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It really works!

01 наурыз 2016, Сейсенбі
Категориясы: Кембридж тәсілі
Атырау қаласы,
Ыбырай Алтынсарин атындағы
N 11 орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пəні мұғалімі
Каракешова Айгуль Альбековна

Theme: It really works!

SMART aims: 1. Specific: pupils will be introduced with words connected with the parts of the body
2. Measurable: pupils will learn about 10 new words
3. Achievable: pupils will use the lexicon in their speech
4. Realistic: pupils will be able to translate text on theme
5. Timed: pupils will be able to make up the sentences about health in a period of a lesson

Reference: Handbook for Teacher First (advanced) level Second edition

www. cpm. kz
Expected results Understanding the meaning of the text. Using new lexicon in the speech. Synchronized declamation. Usage the grammar structure correctly. Analyzing the text.

Key ideas: “In all situations where people come together in groups, it suggests a way of dealing with people which respects and highlights individual group members’ abilities and contributions. There is a sharing of authority and acceptance of responsibility among group members for the groups’ actions.”
/Handbook for Teacher First (advanced) level – Page 228/
Material: A - 3 papers, markers, stickers, Internet - resourses, IKT - technology, interactive board

1/ Warm up 1 min
Making up the friendly atmosphere
2/ Poem 1 min
Listening to the Poem “The Giraffe”
3/Grammar Revision 1 min
Giving 6 sentences with countable and uncountable nouns
4/ New words 2 min
Presentation the new lexicon
5 /New Theme 3 min
Explaining the names of the parts of the body
6/Examples 2 min
Asking examples
7/ Text 3 min
Introduction with text «Home Remedy»
8/ Rest Time 1 min
Switching on the mp3. song”Spotty giraffe”
9/ Practice 1 min
Giving the sentences on “True - False”
Saying the Proverbs
10/ Group work 3 min
Asking to write some words connecting with the parts of the body
Marking 1 min
Asking to assess each other Asking opinions
Giving home task @ marking

1 min Summarizing the lesson
Asking to declare the slogan ”Sport is fun”

Толық нұсқасын жүктеу
2 136
  • 0
0 дауыс

Adjectives. Degrees of comparison.
Adjectives. Degrees of comparison.
Pupils will able to use adjectives in their speech. To develop pupils’ writing, reading, speaking abilities through giving different tasks.
At the doctor’s
At the doctor’s
To develop four skills, developing creative abilities of pupils using vocabulary on the theme “Health” Understand new words of theme “Health”
Greenhouse gases and climate change
Greenhouse gases and climate change
To teach pupils to speak about ecological problems in oral speech and in writing, to get full information trough reading and listening.
Will people live on the Moon?
Will people live on the Moon?
Атырау қаласы, Ыбырай Алтынсарин атындағы N 11 орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пəні мұғалімі Каракешова Айгуль Альбековна
Music keeps me happy!
Music keeps me happy!
Атырау қаласы, Ф. Оңғарсынова атындағы орта мектебінде ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Арайлым Нургалиева Избасаровна
Health problem
Health problem
Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы, Абай ауылы, Абай атындағы №90 орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Қадырова Мира Қанибековна
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