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The Future

24 сәуір 2013, Сәрсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Form: 8
Theme: Unit 7. Step 2. The Future
Aim: developing listening, reading, writing, speaking skills
1. To study to talk about events in the future and future plans
2. To explain the usage of the verbs will and going to
3. To practice in making dialogues
4. To increase Ss interest in learning English language
Type of the lesson: combined lesson

The procedure of the lesson:
I. Organization moment
Good morning, students! How are you? What’s the news?
II. Checking the homework. Ex 4 - 5 p. 38 WB.
III. PPP grammar presentation. The future with going to and will.
Key grammar. ex. 3 p. 75. Look at the examples and complete the explanations.
1) Presentation. Explain the difference between situations.
Situation 1
P1: Honey, we don't have any sugar.
P2: Ok, I will get some from the supermarket.
Situation 2
(Going out) P2: I'm going to get some sugar from the supermarket.

Difference in usage of will and going to:
When we want to talk about future facts or things we believe to be true about the future, we use 'will'.
Everything will be fine.
I'm sure you'll like her.
If we are not so certain about the future, we use 'will' with expressions such as 'probably', 'possibly', 'I think', 'I hope'.
So there’ll probably be two more at the reception.
I hope you'll visit me in my home one day.
If you are making a future prediction based on evidence in the present situation, use 'going to'.
The traffic is terrible. We're going to miss our flight.
At the moment of making a decision, use 'will'. Once you have made the decision, talk about it using 'going to'.
I'll call Jenny to let her know. Sarah, I need Jenny's number. I'm going to call her about the meeting.

2) Practice. Developing reding. Ex. 5 a p. 75. Complete the dialogues with these expressions.
• I guess so (spoken)
probably or possibly “Are you ready to leave? ” “Yeah, I guess so.
Usage notes: said instead of saying yes to suggest you are not completely sure
• I guess not. and (I) don't think so.; I expect not.; I suppose not.; I suspect not.; I think not.
a vague statement of negation. (More polite or gentle than simply saying no. Frequently, in speech, suppose is reduced to 'spose, and expect and suspect are reduced to 'spect. The apostrophe is not always shown.) Bill: It's almost too late to go to the movie. Shall we try anyway? Mary: I guess not. Tom: Will it rain? Mary: I 'spect not.
• "I hope not" - грамматически неполное предложение, из которого выброшены за ненадобностью избыточные компоненты. Переводится как "Надеюсь, что нет". Примеры:
- Have you caughtcold? [Тыпростудился?]
- I hope [that I have] not. (Надеюсь, что нет)
"I do not hope" - полное предложение, означает "Я не надеюсь"
• I thinkso/hopeso и т. д. Мы используем so таким способом после ряда глаголов, особенно после think, hope, expect, suppose и I'mafraid:
- Is she English? I think so.
- Will Tom come? I expect so.
- Has Ann been invited to the party? I supposeso.
Отрицательная форма зависит от глагола:
I think so/ I expect so - I don't think so/ I don't expect so
I hope so/ I'm afraid so - I hope not/ I'm afraid not
I suppose so - I don't suppose so или I suppose not
- Is she American? I don't think so. '
- Is it going to rain? I hope not. ' (ане I don't hope so')

IV. Developing listening. ○ 24 ex. 6 a, b
1 - d, 2 - c, 3 - e, 4 - a, 5 - f, 6 - b

V. Practice. Developing writing and speaking. Write sentences about a celebration that’s happening soon…What are your plans? What will it be like?
VI. Conclusion. Marking. Home task
Home task: ex. 4 - 6 p. 41 WB, grammar notes on p. 75 WB
5 163
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