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Do you know the UK?

26 ақпан 2013, Сейсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
The theme: Do you know the UK?
The aims: 1. Talking about Great Britain. To check pupils’ knowledge in English, Kazakh and Russian through asking different questions.
2. To develop pupils’ speaking and thinking abilities and
3. To educate the feelings of international friendship and love to the foreign language and teach to be attentive and curiosity
The type: a competition
The methods: answer - question
Visual aids: slideshow, an interactive board, pictures
Connection of the subjects: English – Russian – Kazakh - Geography - History

The procedure of the competition:
I - Organization moment
- Dear guests, teachers and friends! We are glad to see you at our competition between the 10th and 11th forms. It’s called “Do you know the UK?”.
You know the full name of the UK (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland). The UK consists of four English speaking countries. They are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. That’s why I divided these four classes into four teams. Let’s greet our teams:
1. England
2. Scotland
3. Wales
4. Northern Ireland
- I want to start our competition with the saying of Samuel Johnson:
“By seeing London, I have seen as much of life as the world can show.”
- Let me introduce you with the steps of the competition:
1. Introducing
2. Beige
3. Polyglot
4. Magic numbers
In every competition there must be judges. They are _______________________.
- Let’s start. I wish you GOOD LUCK!
1. Introducing. Each team read information about its own country.
2. Beige. I read several questions about Great Britain.
• What is the official name of Great Britain?
• What is the symbol of Wales?
• What is the national costume of Scotland?
• What is the longest river in Britain?
• What is Oxford famous for?
• What is the highest peak in Wales?
• Where is Ben Nevis situated?
• What kind of state is Great Britain?
• What is the name of the famous stadium of London?
• What is the most important river in Great Britain?
• What is the symbol of Northern Ireland?
• How many parts does London consists of?
• How is the northern part of Scotland called?
• Who lived in Sherwood Forest?
• Who is the head of Great Britain?
• How many children has the Queen got?
• What is the home town of William Shakespeare?
3. Polyglot. I read you riddles and the fastest team will raise its card and then say it in 3 languages(English - Russian - Kazakh)
1. A place where things are made, often by machines. (a factory, завод, зауыт)
2. A machine like an electric cupboard that you keep in your kitchen and use for keeping food cool and fresh.
(a fridge, холодильник, тоңазытқыш)
3. The room in a house or restaurant where food is prepared to eat.
(a kitchen, кухня, ас үй)
4. A drawing of an area which shows cities, rivers, roads etc.
(a map, карта, карта)
5. A set of sheets of paper containing new and advertisements, which is sold every day or week. (a newspaper, газета, гaзет)
6. A very large animal that looks like a very large fish and lives in the sea
(a whale, кит, кит)
7. A place with grass and flowers. (a garden, сад, бау – бақша)
8. A wild animal that looks like a large dog. (a wolf, волк, қасқыр)
9. Very cold rain which is soft and white.
(a snow, снег, қар)
10. A building where doctors and nurses care for people who are ill.
(a hospital, больница, аурухана)
11. A person, often a woman, who is trained to help doctors and look after people when they are sick or old.(a nurse, сиделка (няня), күтуші)
12. A building where you can go and see important things connected with science, history etc. (a museum, музей, мұражай)
13. Someone who lives near you.(a neighbour, сосед, көрші)
14. A building or room in a building where you can buy things.
(a shop, магазин, дүкен)
15. A small point of light that can be seen in the sky at night.
(a star, звезда, жұлдыз)
16. Someone whose job is to teach. (a teacher, учитель, мұғалім)
17. A large wild cat with yellow and black lines on its fur.
(a tiger, тигр, жолбарыс)
18. A place where are you pay to watch a film.
( a cinema, кинотеатр, кинотеатр)
19. A book that tells you what words mean and how to spell them.
(a dictionary, словарь, сөздік)
20. A plant such as a carrot, cabbage or a potato which is grown to be eaten.
(vegetables, овощи, көкөністер)
4. Magic numbers. Each team will choose the position with the number. If you give the right answer, you will get the score.
General information 20 30 40 50
Places of interest 20 30 40 50
Famous people 20 30 40 50
Political system 20 30 40 50
Holidays 20 30 40 50
Sports and games 20 30 40 50
Geographical position 20 30 40 50

General information 20: What is the symbol of Wales? (Daffodil)
General information 30: What is the richest part of London? (The West End)
General information 40: What is the traditional meal Of Great Britain?
(Roast turkey and pudding)
General information 50: What is the name of the national anthem of the UK?
(God save the Queen)

Places of interest 20: What is the London home of the Queen?
(Buckingham palace)
Places of interest 30: What is the Tower of London now? (A museum)
Places of interest 40: In what park is speaker’s corner? (Hyde park)
Places of interest 50: What is the town of Oxford famous for? (for its university)

Famous people 20: Where was Charlie Chaplin born? (in London)
Famous people 30: Who is the author of “Robinson Crusoe”? (Daniel Defoe)
Famous people 40: How many children has the Queen got? (4 children)
Famous people 50: Which famous English writer’s name is Charles? (Dickens)

Political system 20: What kind of state is Great Britain?
(a parliamentary monarchy)
Political system 30: When did the Queen come to the throne? (in 1952)
Political system 40: What are the houses of the British Parliament?
(the House of lords and the House of Commons)
Political system 50: Who is heir presumptive of the Queen? (Prince Charles)

Holidays 20: This holiday is celebrated in November. (Thanksgiving Day)
Holidays 30: In this day children wear costumes of skeletons, witches and walk door to door in the neighborhood and shout “trick or treat”. What holiday is it?
Holidays 40: The most popular holiday in Great Britain which is celebrated on the 25th of December. (Christmas)
Holidays 50: In this day usually boys and girls as well as grown - ups send cards to each other without writing their names. (St. Valentine’s Day)

Sports and games 20: What is the national sport in Great Britain? (rugby)
Sports and games 30: It is a widely spread all over Great Britain game. The Scots are sure the golf is a Scottish game. It is played all the year round. (Golf)
Sports and games 40: A lot of people are interested in the sport and risk money on the horse which they think will win. (Horse racing)
Sports and games 50: If you want to play this game you must wear white boots, a white shirt and white long trousers. It is played with balls, bats and wickets. Girls play it too. (Cricket)

Geographical position 20: How is the northern part of Scotland called?
(the Highlands)
Geographical position 30: What is the highest peak in Wales? (The Snowdown)
Geographical position 40: What is the climate of Great Britain? (Its rainy)
Geographical position 50: What is the climate of British good for? (For agriculture: vegetables, sheep, cattle)
II - Conclusion.
- My dear friends, our competition is over. I hope you liked the game. You know that in any competition there must be a winner. Let’s listen to the judges.
- The team which won in this competition is _________. Cngratulations!
I want to say to other teams thank you for taking part. Remember! It’s not important to win, but to take part!
- Good bye!
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Learning English is fun
To check pupils ‘knowledge from English, Kazakh and Russian through playing games, doing different tasks To develop pupils’ reading, speaking and thinking abilities and enlarge their vocabulary.
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To check pupils’ knowledge from English, Kazakh and Russian through playing games, doing different tasks To develop pupils’ reading, speaking and thinking abilities and inlarge their vocabulary.
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Great Britain
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