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How many dinosaurs?

22 сәуір 2013, Дүйсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
● Оқушыларға жаңа тақырыпты түсіндіру. How many dinosaurs? тақырыбын оқушыларға жеткізе білу, сонымен қатар жаңа сөздермен таныстыру.
● Фонетикалық жаттығу арқылы сөйлеу қабілеттерін дамыту. Жаттығулар арқылы өтілген жаңа сөздерді қайталап отыру.
Visual aids: Way Ahead оқулығы, фонетикалық жаттығу, жаңа сөздер жазылған А4 форматты қағаздар.

• Organization moment (Ұйымдастыру кезеңі) – 2 min.
• Phonetic drill (Фонетикалық жаттығу) – 3 min.
• Checking up the homework ( Үй жұмысын тексеру) – 5 min.
• The new theme (Жаңа сабақ) – 10 min.
• Doing exercises ( Жаттығулар орындау ) – 15 min.
• Giving homework (Үй жұмысын беру) – 5 min.
• Pupils marking (Оқушыларды бағалау) – 3 min.
• Conclusion ( Қорытынды ) – 2 min.

The procedure of the lesson
I. Organization moment:
Teacher: Good morning pupils!
Pupil: Good morning teacher!
Teacher: Thank you, sit down, please! Who is on duty today?
Pupil: I am on duty today!
Teacher: Who is absent?
Pupil: All are present.
Teacher: What date is it today?
Pupil: Today is the th of January.
Teacher: And what day is it today?
Pupil: Today is
Teacher: Thank you, take you seat, please.

II. Phonetic drill:
Teacher: today we have a phonetic drill. The first listen to me. Then repeat after me.

III. Checking up the homework:
c) Reading work
d) Writing work

T:. Now, pupils! Tell me, please, what was your home task for today?
P:. Our homework was ex2, p13
T:. Okay. Who is ready? Who wrote it at home? You` re please. Begin.

IV. The new theme:
Now pupils look at the blackboard, today` s our new theme is “How many dinosaurs?”. At first I` ll introduce you with new words. Repeat after me.
Bear, lion, monkey, zebra, parrot, elephant.
Now pupils, open your copybooks write down today` s date and day, theme and the new words.
V. Doing exercises:

Listen, read and count.
1 - one, 2 - two, 3 - three, 4 - four, 5 - five, 6 - six.
Read, find and write.
How many bears? Two bear.
How many elephants? One elephant.
How many parrots? Six parrots.
How many lions? Four lions.
How many monkeys? Five monkeys.
How many zebras? Three zebras.

Listen and sing.
Oliver - oliver - oliver twist
Look at me and then try this:
Number one – touch your tongue.
Number two – touch your shoe.
Number three – touch your knee.
Number four – touch the floor.
Number five – stay alive.
Number six – touch your lips.
Oliver - oliver - oliver twist
Look at me and then try this:

Listen, read and point.
- Look! Is it a lion?
- Yes, it is.
- No, it isn’t. It’s Tom.
Who is it? It’s Meg.
Who is it? It’s Tom.
Who is it? It’s Andy.
Who is it? It’s Sue.

Read, look and draw.
Look at five. Is it red and yellow? Yes No
Look at four. Is it red and blue? Yes No
Look at one. Is it purple and yellow? Yes No
Look at two. Is it green and purple? Yes No
Look at three. Is it orange and blue? Yes No

Look and read.
one and two are three.

Listen and check.

What’s this?
Is it a cat? ------ Is it a zebra? --------- Is it a dog?
Is it a lion? ------- Is it an elephant?-------- Is it a bear?
Is it an owl? -------- Is it a monkey? -------- Is it a parrot?

VI. Giving homework: Ex: 3. p. 17
VII. Pupils marking: your marks:_____
VIII. Conclusion:
T: Now pupils, do you understand today’s our new theme?
T: Ok, pupils! Stand up!
The lesson is over. Good – bye!
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