Characters: Storyteller, King, Queen, Princess Briar - Rose, Page, Captain, Soldiers, Fairies, Wicked Fairy, and Prince.
Scene I
Setting: A room at the palace.
Storyteller: Once upon a time, in a far off land there lived a King and a King. They were happy. For at last they had a little baby girl they had longed for.
Queen (as she rocks the cradle):
Oh, go to sleep my baby.
Close your pretty eyes
While I sing you a lullabie
(Addressing the King): My King, no one knows of our baby yet.
King: No my queen, we must spread the good news throughout the land. (He claps his hands and the Page walks up).
Page: Yes your majesty
King: Send my Captain to me.
Page: Yes your majesty
Captain (enter the room): Yes your majesty?
King: March with your soldiers throughout the land and tell the people that a Princess has been born.
Captain: Yes your majesty. (Goes away).
All the soldiers (marching around a ring):
Spread the news,
Spread the news
Far and wide,
A princess has been born,
A princess has been born.
King (to the Queen): She is a dear little baby. What shall we call her?
Queen: Lets call her Briar - Rise.
King: Briar - Rose. That’s a lovely name.
Queen: Now we must invite the good fairies to come bless our little Briar - Rose.
King: My Queen, I shall go and invite them to come.
Storyteller: And seven fairies came.
The First Fairy: Briar - Rose, you shall have a beautiful face.
The Second Fairy: You shall think beautiful thoughts
The Third Fairy: You shall do kind deeds.
The Fourth Fairy: You shall dance like a fairy.
The Fifth Fairy: You shall sing like a nightingale.
The Sixth Fairy: You shall be clever.
The Seventh Fairy: You shall be happy.
Queen: Thank you good fairies.
All the fairies:
Sleep little baby, fairies are near,
They have blessed you my little dear.
Sleep little baby, sleep little baby
(Suddenly the Wicked Fairy appears. She looks angry).
Wicked Fairy: You did not invite me to come and bless your baby so I have come to punish her instead.
Queen: You shall not touch my baby!
Wicked Fairy: I do not want to touch her, but I tell you this! On her fifteenth birthday she will prick her finger with a spindle and die!
Queen (tearfully): My baby, my baby!
The First Fairy: Do not weep, Queen. Your daughter will not die. She will sleep for a hundred years, and a prince will wake her up and marry her (the fairies go away).
King (to the Queen): Do not be sad, my Queen. The Fairies have promised that our daughter will not die.
Queen: But I don’t want her to prick her finger and I do not want her to sleep for a hundred years.
King: Then we will forbid spindles to be used in any house. The punishment will be death. (He claps his hands and the Page walks up.)
Page: Yes your majesty.
King: Send my Captain to me.
Page: yes your majesty.
Captain (entering the room): Yes your majesty?
Scene I
Setting: A room at the palace.
Storyteller: Once upon a time, in a far off land there lived a King and a King. They were happy. For at last they had a little baby girl they had longed for.
Queen (as she rocks the cradle):
Oh, go to sleep my baby.
Close your pretty eyes
While I sing you a lullabie
(Addressing the King): My King, no one knows of our baby yet.
King: No my queen, we must spread the good news throughout the land. (He claps his hands and the Page walks up).
Page: Yes your majesty
King: Send my Captain to me.
Page: Yes your majesty
Captain (enter the room): Yes your majesty?
King: March with your soldiers throughout the land and tell the people that a Princess has been born.
Captain: Yes your majesty. (Goes away).
All the soldiers (marching around a ring):
Spread the news,
Spread the news
Far and wide,
A princess has been born,
A princess has been born.
King (to the Queen): She is a dear little baby. What shall we call her?
Queen: Lets call her Briar - Rise.
King: Briar - Rose. That’s a lovely name.
Queen: Now we must invite the good fairies to come bless our little Briar - Rose.
King: My Queen, I shall go and invite them to come.
Storyteller: And seven fairies came.
The First Fairy: Briar - Rose, you shall have a beautiful face.
The Second Fairy: You shall think beautiful thoughts
The Third Fairy: You shall do kind deeds.
The Fourth Fairy: You shall dance like a fairy.
The Fifth Fairy: You shall sing like a nightingale.
The Sixth Fairy: You shall be clever.
The Seventh Fairy: You shall be happy.
Queen: Thank you good fairies.
All the fairies:
Sleep little baby, fairies are near,
They have blessed you my little dear.
Sleep little baby, sleep little baby
(Suddenly the Wicked Fairy appears. She looks angry).
Wicked Fairy: You did not invite me to come and bless your baby so I have come to punish her instead.
Queen: You shall not touch my baby!
Wicked Fairy: I do not want to touch her, but I tell you this! On her fifteenth birthday she will prick her finger with a spindle and die!
Queen (tearfully): My baby, my baby!
The First Fairy: Do not weep, Queen. Your daughter will not die. She will sleep for a hundred years, and a prince will wake her up and marry her (the fairies go away).
King (to the Queen): Do not be sad, my Queen. The Fairies have promised that our daughter will not die.
Queen: But I don’t want her to prick her finger and I do not want her to sleep for a hundred years.
King: Then we will forbid spindles to be used in any house. The punishment will be death. (He claps his hands and the Page walks up.)
Page: Yes your majesty.
King: Send my Captain to me.
Page: yes your majesty.
Captain (entering the room): Yes your majesty?
Назар аударыңыз! Жасырын мәтінді көру үшін сізге сайтқа тіркелу қажет.

Slipping Beauty
A king and queen had no children, although they wanted one very much. Then one day while the queen was sitting in her bath, a crab crept out of the water onto the ground and said, "Your wish will soon be fulfilled, and you will bring a daughter into

Her Majesty the Queen
БҚО, Шыңғырлау ауданы, А. Тихоненко атындағы ОЖББМ Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Амангельдиева Алия Тлегеновна

Snow white
Костанай қаласы, Мендықара ауданы, Қаратал орта мектебінде ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Мусина Бибинур

The Members of British Royal Family
Grade: 10 The theme of the lesson: The Members of British Royal Family.

Золушка на английском языке
ОҚО Бәйдібек ауданы, Шаян ауылындағы №1 жалпы орта мектеп - интернатының ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Бекеева Гулжан Махамбетқызы

The world of fairy tales
Isatai, Atyrau region School - Isatai The teacher of English: Tolepbergen Aidana Zinelgabidenkizy
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