round Questions are given in different theme and scores are from 10 to 50. The participants must choose the box where is written the tasks
Culture (10 score)
1 Who was the winner of contest Saz alemy? (K. Nurtas.)
After whom is called the film studie of KZ? (ZH. Aimanov)
Where is the Fine Art Museum of A. Kasteev? (in Almaty)
The wellknown composer in 19 th century (Kurmangazy)
The film “Nomad” translated in Kazakh …
Tradition (20score)
What was Kazakh traditional home? (kuiz yu)
When is celebrated Shildehana? (on baby’s birthday)
What are Kazakh national women’s costums?
Name the ingredients of Nauryz kosze?(milk, salt, raisn, wheat, water, kurt, meat)
30 score Literature
The popular kazakh novel and its author (Abai zholy)
Name the famous modern kazakh poets (M. Zhahanov, F. Ongarcynova)
By whom was written a dram Hamlet? (W Shakespair)
Name the poem which translated in three language and the authors?
What was the the official name of Abai?
40 score History
When, where was the Zheltoksan story? Name victims of this story
What action was organized against Semey polygon? Who was the leader of this action? When was it closed? (1991. Nevada – Semey, O. Suleimenov)
When was adopted the Kazakhstan – 2030 Strategy? How many parts does it consist of? (1997, 7parts)
When is celebrated the Independence Day?
50 scores Sport. World
(After this round one of the players goes out of the game)
V. Who is quickly
Making up more new words from the given words
Independent - in, depend, pen, ten, end, nine, deep, pet, die, dead, net need, tent….
Friendship - friend, end, fried, free, ship hip, pine, red, fish, dish, she, rife, nine, he, pen, ….
VI Lexical
English ----------------------------- Kazakh
VII Speaker
This is the last round. Two participants have to speak need show their speech. The theme is My Motherland. We give them two minute time. One of them must be a Leader of the game.
The Result of game
2 Ойлау, еркін сөйлеу, тапқырлық, шапшаңдық қабілеттерін дамыту.
3 Ағылшын тіліне қызығушылықтарын арттыру, отанына, елде тұратын барлық ұлттарға деген құрмет, достық қарым - қатынасқа тәрбиелеу.
The equipment: мақал мәтелдер, ойын тақырыбы, сиқырлы сандар, компьютер
Good day dear guests and pupils. You are welcome to our English party.! Today we are going to have a brain Game I am a Leader between pupils 8th - 11th forms. The participants will show their knowledge about our country Kazakhstan. Our brain game consists of 7 rounds. At first we must choose the juries. Now let us beging our game. The rounds of the brain game I am a Leader
1st round. Warm up
2nd round. Baige
3rd round. Polyglot
4th round. 7 wonders
5th round. Who is quickly?
6th round. Lexical
7th round. Speaker
At first all participants introduce themselves. We call all our participants to the stage. There are 5 players
Hello my friends. I am…. I am a schoolgirl of 10th form. I like to…
My favorite … My hobby is.. My aim of the life is … I want to win this game and I wish my partner a good luck or enjoyable game…..
I Warm up Match Antonyms
1 Peace a) easy
2 Famous b) expensive
3 Difficult c) lazy
4 Return d) unknown
5 Open e) war
6 Hardworking f) independent
7 Cheap j) close
8 dependent h) came back -
II Baige Who answers faster or first gets a score
1 What country is Kazakhstan?
2 When was taken the Independence of Kazakhstan?
3 Who is the head of KZ?
4 Where lies our country?
5 How many population has Kazakhstan?
5 How many countries does KZ border on?
6 The coldest part of KZ is …
7 When was adopted the first Constitution?
8 How many regions has KZ?
9 The colour of flag of KZ. is…
10 What can you see in the flag?
11 What is the symbol of peace?
12 When did Astana became as capital of our country?
13 What religion dominate in Kazakhstan.?
14 When was flown the first cosmonaut to the space?
15 What is the symbol of Astana?
16 When is celebrated the Kazakh national holiday?
17 How many nationalities live in our country?
18 Who is the author of emblem of KZ?
19 Where and when was born the President?
20 What river is Astana on?
21 The author of the novel “Abai zholy” is …
22 What is the official language of our country?....
III Polyglot Say words in 3 languages, guess riddles quickly.
…… speak louder than words ( action)
Two …. are better than one (heads)
East or west …… is best (home)
There is no …… like home (place)
Knowledge is …. ( power )
So many countries so many …..(custams)
Motherland is everyones …. (birthplace)
Speech is silver …. is gold ( silence)
Who can be your sister’s mother for you? (mother)
What can be always yellow? (sun)
It runs, runs, but it will never run out
It flows, who knows. (a river)
This animal can go long time without food and water (a camel)
It is, it is cold. We can skate on it. What is this? (ice)
A blue sheet cover whole world (the sky)
What goes up when the rain comes. (an umbrella)
A place where you get books and must return it (book)
What day don’t you go to school? (on Sunday)
(After this round two of players who has fewer scores must leave the game).
IV 7 Wonders
On this round Questions are given in different theme and scores are from 10 to 50. The participants must choose the box where is written the tasks
Culture (10 score)
1 Who was the winner of contest Saz alemy? (K. Nurtas.)
After whom is called the film studie of KZ? (ZH. Aimanov)
Where is the Fine Art Museum of A. Kasteev? (in Almaty)
The wellknown composer in 19 th century (Kurmangazy)
The film “Nomad” translated in Kazakh …
Tradition (20score)
What was Kazakh traditional home? (kuiz yu)
When is celebrated Shildehana? (on baby’s birthday)
What are Kazakh national women’s costums?
Name the ingredients of Nauryz kosze?(milk, salt, raisn, wheat, water, kurt, meat)
30 score Literature
The popular kazakh novel and its author (Abai zholy)
Name the famous modern kazakh poets (M. Zhahanov, F. Ongarcynova)
By whom was written a dram Hamlet? (W Shakespair)
Name the poem which translated in three language and the authors?
What was the the official name of Abai?
40 score History
When, where was the Zheltoksan story? Name victims of this story
What action was organized against Semey polygon? Who was the leader of this action? When was it closed? (1991. Nevada – Semey, O. Suleimenov)
When was adopted the Kazakhstan – 2030 Strategy? How many parts does it consist of? (1997, 7parts)
When is celebrated the Independence Day?
50 scores Sport. World
(After this round one of the players goes out of the game)
V. Who is quickly
Making up more new words from the given words
Independent - in, depend, pen, ten, end, nine, deep, pet, die, dead, net need, tent….
Friendship - friend, end, fried, free, ship hip, pine, red, fish, dish, she, rife, nine, he, pen, ….
VI Lexical
English ----------------------------- Kazakh
VII Speaker
This is the last round. Two participants have to speak need show their speech. The theme is My Motherland. We give them two minute time. One of them must be a Leader of the game.
The Result of game

Young leaders
Маңғыстау облысы, Қарақия ауданы, Мұнайшы кенті, №7 орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Түешиева Меруерт

Who is quickly?
Қызылорда облысы, Қармақшы ауданы, А. Жанпейісов атындағы №105 қазақ орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Алтаева Индира Әбибуллақызы

My country
Ақтөбе облысы, Шалқар қаласы №6 орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Исмагулова Анар

The leader of the XXI Century
Ақтөбе облысы, Шалқар ауданы ГКС-12 орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Тілеумағанбетова Ә. С

The best of the best
М.Құсайынов атындағы Ақтөбе облыстық дарынды балаларға арналған мамандандырылған мектеп-интернатының ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Казкенова Назгуль Сериккалиевна
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Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.
Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.