Seaweeds and beaches (Балдырлар мен теңіз жағалаулары)
Краткосрочный план открытого урока
Grade: 5
Book: Way Ahead 4, unit 17, lesson 3. Authors: Printha Ellis, Mary Bowen
The theme of the lesson: Seaweeds and beaches. Балдырлар мен теңіз жағалаулары
Aims: To interest students in describing the purpose using the Infinitive. To enrich the topical vocabulary. To develop logical and critical thinking and creative ability.
Focus: Reading, speaking, writing and listening in English Language Teaching.
Teaching results: Students can name the sea products and other words connected with it. They can use new words and word combinations in their speech. They can describe the purpose using the Infinitive.
Main ideas: The sea gives us everything. We should protect the nature in turn.
Resources: Student’s book, Workbook, Practice book. Internet materials from, Pupil’s CD – game 19a
Grade: 5
Book: Way Ahead 4, unit 17, lesson 3. Authors: Printha Ellis, Mary Bowen
The theme of the lesson: Seaweeds and beaches. Балдырлар мен теңіз жағалаулары
Aims: To interest students in describing the purpose using the Infinitive. To enrich the topical vocabulary. To develop logical and critical thinking and creative ability.
Focus: Reading, speaking, writing and listening in English Language Teaching.
Teaching results: Students can name the sea products and other words connected with it. They can use new words and word combinations in their speech. They can describe the purpose using the Infinitive.
Main ideas: The sea gives us everything. We should protect the nature in turn.
Resources: Student’s book, Workbook, Practice book. Internet materials from, Pupil’s CD – game 19a
Назар аударыңыз! Жасырын мәтінді көру үшін сізге сайтқа тіркелу қажет.

What time is it?
purpose of the teaching: presentation of the new materials about time presentation of the question “What time is it?” and answering it. Presentation of the words: half, quarter, past, to, clock, minutes.

Our friends
to introduce new grammar; to teach to practice vocabulary in the usage of it, to think using English language and to understand and to solve the main idea of the task; understanding of educational texts.

This is my friend
To teach pupils say about their friends, to enrich their vocabulary. To develop reading, writing, lexical habits. To bring up their love profession.

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Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Карманова Жамал

Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы, № 258 негізгі мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Исмайлова Асель

Speaking about Kazakhstan
Қызылорда облысы, Жаңақорған ауданы №3 мектеп – интернатының ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Абибуллаева Жазира
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