Жексенбі, 23 Наурыз 2025
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The Members of British Royal Family

22 наурыз 2014, Сенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Grade: 10
The theme of the lesson: The Members of British Royal Family.
The aim of the lesson:
educational: Оқушыларға Ұлыбританияның Біріккен Корольдігінің мүшелері туралы мағлұмат бере отырып, білімдерін жетілдіру.
developing: Ағылшын тілінде оқушылардың сөйлеу, ойлау қабілеттерін дамыту
bringing – up: Ағылшын тіліне деген қызығушылықтарын арттыру, өзге ұлтқа деген достық сезімін күшейту.
The type of the lesson: getting information
The kind of the lesson: traditional lesson
The methods: question - answer, group work, Venn diagram, Association, Graphical dictation, chart, individual work, tests work with self - evaluation.
Connection with other subjects: history, geography
Visual aids: cards, slides reflecting the members of Royal family, chart, punch card.
Technical aids: interactive board, computers
Literature: internet materials, English proverbs
Happy English by Klementeva
“Ағылшын тілі мектепте” журналы

Organization moment
Good morning, everybody!
Good morning, teacher!
How are you?
Who is on duty today?
What date is it today?
What day is it today?
Who is absent today?

Write the words under the right column:
Check up your knowledge.
Decide which is correct: a, b, or c.
1. How many parts is London divided into?
a) two parts; b) four parts; c) three parts
2. А bus with two floors?
a) double - decker
b) a single - decker
c) a coach
3. What place is the official home of the Queen?
a) The Tower;
b) Buckingham Palace;
c) St. Paul's Cathedral
4. What is the capital of England?
a) Astana
b) London
c) Cardiff
d) Belfast
5. How many people live in London?
a) 8 million
b) 6 million
c) a million
d) 4 million
6. What is the heart of London?
a) Тhe City
b) Westminster
c) the West End
d) the East End
Find the pictures
There are some pictures about London.
New theme
Our new theme is the Members of British Royal Family. Look at the active board.

Elizabeth II
She meets important visitors, kings, queens and presidents from different countries. She is the United Kingdom’s Head of State. She is also the queen of Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the head of the Commonwealth. England's Queen Elizabeth II Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of England was born on April 21, 1926 in London. The birth of the baby is not charming caused excitement in the court. Anyone and could not come, it's young thing eventually take the throne. At the time of Elizabeth's grandfather was king George V. Heir to the throne was considered the eldest son Edward. Father of the girl was Prince Albert - the second son of the king. He did not admit the thought that would be crowned special. Everyone thought that the eldest son will soon marry, acquire heirs after the death of his father put on him royal duties.

Prince Philip had the most that neither is a brilliant pedigree. He was the grandson and great - grandson of Greek Danish king, and the great grandson of the Russian Emperor Nicholas I. But after the revolution in Greece, the Prince had nothing except the title. His mother ended up in a mental institution, and his father became ill gambling. England took care of the poor child and arranged it to the Royal Naval College, the boy got a decent career and was able to earn his daily bread. Prince of Wales (born Charles, Prince of Wales), or Prince Charles; full name of Charles (Carl) Philip Arthur George (George) Mountbatten - Windsor. The 14th of November 1948 - the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, the heir to the British throne

Prince William Arthur Philip Louis, Duke of Cambridge. In 1982 21 June - Duke of Cambridge, Earl and Baron Strathernsky Karrikfergyus, the eldest son of Prince Charles of Wales and his first wife, Princess Diana, grandson of Queen Elizabeth II. The second in line heir to the throne of the United Kingdom. She` s his wife – Kate. Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middlton was in 2011 April 29, in London, St. Peter's Catholic Church Westminster Abbey.

Prince Henry of Wales (born Prince Henry of Wales, the full name of Henry Charles Albert David Mountbatten - Windsor, Eng. Henry Charles Albert David Mountbatten - Windsor; he was born September 15, 1984, Paddington, London - the youngest son of Prince Charles of Wales and his first wife, Diana, grandson of Queen Elizabeth II.
His Royal Highness Prince Henry Charles Albert David of Wales

Practice the pronunciation:
Nationality [, nǽ∫ә'nǽliti] национальность
Flag [flǽg] флаг
Separate [, sepә'reit] отделять, разделять
Anthem ['ǽnθәm] гимн
Tradition [trә'di∫n] традиция
Situated ['sitjueitid] расположено
Island ['ailәnd] остров
Coast [kәust] побережье
Square [skwεә] площадь
Extend [iks’tend] простирать(ся), тянуть(ся)

Complete the dialogue.
a double - decker bus the UK the top level London
- Would you like to travel by bus a double - decker?
- Yes, I think you can see a lot from London of it.
- Can you travel by double - deckers only in the top level?
- Red double - decker buses are a typical picture in London but two - level buses
run in many towns of the UK

Work with text
When the Queen gets up at 7’o clock in the morning she has seven people to look after her. One starts her bath. One prepares her clothes, and two bring her breakfast. One person feeds the Royal dogs. The Queen has eight dogs and they have their own bedroom near the Queen’s bedroom. Every day for fifteen minutes the Queen listens to Scottish music and reads the “Times” newspaper. Every Tuesday evening the Queen talks to the Prime Minister about Britain and the world.
Answer the questions
(1) The Queen gets up at seven o ‘ clock.
(2) The Queen has toasts for breakfast
(3) The Queen has six people to feed her dogs.
(4) The Queen reads the “Times” newspaper.
(5) The Queen talks to the Prime Minister every Thursday
(6) The Queen goes to bed at ten o’ clock.
Home task:
To write about Princess of Diana
To learn new words
Our lesson is over! Thanks for your attentions!

Her Majesty the Queen
Her Majesty the Queen
БҚО, Шыңғырлау ауданы, А. Тихоненко атындағы ОЖББМ Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Амангельдиева Алия Тлегеновна
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