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26 ақпан 2014, Сәрсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
The plan of the lesson in 7th grade
The theme: Animals
Teacher: Aizharikova Nurgul Alibievna
The aims of the lesson: 1. To introduce pupils with animal’s world
2. To develop communicative skills and abilities
3. through different communicative activities.
Brining - up the pupils’ desire to protect the animals.
The procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment:
a) Short conversation with the pupil on duty.
II. Checking up the pupils’ knowledge.
What are animals?
Do you like animals?
What are pets?
Have you got a pet?
What animals do you know?
IV. Explanation of the new material.
The theme of our lesson is «Animals». We live in a world that is full of the beauty of nature. Animals are the part of that natural world. We'll learn that animals are more complex, we'll learn some interesting facts about animals. To make our lesson successful let's revise lexis on the theme. Look at the active board.
Vast [ va: st ] Exactly [igzәktli ] Fur [ fә: ] Feather [ fe’зә ]
ShellScale Cell Endanger Rhino Rhinoceros In danger
Out of danger Habitat Mammals Domestic Reptiles Insects Jungle
Protect Rare Extinct Endangered
Exercise1. 1) What animals are in the picture? Match the pictures with the words.
II.. Reading the text “ About animals”
What categories of animals do you know?
What species of animals do you know

Come up to the active board and write in the words
c) You know animals differ in their habitats and characteristics. Divide the words into three groups: habitats, characteristics and words to mean actions: jungle, wild, forest, protect, ocean, rare, hunt, river, extinct, fast, save, b, desert, endangered.
IV. Presentation. Let's speak about this wonderful animal. What animal is it? Where does it live?
Fox. Foxes may have different sizes: from the biggest species, that live in the North, to the smallest ones, that live in the South (in deserts). Foxes usually have got 4 – 10 cubs.(баласы) Foxes are mammals, because they give milk to their babies. They have got a lot of enemies: gluttons, lynxes, bears, eagles. But the main enemy of the fox is the wolf. Foxes are beast animals and they are night hunters. Their favourite food is mice, but they also eat small mammals, fish, eggs, rabbits and worms.(құрттар) Sometimes they can eat berries (for example bilberries - қара бүлдірген) and fruit. Wild foxes live for about 6 years and domestic foxes can live for about 10 years. Foxes live all over the world except Africa and Antarctica. They live in forests, in deserts, in steppes and even in cities! In towns they prefer to live near dumps, and in villages they steal hens, chickens, rabbits, ducks, geese and so on. Foxes are very - very cunning (қу) animals. People like to write and tell stories about them. The fox is the main hero of the fairy - tales and fables. For example: “The Fox and the Cock”, “The Fox and the Crow “The Fox and the Crane”, “The Fox and the Wolf” and so on.
• Where do foxes live?
• What do they eat?
• How many cubs do they have?
• How long do they live?
• What kind of animals are they(mammals, reptiles…)?
• What are they like?
• What do they look like?
• Which fairy tales about the fox do you know?
Many animals and birds in Kazakhstan are in danger, because people have hunted and killed many animals, destroyed their habitats. There are about 835 species of animals in Kazakhstan.
What was the text about?
What can you say about elephants?
What can you say about whales?
Why do people hunt animals?

6) Work with active board
Look at the board. Answer the following questions.
VI. Home task: to learn the words, to make a story using the diagram
VII. Commenting marks.
VIII. Ending. The lesson is over. Good bye!

Wild Animals and Domestic Animals
Wild Animals and Domestic Animals
to give more information about animals, to master new words, practice its use in the speech.
Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Сүйеубаева Жұлдыз
About animals
About animals
Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы, № 258 негізгі мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Исмайлова Асель
About animals
About animals
Атырау қаласы, Амангелді атындағы орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Есқалиева Бахытжамал Бақтиярқызы
Атырауская область, Курмангазинский район, Средняя школа им. М. Ауэзова Учитель английского языка Изатова Бахытгуль Тукеновна
Animals are in danger
Animals are in danger
Атырау облысы, Қызылқоға ауданы Миялы селосы, Х. Досмұхамедұлы атындағы орта мектебінің Ағылшын пәні мұғалімі Әлменова Анар Мыңбайқызы
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