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14 қаңтар 2016, Бейсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Қостанай облысы, Әулиекөл ауданы,
Сосновка негізгі мектебінің ағылшын тілі мұғалімі
Мизимбаева Баян Мейрамовна

The plan of lesson
Дата/Date/Күні: 10. 12. 15
Класс/Class/Сынып: 7
Предмет/Subject/Сабақ: English language
Тема/Theme/Сабақтың тақырыбы: Profession
Мамандық типтері туралы ұғым беріп, құндылықтар жайлы дүниетанымын кеңейту. Мәнерлеп оқу, дұрыс оқу машықтарын жетілдіру, cөздік қорын байыту.
Белсенділігін артырып, білімдерін жетілдіру.
Bringing – up/Воспитательная/Тәрбиелік:
Қоғамдық көзқарасы дұрыс қалыптасқан, көзі ашық, көкірегі ояу, ұлтжанды білімді азамат тәрбиелеу.
Resources/Оборудование /Көрнекті құралдар: picture on the theme “Profession”, Presentation Power Point, cards, poster, and computer with projector.

1. Greeting
2. Checking of the home task.
3. Brainstorm
4. Introduction of new material.
5. Fixing of knowledge.
6. Homework
7. Summary.

I. Organization moment.
T: Good morning children!
P: Good morning teacher!
T: Sit down please!
T: Who is on duty today?
P: I am on duty today.
T: Who is absent today?
P: Are all present today.
T: What date is it today?
P: Today is the 10th of December.
Checking of knowledge.
Continue our lesson. What was your homework?
Home work was learning the new words.
Are you ready?
…Begin. I’ll give your cards with the tasks.
Ok! Let’s start!

II. Brainstorm
I put the theme of our lesson into code. In order to know our new lesson’s theme you’ll guess it using the multiplication table. Let’s count letters of the English alphabet and you can decode the theme?
4×4 =16
6×3 =18
5×3 =15
2×3 =6
2×3 - 1=5
6×3+1 =19
9×2 +1=19
3×3 =9
5×3 =15
7×2 =14
16. 18. 15. 6. 5. 19. 19. 9. 15. 14
As you can see the theme of our lesson is “Profession”.

III. New theme
Today the theme of our lesson is “Profession”. Today we will learn new words and introduction of new material on the theme “Professions”, to work with texts.
Let’s start our new theme “Profession”. Children, open your copybook, write down the date today and new theme.
The next tasks: look at the presentation on the new words. I read and your repeats after me, translate these words in English, Kazakh and Russian then open your dictionary and write down new words.
1. Teacher [ʹti: tʃə] - мұғалім
2. Doctor [ʹdɒktə] - дәрігер
3. Painter [ʹpeıntə] - суретші
4. Musician [mju:ʹzıʃ(ə) n] - музыкант
5. Policeman [pəʹli: smən] - полиция
6. Driver [ʹdraıvə] - жүргізуші
7. Dentist [ʹdentıst] – тіс дәрігері
8. Builder [ʹbıldə] - құрылысшы
9. Firefighter ['faiə, faitə] – өрт сөндіруші
10. Hairdresser [ʹheə͵dresə] – шаштараз
11. Cook [kʋk] – аспазшы
And now let’s start do exercise.
Exercise 1. Read the text.
Sometimes it is difficult to give a definite answer because there are very many trades and professions which are important and useful. But there always some boys and girls who know very early what trade or profession they will take up. Others are ready to enter a profession in which they can be help to other people but they have not yet decided which profession to choose.
There are many different kinds of jobs, but it is not difficult to find out about any of them. This may be done by going to a public library and reading special literature; by talking to older people who are occupied in that particular kind of work. They can help you to find out if you will be able to do that kind of work well, and tell you what there may be for you in the future.
If a school - leaver wants to get a higher education, the best road to it is through practical work. You will have time to think about your future if you do that and then, if you decide to go to an institute, you will already know life better.
But whatever profession you choose you must be sure that the work you do will be interesting for you and useful to our country!

Exercise 2. There are 10 sentences. Some of them are true, some of them are false.
True or False!
1. There are very few trades and professions which are important and useful.
2. There always some boys and girls who know very early what trade or profession they will take up.
3. There are many different kinds of jobs, but it is very difficult to find out about any of them.
4. You can find information about different professions in the library.
5. Older people who are occupied in that particular kind of work can’t help you at all.
6. If a school - leaver wants to get a higher education, the best road to it is through practical work.
7. Your future profession mustn’t be interesting for you.
Ok! Well - done, children!

IV. Fixing of knowledge.
Exercise 3. Now, let’s guess the riddles.
1. Who helps children to learn?
2. Who works in policlinics?
3. Who sings different songs?
4. Who treats our teeth?
5. Who drivers cars, buses?
Answer: teacher, doctor, musician, dentist, driver.
Ok! Well - done, children!

Exersice 4. Play a game “Who is this?”
I’ll give you envelopes. In the Envelope is written the profession of each child. You have facial expressions and gestures to show what this profession and the others have to guess.
Cook, builder, teacher, doctor, and painter.
Ok! That’s all!

The next exercise 4. “Match jobs to the places or tools of work”
And now children look at the cards, on the cards you can see two column on the theme “Profession”.

Well - done, children!

And the end exercise 5. Funny tasks.
• A profession which is not in our life
a) a taxi driver b) a doctor c) a magician
• The best ‘green’ profession
а) a teacher b) a gardener c) a dantist
• The ‘sweetest’ profession
а) a cook b) a lawyer c) a painter
• The ‘funniest’ profession
а) a journalist b) a funnyman c) a pilot
• The most ‘responsible’ profession
а) a judge b) a dancer c) a singer
• The ‘highest’ profession
а) a cosmonaut b) a gardener c) a businessman

V. Homework
Open your diaries and write down your home task.
To write an essay: “My Future Profession.”

VI. Conclusion.
Your marks for today ….
So, what did we do today?
What interesting words?
The lesson is over. You may be free! Good - bye!
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0 дауыс

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Special people
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At the doctor's
At the doctor's
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