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Travelling to the Fairy-tale

17 қаңтар 2013, Бейсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Қызылорда облысы, Шиелі ауданы,
Ақмая ауылы,№49 орта мектебі ағылшын пән мұғалімі:
Арысланова Сания

The plan of the party
The theme of the lesson: Travelling to the Fairy - tale
The aim of the lesson:
The fairy tales, the aim of which was just to amuse, often speak of fantastic and unreal things.
The fairy tales, transmitted by word of mouth through the centuries, intended just for children, to whom they were told by the fireside in the evening, before they went to sleep, have always enchanted the children's imagination (the adult people's imagination too), much more than fables. The fairy tale represents a narrative genre spread all over the world, in any kind of culture. Of course, there are some differences between the usages and customs described in the oriental fairy tales, and the ones present in the occidental fairy tales: but the meaning and the atmosphere are just the same.

The Outline of the party
I. Organization moment
Sing a song “ABC”
- Good day dear teacher, pupils and guests!
- Welcome to our party “Travelling to the Fairy - tale”. We are happy to have you here.
Let’s start our party.
At first I’ll say you about Fairy - tail
The fairy tales almost always tell about great difficulties and dangers to be braved, about white and black magic, about extraordinary voyages. They often reflect the world where the ones who told them were living. In the western fairy tales we often find the image of Europe of those times, before the modern age: the very thick and untouched woods of the Northern Countries, great extents of uninhabited lands, the hunger, the cold, the fear, the bandits; and then, the peasants', the woodsmen's, or the lords' life; and we also find the animals which often were the family's only property or were just the most precious companions, like the horses.
The fairy tales are stories which follow a very simple and consistent narrative scheme; they usually present an opening situation where the main characters, the place and time settings are briefly outlined. Very soon comes out a problem, a situation to be solved, the complication around which the whole fairy tale will be created. At this point there is the adventure's development, till we arrive at a conclusion, a happy ending where all the difficulties are overcome and the problems are solved.
Today for our party came Queens of the Fairy - tale. She’ll read fairy - tale for us.
Come here!
Good day!
Queen: Good day!
Welcome to my fairy - tale world.
I’ll read for you fairy - tale about The Round Little Bun and The Turnip.
Listen me. I’ll start fairy - tale
The Round Little Bun
Once there lived an old man and old woman. The old man said,
"Old woman, bake me a bun."
"What can I make it from? I have no flour." "Eh, eh, old woman! Scrape the cupboard, sweep the flour bin, and you will find enough flour."
The old woman picked up a duster, scraped the cupboard, swept the flour bin and gathered about two handfuls of flour. She mixed the dough with sour cream, fried it in butter, and put the bun on the window sill to cool. The bun lay and lay there. Suddenly it rolled off the window sill to the bench, from the bench to the floor, from the floor to the door. Then it rolled over the threshold to the entrance hall, from the entrance hall to the porch, from the porch to the courtyard, from the courtyard trough the gate and on and on. The bun rolled along the road and met a hare.
"Little bun, little bun, I shall eat you up!" said the hare. "Don't eat me, slant - eyed hare! I will sing you a song," said the bun, and sang:
I was scraped from the cupboard,
Swept from the bin,
Kneaded with sour cream,
Fried in butter,
And cooled on the sill.
I got away from Grandpa,
I got away from Grandma
And I'll get away from you, hare!
And the bun rolled away before the hare even saw it move! The bun rolled on and met
a wolf.
"Little bun, little bun, I shall eat you up," said the wolf.
"Don't eat me, gray wolf!" said the bun. "I will sing you a song." And the bun sang:
I was scraped from the cupboard,
Swept from the bin,
Kneaded with sour cream,
Fried in butter,
And cooled on the sill.
I got away from Grandpa,
I got away from Grandma
I got away from the hare,
And I'll get away from you, gray wolf!
And the bun rolled away before the wolf even saw it move! The bun rolled on and met
a bear.
"Little bun, little bun, I shall eat you up," the bear said.
"You will not, pigeon toes!"
And the bun sang:
I was scraped from the cupboard,
Swept from the bin,
Kneaded with sour cream,
Fried in butter,
And cooled on the sill.
I got away from Grandpa,
I got away from Grandma
I got away from the hare,
I got away from the wolf,
And I'll get away from you, big bear!
And again the bun rolled a The bun rolled and rolled and met
a fox.
"Hello, little bun, how nice yor are!" said the fox.
And the bun sang:
I was scraped from the cupboard,
Swept from the bin,
Kneaded with sour cream,
Fried in butter,
And cooled on the sill.
I got away from Grandpa,
I got away from Grandma,
I got away from the hare,
I got away from the wolf,
I got away from bear,
And I'll get away from you, old fox! way before the bear even saw it move! "What a wonderful song!" said the fox. "But little bun, I have became old now and hard of hearing. Come sit on my snout and sing your song again a little louder."
The bun jumped up on the fox's snout and sang the same song.
"Thank you, little bun, that was a wonderful song. I'd like to hear it again. Come sit on my tongue and sing it for the last time," said the fox, sticking out her tongue.
The bun foolishly jumped onto her tongue and - snatch!- she ate it.

Sing a song: My bonny

The Turnip
Grandpa planted a turnip. The turnip grew bigger and bigger. Grandpa came to pick the turnip, pulled and pulled but couldn't pull it up! Grandpa called Grandma.
Grandma pulled Grandpa,
Grandpa pulled the turnip.
They pulled and pulled but couldn't pull it up! Granddaughter came.
Granddaughter pulled Grandma,
Grandma pulled Grandpa,
Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled but couldn't pull it up! The doggy came.
Doggy pulled Granddaughter,
Granddaughter pulled Grandma,
Grandma pulled Grandpa,
Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled but couldn't pull it up!
A kitty came.
Kitty pulled doggy,
Doggy pulled Granddaughter,
Granddaughter pulled Grandma,
Grandma pulled Grandpa,
Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled but couldn't pull it up! A mouse came.
The mouse pulled kitty,
Kitty pulled doggy,
Doggy pulled Granddaughter,
Granddaughter pulled Grandma,
Grandma pulled Grandpa,
Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled and pulled the turnip up!

Game: What we are known?
I’ll give you letter. You must say the word of beginning the letter which you have.
A, B, C, D, …

Teacher: dear guests, we have showed you our knowledge in English. We think you liked our party. Thank you for attention! We wish you great success in future!
We are all friend together,
We are all friend together,
Hip hooray!

Fairy Tales
Fairy Tales
Ағылшын тілі пәнінен 4-6 класс оқушыларына арналған кластан тыс шара
Сағат неше?
Сағат неше?
Бүгін сабақта біз i дауысты дыбысынан тұратын сөздерді меңгеруді жалғастырамыз, a және e әріптерінің оқылуын қайталаймыз, Сағат қанша? Сұрағын қойып, оған жауап беріп үйренеміз, сондай - ақ ән жаттаймыз.
Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Қалыбаева Тұрдыхан Рамазановна
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The world of fairy tales
The world of fairy tales
Isatai, Atyrau region School - Isatai The teacher of English: Tolepbergen Aidana Zinelgabidenkizy
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