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Independent Kazakhstan

18 маусым 2013, Сейсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Тема: « Independent Kazakhstan»
Цели: Образовательные:
1. Систематизировать знания учащихся по теме «Казахстан».
2. Формировать навыки говорения по теме.
3. Практиковать в восприятии на слух и понимании иноязычной речи.
4. Практиковать в развитии языковой догадки.
1. Развивать память, внимание.
2. Формировать навыки общения.
1. Воспитывать учащихся патриотами своей страны.
2. Поддерживать у школьников интерес к иностранному языку.

Procedure of the lesson:
1. The State Anthem.
2. Organization Stage.
- What date is it today?
Yes, today is the 14 - th of December. You know that in 2 days on the 16 - th of December all people in our country will celebrate a great holiday the Independence Day of Kazakhstan. In 1991 a Declaration about the Independence of Kazakhstan was adopted. 21 years have passed since that memorable date. Now our country has its own flag, anthem and the state emblem. During these years of Independence much had been done for economic and political life of our country.
The theme of our lesson is “Independent Kazakhstan”. Today we’ll speak on different topics about our country.

3. Presentations.
The first group worked on the theme “Cities of Kazakhstan”. Let’s listen to them.
The next theme is “Kazakhstan is my Motherland” (“National holidays in Kazakhstan”, “National symbols of Kazakhstan”).
I think, all groups have done this task well, so I’ll give you excellent marks.

4. Comprehension and reading..
Now you’ll know some more facts about Kazakhstan. You’ll listen to the text “The Geography Of Kazakhstan”, then you’ll make the test. But first of all, look at your papers. There are some words that you need during reading of the text. (отработка слов хором).
1) Find file “Merits 8”, open it, theme “Geography and Travelling”, reading.
2) Listen and read the text.
3) Make the test.

5. Working with the text.
What countries does Kazakhstan border on? (Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, China, Russia).
We’ll speak about Kazakhstan and one of the neighbouring countries – Russia.
Read the mixed text and choose the sentences which describe Kazakhstan and Russia. The first variant will choose the sentences about Kazakhstan, the second – about Russia.
“Kazakhstan and Russia”.
It is one of the biggest countries in the world. This country is situated in Asia. This country is situated on two continents: Europe and Asia. The Urals form a natural border between two continents. The population is about 17 million people. The Volga is the longest river. It flows into the Caspian Sea. The main rivers are the Irtysh, the Syr - Dariya, the Ural.
It is a very rich country. It is rich in gold, silver and other minerals. This country is rich in natural resources: coal and iron, copper and ore, oil and gas can be found on its territory. But this land is rich in golden wheat too; it gives people rice, apples, cotton and grapes, which are grown in the south.
One of its symbols is the national flag. The flag of this country combines 2 colours: blue and yellow, which symbolize values common to all mankind. The flag has three wide stripes on it. The stripes are white, blue and red. The native inhabitants are the Kazakhs, but the representatives of more than 100 nationalities and ethnic groups live in this country. The other symbol of this country is the birch tree.
The capital is Astana. The capital of this country is Moscow. It is more than 800 years old. It was founded in 1830 as a fortress.
There are many famous people in this country. We can name many people who are known all over the world. In America, in Europe and Asia people read novels by A. Chekhov, L. Tolstoy, F. Dostoyevsky. Everybody knows famous scientists such as D. Mendelleyev. People of the country are proud of their outstanding writers such as A. Kunanbayev, G. Musrepov, M. Auezov, a famous scientist, traveler and geographer Ch. Valikhanov, and a famous akyn D. Dzhabayev.
When foreign guests leave this country they usually say that people in this country are open, kind and very hospitable.
Let’s check your task. Read the sentences about Kazakhstan (Russia).

6. Polyglot.
The next stage of our lesson is called “Polyglot”. Who knows what does this word mean? Our president N. A. Nazarbayev in his Message to the people of Kazakhstan says that young people must know three languages: Kazakh as an official language, Russian as a language of national communication and English as an international language.
Your task is: I’ll give you proverbs, continue them in three languages: in English, in Kazakh, in Russian. (Presentations with proverbs).
Дерево крепко корнями, а человек … (друзьями, достар, friends)
Друг хвалит за глаза, недруг… (глаза, коз, eyes)
Родная земля – золотая … (колыбель, бесiк, bed)
Человек без цели, что птица без… (крылья, канат, wings)
Жить без друзей, что есть пищу без… (соль, туз, salt)
Чем плохой друг, лучше достойный… (враг, жау, enemy)
Где - то, может, и хорошо, а на … лучше… (Родина, Отан, Motherland)
Души и языка нет, а говорит разумное - … (Книга, кiтап, book)
Самая святая пища - … (Хлеб, нан, bread)
Многословие – серебро, а молчание - … (Золото, алтын, gold)

7. Results.
You’ve worked hard today. Tell me, what new facts have you learnt from the lesson?
Your marks are….
Thank you for the lesson.
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Kazakhstan is my motherland
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Қызылорда облысы, №189 орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Ниетбаева Айдана
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