Helping Hands
Lesson plan
Long - term plan unit: 2
Grade: 2 Number present:
Theme of the lesson: Helping Hands.
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to
2. S4 respond to basic supported questions giving personal and factual information
2. UE13 use can to talk about ability and to make requests and offers; use can / can’t to talk about permission
2. L2 recognise with considerable support an increasing range of common personal questions
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to:
• recognise with support a limited range of basic common personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly
• use can / can’t to describe ability
• write familiar words to describe ability
Most learners will be able to:
• ask questions in basic exchanges about people, objects and classroom routines
Some learners will be able to:
• retell his/ her own ability
Success criteria: Learners have met the learning objective UE 13 if they can
talk about 8 - 10 abilities
Language focus: My name is Diana. I am from Astana. I’ve got a brother.. My best friend is Berik. This is friend Nurlan.
Sure, no problem, here you are, Sorry, I can’t. Sorry I need it.
Target vocabulary: Help, problem, need, hands full, broken pencil, maths problem
Value links: Transparency
Cross curricular links: Social studies, etiquette
ICT skills: Using videos
Previous learning: personal pronouns/ common lexical verbs
Warming up activity
(W) Children revise greetings.
Children sing a song “Greeting song”.
(W) (P) Learners recognise and respond to the teacher’s questions and phrases. Then they work in pairs.
Hello! Hi!
Good morning!
Good afternoon!
Good evening!
Good night!
How are you?
I am fine, thank you.
What is your name?
My name is Marat.
Nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you, too!
(W) (I) Pupils recognize simple action verbs
1. Pupils watch a video presentation that recycles action verb vocabulary from Grade 1.
2. Pupils listen, match pictures and verbs
(D) Pupils recognise with support a limited range of basic common personal questions.
1. Teacher models the usage of “He/ She can…” to talk about ability through presentation and demonstration with learners at the front of the class.
2. Teacher uses flashcards and asks ‘Can’ questions to elicit answers about different abilities
Yes, I / he/ she/they can No, I / he/ she/they can’t
Teacher monitors, checks and comments. (“Good” “ Excellent” “Satisfactory” (Formative Teacher’s based assessment)
Pupils work with their partners to describe abilities looking at the pictures.
Helping Hands. жүктеу
Long - term plan unit: 2
Grade: 2 Number present:
Theme of the lesson: Helping Hands.
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to
2. S4 respond to basic supported questions giving personal and factual information
2. UE13 use can to talk about ability and to make requests and offers; use can / can’t to talk about permission
2. L2 recognise with considerable support an increasing range of common personal questions
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to:
• recognise with support a limited range of basic common personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly
• use can / can’t to describe ability
• write familiar words to describe ability
Most learners will be able to:
• ask questions in basic exchanges about people, objects and classroom routines
Some learners will be able to:
• retell his/ her own ability
Success criteria: Learners have met the learning objective UE 13 if they can
talk about 8 - 10 abilities
Language focus: My name is Diana. I am from Astana. I’ve got a brother.. My best friend is Berik. This is friend Nurlan.
Sure, no problem, here you are, Sorry, I can’t. Sorry I need it.
Target vocabulary: Help, problem, need, hands full, broken pencil, maths problem
Value links: Transparency
Cross curricular links: Social studies, etiquette
ICT skills: Using videos
Previous learning: personal pronouns/ common lexical verbs
Warming up activity
(W) Children revise greetings.
Children sing a song “Greeting song”.
(W) (P) Learners recognise and respond to the teacher’s questions and phrases. Then they work in pairs.
Hello! Hi!
Good morning!
Good afternoon!
Good evening!
Good night!
How are you?
I am fine, thank you.
What is your name?
My name is Marat.
Nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you, too!
(W) (I) Pupils recognize simple action verbs
1. Pupils watch a video presentation that recycles action verb vocabulary from Grade 1.
2. Pupils listen, match pictures and verbs
(D) Pupils recognise with support a limited range of basic common personal questions.
1. Teacher models the usage of “He/ She can…” to talk about ability through presentation and demonstration with learners at the front of the class.
2. Teacher uses flashcards and asks ‘Can’ questions to elicit answers about different abilities
Yes, I / he/ she/they can No, I / he/ she/they can’t
Teacher monitors, checks and comments. (“Good” “ Excellent” “Satisfactory” (Formative Teacher’s based assessment)
Pupils work with their partners to describe abilities looking at the pictures.
Helping Hands. жүктеу

The natural environment
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Clothes and things, Одежда и вещи
Clothes and things. Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to 1. L3 recognise with support simple greetings recognise the spoken form of a limited range of basic and everyday classroom words

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My school. School days
recognise with considerable support an increasing range of common personal questions S3 use a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to describe objects, activities and classroom routines W7 spell some familiar high - frequency
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