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The animals of our planet

03 мам 2013, Жұма
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
The theme: “The animals of our planet”
Aims of the lesson:
1. Educational: to give more information about animals, to master new words, practice its use in the speech.
2. Developing: to develop pupils' skills in listening, in reading and of prepared and unprepared speech.
3. Bringing - up: to teach pupils' skills to express their opinion, to be attentive and foster their love for animals.
Teaching method: Explanation, question - answer, work in pairs
Visual aids: An interactive board, a crossword, pictures of the animals, riddles.

The plan of the lesson.
I. Organization moment.
a) Greeting.
b) Phonetic drill.
II. New theme.
a) Presentation.
b) New words.
III. Practice.
a) “Match with the pictures”.
b) Making up sentences.
c) Project “Listening practice”.
d) Crossword.
IV. Conclusion.
a) Giving home task.

The procedure of the lesson.

I. Organization moment.
Teacher: Good morning, children! How are you?
Children: We are fine. And you?
Teacher: I’m OK. Thank you.
Who is on duty today?
A pupil on duty: I am on duty today.
Teacher: What is the date today?
A pupil: Today is the __th of..
Teacher: What day of the week is it today?
A pupil: Today is...
Teacher: Let’s remember the English sounds and words:
• [s]: hamster, pets, takes, most.
• [i]: is, isn’t, visit.
• [d]: didn’t, don’t, doesn’t, cleaned, feed.
• [t]: watched, washed, helped, not.
• [n]: dinner, phone, granny, name, Sunday.
• [p]: picture, played, piano, parrot, park.
• [h]: hello, have, has, help, had.
• [ng]: sleeping, drinking, sitting, reading.
Dear friends! Today we are going to have an interesting lesson about animals.

II. New theme.
Teacher: Dear children, I am going to show you a video film. Look at the screen, please. Did you like it?
Pupils: Oh! Yes!
Teacher: So, what our today's lesson is about?
Pupils: About animals!
Teacher: Yes, you are right! Today we'll talk about animals and birds and learn new words on the theme. Look at the screen once more! You can see new words. (Presentation)

Elephant – [‘elifәnt] – піл
Monkey – [‘m^nki]- маймыл
Bird – [b3: d] - құс ----------
Crocodile – [‘krakәdail]- қолтырауын
Tiger – [‘taigә]- жолбарыс
Lion – [‘laiәn] - арыстан
Fox – [foks] – түлкі
Wolf – [wulf]- қасқыр
Dog – [d g]- ит
Cat – [kæt] - мысық
Giraffe – [d i’ra: f] - керік
Cow – [kau] - сиыр
Hen – [hen] - тауық
Horse – [h: s] - жылқы
Hare – [heә] - қоян
Bear – [bеә] - аю
Pig – [pig] - шошқа
Goаt – [gaut] – ешкі

Teacher: Now, open your vocabulary books and write down these words.
Have you finished?
Pupils: Yes, we have.

III. Practice
Teacher: We have several tasks to do.
Task №1. We will do the task “Match with the pictures”. You will listen to the sentences and according to the description you must match the name of the animal with its picture.
1. This animals can walk without food and water for a long time (a camel)
2. The animal that sleeps all winter in a den (a bear)
3. This animal looks like a dog but it wild (a wolf)
4. The animal which has a ret bushy tail (a fox)
5. It eats carrots. It has got long ears (a rabbit)

Task №2. Make up sentences as in the example. Use the words:
An elephant, a camel, a snake, a zebra, a horse, a fox, a bear, a cow, a whale, a rabbit, a wolf, a dolphin, a giraffe, a hen, a monkey, a lion.

Teacher: Let’s see how well you know where different animals live.
Task №3.
Answer the questions. Use the words: in the mountains, in the seas, in the rivers, in the forest, in the zoo, at a farm, in the desert.
1. Where do ducks live?
2. Where do giraffes live?
3. Where do sharks live?
4. Where do eagles live?
5. Where do foxes live?
6. Where do camels live?
c) Project “Listening practice”.
Teacher: Now, children you will listen to the story about the cat and the mice and get ready to retell it.
A big Cat and mice.
A big Cat and mice live in an old house. The Cat eats some mice every day. The mice are afraid of the Cat. One day they go to the old clever mouse and talk about the Cat. One little mouse says he knows what to do. He wants mice to put a bell round the cat’s neck. The mice like his idea and are very glad. Suddenly the clever old mouse asks “Who will put the bell the Cat’s neck?” Nobody answers.

Task №4. You can see the beginnings of the sentences on the cards. Work in pairs, finish the sentences and make up a story.
(Pupils work in pairs and retell the story one by one)
1. A big Cat and mice....
2. The Cat eats some...
3. The mice are....
4. One day they go to the old clever.....
5. One little mouse....
6. He wants mice to....
7. The mice likes....
8. Suddenly....
9. “Who will...
10. Nobody...
Teacher: Thank you very much.
d) Crossword “Who am I?”
1. I have a little tail.
My nose is called a snout.
I live in a firm.
I can say, “Oink - oink”
I am a …
Pupils: Pig.
Teacher: yes, please. Write it in crossword.
2. I live in woods,
I’m very big and furry.
I have a big nose, a little tail and four legs.
I like to eat fish and berries.
I am a …
Pupils: Bear.
3. I’m very, very big.
I have four legs and two big ears.
My long nose is called a trunk.
I am an…
Pupils: Elephant.
4. I’m very, very tall.
My leg is tall too
I like eat grass.
I live in Africa
I am …(giraffe)
5. I live in a firm,
I have a beard
I like eat grass,
It’s name is Goat
But how is it pronounce?
I am a … (goat)
6. I live in the water.
I am very wild.
My tail is long,
I have big teeth.
I am a … (crocodile)
7. I am very short
I live in a firm
I wake up pupils
When they are sleep
I am a … ( hen)

Teacher: Well done. Please repeat after me: pig, bear, elephant, giraffe, goat, crocodile, and hen.
VI. Conclusion
Teacher: Dear friends! Today you have made a good job. You will get fours and fives. And be kind to your pets and other animals with care and low, they will become your good friends. Your home assignment is to write a topic about your favourite animal.
Good - bye. See soon!
4 481
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