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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

05 сәуір 2013, Жұма
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Тема: “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”
Класс: 9 класс
1. Обобщать и расширить знания учащихся по теме Великобритания;
2. Практиковать навык отбора необходимой информации.
1. Развивать способности к догадке;
2. Развивать внимание и воображение;
3. Развивать активность учащихся.
Воспитательные: повысить интерес к стране изучаемого языка, формировать навыки и умения интеллектуального труда.

1. Карта Соединенного Королевства.
2. Буклеты, рисунки, картинки.
3. Телевизор, компьютер.
Ход урока:
I. Good morning, children. Sit down, please!
T: Today we have an unusually lesson. You will show us your knowledge of the UK, because our lesson is devoted to this country. We'll speak about the country, we'll have several tasks at the lesson and you should do them. As usual I have prepared questions for you. You should answer some my questions.
T: How many countries are there in Great Britain? Name them.
P: Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland.
T: What can you say about Scotland?
P: The population is a little over - 5 million people. Scotland is divided into three regions: the Highlands, which is the most northern and the most under populated area with a harsh climate; the Lowlands, which is the most industrial region, with about three quarters of the population; and the Southern Uplands, with hills, which border on England.
T: Name the highest point and the best known lake.
P: The highest point is Ben Nevis. The best known lake is Loch Ness.
T: What is the capital of Scotland?
P: Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland and the cultural centre. It is associated with the world famous Edinburgh Festival of Music and Drama.
T: What can you say about traditional clothes?
P: Traditional clothes are socks, shoes, a kilt, a tie, a jacket and a bonnet. Some people in the north of Scotland wear a kilt every day.
T: What is the second country of Great Britain?
P: The second part of Great Britain is Wales. Its territory is 20, 8 thousand sq. km. The population is over 3 million people. The living standards of people in Wales are lower than in England, the unemployment rate is higher.
P: Wales is a highland country of old, hard rocks. North Wales is a country of mountains and deep valleys; South Wales is a land of high hills and wide valleys.
T: Who else?
P: The capital of Wales is Cardiff, the largest city of Wales. Cardiff is situated near the mouth of the Taff River. It is an important industrial city and a port. It is also an administrative and educational centre.
P: People in Wales speak English but they have their own language Welsh. Some Welsh families speak Welsh at home, but they read English books. They are – proud of their national language.
T: What does Welsh woman wear?
P: The Welsh wear the same clothes as the English. But on holidays a Welsh woman wears a red cloak, a long black skirt, an apron and a high black hat on her head. The men do not have a national costume. They smile, "We have no money after we have bought clothes for our wives."
T: The Welsh are known in Great Britain for their singing. They like singing? T: hey sing in competitions, on holidays and every time.
P: Now Eisteddfod is a festival of traditional Welsh culture. It includes competitions in prose, poetry and singing.
T: The third part of G. B. is England. What do you know about England?
P: Of the four parts which make up Great Britain England is the largest, the most industrial and most populated part of the United Kingdom. Over 46 million people of the UK live in England.
P: The coasts of England are washed by the North Sea, the Irish Sea, the English Channel and the Straits of Dover. No part of England is more than 120 km. from the sea.
P: The Sea also has a great effect on England's climate. There are many rivers in England. The longest and the most important is the Thames.
P: The wool industry is in Leeds - and Bradford, the cotton industry in Manchester, iron, the steel, heavy machinery, shipbuilding industries in Newcastle.
T: Ireland is the fourth part of G. B. What do you know about it?
P: The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast. The longest river is the Shannon. The population is 3. 6 million. There are two official languages, English and Gaelic. Gaelic is the old language of Ireland. The official emblem of Ireland is the harp.
P: This land is so beautiful with its fine lakes, mountains and green fields. Rain makes Ireland's grass so green, that it is known as the 'Emerald Isle'.
P: The colors of the Irish flag are green, white and orange.
P: The symbol of Ireland is the shamrock. The legend says that St. Patrick showed the three leaves to demonstrate the concept of the Holly Trinity. National animal is the horse.
II. T: Thanks. Your answers are interesting and informative. And now I would like you to tell me the symbols of each part. The humid and mild climate of G. B. is good for plants and flowers. Some of them have become symbols in the U. K. You probably know that the poppy is the symbol of peace, the red rose is the national emblem of England, and the thistle is the national emblem of Scotland and the Edinburgh International Festival. The daffodil and the leek are the emblems of Wales, the shamrock / a kind of clover/ is the emblem of Ireland. You, please.
P: The different parts of Britain have their own emblems. They are all plants. In the 15m century there was a series of wars in England, which were called the wars of the Roses. They were between the Dukes of Lancaster and the Dukes of York over who should be king. The emblem of Lancaster was the red rose and the emblem of York was the white rose. The Duke of Lancaster won, so the emblem of England is the red rose.
P: Welshmen all over world celebrate St. David's Day by wearing either leeks or daffodils. The link between the leek and St. David is the belief that he lived, according to the legend, for several years for bread and wild leeks. The daffodil is also closely associated with St. David's Day due on the belief that it flowers on that day. It became an alternative to the leek as Welsh emblem. In the present century, because some thought the leek is vulgar.

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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Сәтпаев орта мектебі Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Битимбаева К.М. The theme of the lesson: “ The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”
Great Britain
Great Britain
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Great Britain (Ұлыбритания)
Great Britain (Ұлыбритания)
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To develop pupils speaking habits and self working skills. To develop their knowledge about the other countries.
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