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Tours you will never forget
Good morning dear pupils. How are you? Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What date is it today? What was your home task for today?...
Enjoy your flight
Развивать готовность учащихся вступать в иноязычное общение для получения необходимой информации; развивать навыки чтения, письма, аудирования, говорения; развивать навыки работы в микрогруппах, навыки взаимоподдержки, взаимо - и самооценки;...
Let’s measure
Learners know how to describe his/her toy;...
Our body
Theme of the lesson: Our body Learning objectives(s) 2. R1recognise, sound and name the letters of the alphabet...
We love the world
Today the theme of our lesson is "We love the world". Our world is a very beautiful place. There are mountains, rivers and large forests. But some people destroy the environment....
Dream vacation
Practice pupils by doing different kinds of games and exercises of the lesson, enrich pupil’s vocabulary...
Trains. Travelling
to enrich students knowledge about Astana and London...
Family relationships
understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions which ask for personal information...
Winter and summer sport
- To develop pupils’ speaking, translating and thinking skills and abilities on the whole. - To increase their active vocabulary on the given theme....