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The environment and you

13 сәуір 2014, Жексенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
The theme: The environment and you
Objectives: to love and respect your Motherland, to talk about the nature.
Methods: Speech habit, themselves control. Complete the chart.
Materials: tables, texts, Active studio.
Time: 45 min.
Plan of the lesson.
І. Organization moment.
- Good afternoon pupils, sit down.
- Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent?
- Let`s begin our lesson.
ІІ. Checking up the homework.
- What was your homework for today?
- Who wants to read? Ex7. Translate, p66

ІІІ. New lesson.
- Before we start the lesson I want to begin with word of
Pupils, said as you know we respect our customs and traditions of each country to take care of our common home, the planet Earth and the Nature. You should respect our nature the Motherland.
- The Earth the mother and your natural mother are twin mother.
- We love our motherland. The Earth, the nature, the motherland. That we think first of all about the with it`s people and nature.

The Earth

is a special place for everyone
Animals, birds,
The planet, which goes round the Earth

ІV. New words.
Sea – Теңіз
Ocean – Мұхит
Lake – Көл
Conserve – Сақтау
Ecology – Экология

V. Reading. “The Environment and you”
- Pupils, open your books, listen to me. I am a reading the text.

VІ. Answer the questions.
- What about the text?
- What`s the environment?
- What kind of natural resources are widely used for purposes of industry and agriculture?
- What living things surround us?
- What non - living things surround us?

VІІ. Describe the picture.
- Pupils, what season is it now?
- Winter is the wonderful time of the nature.
The fairy time is a winter. Winter is the coldest season in the year. It often snows. There is a lot of snow on the ground.
- Pupils, look at the picture.
- What do you see in the picture?
- What do we protect to the nature?
- What should we do in order to help the mother nature?
1) Our world is a very beautiful place many people are very friendly to the nature.
2) People plant trees and flowers.
3) I plant flowers, I help to the nature. I like nature.
4) We should plant trees every year.
T: Pupils, we had a big problem of the pollution of environment.
- Why does this problem worry the people of the world?
1) I think many people are destroying the environment. They pollute air and water, cut trees and kill fish and birds.
2) People don`t plant trees and flowers. Don`t dump rubbish. Don`t kill birds and animals.
3) People are cutting down forests. They burn trees. Many factories pollute air and water.
Are you agree with this picture?
- No, it`s wrong. We mustn`t do on this way.

Назар аударыңыз! Жасырын мәтінді көру үшін сізге сайтқа тіркелу қажет.

Review lesson. Save the nature
Review lesson. Save the nature
Talking about protecting the environment and saving the nature;
The environment
The environment
Ағылышын тілі пәні мұғалімі Айымгул Тапаева Жалгасбаевна
Save the nature
Save the nature
Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Мауленина Жаннур Сериковна
They’re cutting the trees
They’re cutting the trees
Атырау қаласы, Амангелді атындағы орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Есқалиева Бахытжамал Бақтиярқызы
Save the nature
Save the nature
Батыс Қазақстан облысы, Шыңғырлау ауданы А. Тихоненко атындағы ОЖББМ ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Кубжанова Нургуль Уразовна
The world around us. Save the nature
The world around us. Save the nature
Балташева Айзада Нұрқызы Ақтау қаласы "Қызылтөбе лицейі"
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