Health habits
(ашық сабақ 10- сынып)
The theme of the lesson: “Health habits”
The aims of the lesson: To expand the knowledge of the theme “Health”
To develop pupils’ speaking abilities on the theme.
To explain the importance of health in our life.
To learn to look after health.
Type of the lesson: Mixed lesson.
Visual aids: Active board, charts, diagrams
The plan of the lesson:
I. Org moment
II. Warm up. Talking about sleeping.
III. Talking about life expectancy. Giving reasons.
IV. Good and bad health habits.
V. Listening to the unknown text.
VI. Relaxation. Listening and singing the song. “What is the meaning
of being lonely? ”
VII. Research work. A) Health problems
B) What should you do to be healthy?
VIII. Short test. “Am I healthy?”
VIII. My choice “To be or not to be healthy.”
IX. Making compliments.
X. Giving the home task. Giving marks. End of the lesson.
The procedure of the lesson:
I. Org moment.
T: Good morning dear teachers and pupils! You are welcome dear guests! We are glad to see you at our lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What date and day is it today?
II. Warm up. Talking about sleeping.
T: Let’s revise our previous lesson and talk about sleeping.
Look at the blackboard and fill the blanks.
1. Sleep is an 1_________ part of good health. It helps you to feel good, work 2_______.
2. Even mild sleeping problems can make daily life more 3______ and less 4_______.
3. Healthy adult need an average 5 ____ or ____ hours of sleep.
4. If you have 6 __________ situations, problems with friends, family or have difficulty 7 ________ facts, you are probably not getting enough sleeping.
5. Stress is No 1 cause of 8 ______________ and it lead to a serious illness, problems.
6. 9__________ disappears when the stressful situation passes. But if it isn’t treated from the beginning, it can become 10 __________.
Suitable words: monotonous, productive, insomnia, seven or eight, concentrating, important, effectively, difficult, sleeping difficulties, continuous.
T: From these sentences you see that sleeping is an important basic human need as drinking, eating, breathing.
III. Talking about life expectancy. Giving reasons.
T: We have talked about sleeping at our previous lesson and its importance for our health. We continue talking about health. You are divided into two groups and will work in this way. And can you answer me:
What’s the life expectancy in our country now and what was it before?
I agree with you that before people’s life expectancy was about 70 or 80 years, but now it is shorter, it is about 60 - 70. Why? Give the reasons please.
First group give the reasons of longer life expectancy.
Second group give the reasons of shorter modern life.
First group: environment was clear, people do much physical work, the quality of food and water was higher, people have more good health habits.
Second group: pollution of environment, the sedentary life style, the quality of food
and water is low, people have more bad health habits.
T: Of course, one of the important reasons of life expectancy are health habits. They may be good and bad.
The theme of the lesson: “Health habits”
The aims of the lesson: To expand the knowledge of the theme “Health”
To develop pupils’ speaking abilities on the theme.
To explain the importance of health in our life.
To learn to look after health.
Type of the lesson: Mixed lesson.
Visual aids: Active board, charts, diagrams
The plan of the lesson:
I. Org moment
II. Warm up. Talking about sleeping.
III. Talking about life expectancy. Giving reasons.
IV. Good and bad health habits.
V. Listening to the unknown text.
VI. Relaxation. Listening and singing the song. “What is the meaning
of being lonely? ”
VII. Research work. A) Health problems
B) What should you do to be healthy?
VIII. Short test. “Am I healthy?”
VIII. My choice “To be or not to be healthy.”
IX. Making compliments.
X. Giving the home task. Giving marks. End of the lesson.
The procedure of the lesson:
I. Org moment.
T: Good morning dear teachers and pupils! You are welcome dear guests! We are glad to see you at our lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What date and day is it today?
II. Warm up. Talking about sleeping.
T: Let’s revise our previous lesson and talk about sleeping.
Look at the blackboard and fill the blanks.
1. Sleep is an 1_________ part of good health. It helps you to feel good, work 2_______.
2. Even mild sleeping problems can make daily life more 3______ and less 4_______.
3. Healthy adult need an average 5 ____ or ____ hours of sleep.
4. If you have 6 __________ situations, problems with friends, family or have difficulty 7 ________ facts, you are probably not getting enough sleeping.
5. Stress is No 1 cause of 8 ______________ and it lead to a serious illness, problems.
6. 9__________ disappears when the stressful situation passes. But if it isn’t treated from the beginning, it can become 10 __________.
Suitable words: monotonous, productive, insomnia, seven or eight, concentrating, important, effectively, difficult, sleeping difficulties, continuous.
T: From these sentences you see that sleeping is an important basic human need as drinking, eating, breathing.
III. Talking about life expectancy. Giving reasons.
T: We have talked about sleeping at our previous lesson and its importance for our health. We continue talking about health. You are divided into two groups and will work in this way. And can you answer me:
What’s the life expectancy in our country now and what was it before?
I agree with you that before people’s life expectancy was about 70 or 80 years, but now it is shorter, it is about 60 - 70. Why? Give the reasons please.
First group give the reasons of longer life expectancy.
Second group give the reasons of shorter modern life.
First group: environment was clear, people do much physical work, the quality of food and water was higher, people have more good health habits.
Second group: pollution of environment, the sedentary life style, the quality of food
and water is low, people have more bad health habits.
T: Of course, one of the important reasons of life expectancy are health habits. They may be good and bad.
Назар аударыңыз! Жасырын мәтінді көру үшін сізге сайтқа тіркелу қажет.

Adverbs of frequency
The aim of the lesson: Continue shaping the skills in using lexis on the theme “health” and new theme “adverbs of frequency”.

Health habits
to develop new lexical material, repeating passed grammar material. to develop memory, logical thinking and developing creative work with new technologies, to provide an opportunity of free speaking to make an interest to the subject, to teach to

ШҚО. Аягөз қаласы, «№5 жалпы білім беретін орта мектеп» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі. Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Атымтаева Сәуле Орынғалиқызы

Health problem
Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы, Абай ауылы, Абай атындағы №90 орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Қадырова Мира Қанибековна
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