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The pleasure of life. Invitation

05 наурыз 2014, Сәрсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Educational: to teach pupils to get information about some pleasures of life
Practical: to continue the development of logical thinking. To improve speaking and reading skills, to study new vocabulary and use it in speech.
Developing: to develop love to English language.
Equipment: pictures, cards, textbooks, an interactive board, the slide show.
crayons, sheets of papers.
Procedure and stages of the lesson:
1. Оrganization moment. Greeting. Talk with a duty.
T; Now let’s sing a song «Seasons».
2. Brainstorming.
T; We have spoken about the environment at out previous lessons and you have learnt how to protect it.
1. Look at the board and read the rhyme. After you read it find the word.
T. is exactly in the middle,
W. is one letter before T.
A. is between W and T
R. is at the end
E. is between T and R. (Water)
T. your next task is to find the odd one out.
a) January - February - Wednesday - March
b) village - city - town - Train
c) boy - girl - friend - child
d) house - flat - life - room
2. «Life is like that». «Өмір сан түрлі тіршіліктен тұрады» (saying)
3. Crossword\. Checking up home task and open of the theme today is lessons
(Үй тапсырмасын тексеру арқылы тақырыпты шығару)
1. What is the synonym of the word ‘’old’’ (ancient)
2. What is the antonym of the word ‘’unimportant’’?(important
3. What is the English for ‘’ыстық’’? (fever)
4. What is the English for “сұйықтық” (Liquid)
5. What is the synonym of the word ‘’people’’? (population)
6. What is the English for ‘қол жеткізу’?(reach)
7. What is the comparative adjective ‘good’? (better)
8. What is the English for ‘’Желді’’? (windy)
9. What is the English for ‘’тамаша’’?(wonderful)
10. What is the synonym of the word ‘’trip’’?(journey)
4. Рresentation
T: Today we’ll speak about the pleasures of life. There are several kinds of pleasures of life and some special moments of it.
We shall sing a simple song,
People must live very long.
Live without any sorrow
This day and of course tomorrow.
You must be in a happy mood,
Let your life be always good!
Slide: «Birthday». Answer the questions:
a) Do you invite your friends to your birthday?
b) Do you send a postcard to your friend?
c) Do you send an invitation to your friend?
- Slide: «Invitation to some occasion».
Vocabulary work.
To invite - шақыру
Invitation - шақыру қағазы
Lovely - тамаша
Boring - көңілсіз
Delicious - дәмді
Disgusting - дәмсіз
Enjoy - рахаттану
Gift - сыйлық
Present - сыйлық
- Slide ‘’Invitation’’. (Pupils draw their own invitation cards in their notebooks.)
5. Practice. 1. Read the dialogue ‘’At John’s party’’.
2. Act out the dialogue ‘’At Murat’s birthday party’’.
- While acting the dialogue use the following phrases;
a) Congratulations
b) All the best
c) I wish you happiness
d) I wish you health and present!
f) This gift is for you!
g) Cheers!
h) Here's to you
i) Here's to our friendship
Ex. 5(true or false?)
Complete the sentences (on the interactive board);
a) Dmitry was at John''s … … yesterday.
b) The party was … …
c) The … … was delicious.
d) There were many … …

V. Conclusion.
VI. Home task
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