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Competition “Star Hour”

13 қаңтар 2014, Дүйсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Competition “Star Hour”
Visual aids: The name of the game, the maps of GB and London, cards with the: numerals, words, letters.
The procedure
Contestant 1: Dear pupils and our guests. We are starting our today, s competition “Star Hour”.
We are glad to see you in this room. Our competition will consists of 4 events. He first event will be the geographical competition. In the second event the participants will be have to think of the longest word. The third event will be a like the first one, but the content will be a literary one. And at last the two remained participants will make up of one long word as many short words as it is possible.
Contestant 2: Now we want to introduce the participants and their supporters to you. You are welcome.
(The first event.)

Contestant 1: So the 1 - st event is starting and the first set of question comes:
1. GB is in the middle of these waters:
a) Irish Sea
b) North Sea
c) Atlantic Ocean
d) Pacific Ocean

Contestant 2: These towns are situated in GB:
a) Glasgow
b) Belfast
c) Washington
d) Peterborough

3. GB consists of the following parts:
a) Virginia
b) England
c) Scotland
d) Wales

Contestant 1: What is the name of the oldest part of London?
a) East End
b) West End
c) The City
d) London port

5. What is Downing street in London known for you?
a) it is the official residence of the prime Minister
b) The Houses of Parliament are in it
c) Nelson s Column is situated here
d) The British Museum is situated here
Contestant 2: Which is the longest river in England?
a) The Severn
b) The Trent
c) The Mersey
d) The Thames
7. London, s population is approximately:
a) 7 mln.
b) 8 mln.
c) 9 mln.
d) 6 mln.

Contestant 1: The winners of the 1 - st event are the following:
(The second event)
Dear friends, look at the blackboard. Here you can see the letters. Your task is to compose the longest word. We give only one minute to you. Time!
Letters: s, o, a, p, e, c, i, t, n, u, m, y, k.
The time is up! Name your words, please! Here we have the winners of the second event.

Contestant 2: Now we have come to the 3 - rd event. The task is similar to the first one but the theme is the English and American literature.

Contestant 1: Who is the author of the poem “Ring Out, wild Bells?”
a) R. Kipling
b) A. Tennyson
c) R. Burns
d) G. G Byron

2. Are all these authors the English writers?
a) E. Hemingway
b) D. Defo
c) P. Selly
d) O. Wilde

Contestant 2: Ch. Dickens wrote all these novels:
a) Sketches by Box
b) Oliver Twist
c) A Tale of two Cities
d) Ivanhoe

4. Which poem are these lines from?
“I want to swim as wishes do”
a) A Child s wish
b) Dreams
c) Twilight
d) Dedication

Contestant 1: Who wrote the famous limericks?
a) W. Scott
b) P. Shelly
c) O. Goldsmith
d) TH. Gray

Contestant 2: At last we are looking forward to the 4 - th event and here we have only two participants. This is the word for you: Encouragement
Make up of it as many words as you are can. We give you two minutes.
Contestant 1: Let s greet to the winner of our competition.
Dear pupils and guests! We want to thank you all for the participation in our competition. See you next time. Good bye!
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