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The turnip

02 қаңтар 2013, Сәрсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
The theme of the lesson: “The turnip”.
Aims of the lesson:
1. To strengthen motivation of studying of English language.
2. To develop pupils’ speaking skills. (dialogical speech).
3. To develop creative abilities of pupils.

An Author -Алтынбек
A Grandfather- Жұлдыз
A Grandmother - Айдана
A Granddaughter - Аяжан
A Dog, named Zhuchka - Ұлан
A Cat - Аружан
A Mouse - Ақтоты

AN AUTHOR: Once upon a time somewhere about there lived the grandfather and the grandmother.
The grandfather was a very good gardener he liked to spend a lot of time looking after his plants. In springtime he planted a turnip and many other vegetables. The turnip was growing bigger and bigger with the grandfather's songs and there came time to take it out.

A GRANDFATHER: Came the happy, happy time
Taking out crops of mine.
Pooling, pooling my turnip
Can’t just do it - it's too big!
I should call grandmother for help. Grandma, grandma come over to help me to pool the turnip out.

A GRANDMOTHER: I am coming, I'll help you.
TOGETHER: Pulling, pulling the turnip, can’t pull it up!
A GRANDMOTHER: You know, grandpa, we wouldn’t be able to take the turnip out by ourselves. It’s too deep in the ground. Lets call our granddaughter to help us.
A GRANDFATHER: It’s a very bright idea. Call our granddaughter to help us.
A GRANDMOTHER: Granddaughter, granddaughter come to help us to pool the turnip out.
TOGETHER: Pulling, pulling the turnip, can’t pull it up!
A GRANDDAUGHTER: I think we need more help. This turnip doesn’t want to get out easily. Let’s call Zhuchka to help us. Zhuchka, Zhuchka come to help us to pool the turnip out.
ZHUCHKA: Woof, woof I am in a hurry to come.
TOGETHER: Pulling, pulling the turnip, can’t pull it up!
ZHUCHKA: It’s not so easy as I thought it would be. Let’s call the cat to help us. Kitty, kitty come down to help us.
A CAT: Prrrrr, prrrrr. I am coming.

TOGETHER: Pulling, pulling the turnip, can’t pull it up!
A CAT: I believe we need help. Let’s call the mouse. Mouse, mouse, come and help us.
A MOUSE: pi pi pi pi. I am a Mouse. I am happy to help us.
AN AUTHOR: And they pooled the turnip out! All of them were glad that the turnip was finally out. The grandma cooked the turnip and gave everybody a piece of a sweet and tasty turnip. When the mouse ate her piece of turnip she said.
A MOUSE: It was so lovely. If you need my help next time, please don’t hesitate and call me again. I like the turnip so much.

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