Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы, Әйтеке би кенті.
№249 мектеп - лицейдің ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі
Сералиева Динара Куанышбаевна
Level 4
Theme Animals
Aims 1. To enrich pupils knowledge, to develop pupils abilities in speaking; to enrich their vocabulary;
2. To develop their reading, writing, listening skills and grammar, lexical habits;
3. To bring up pupils to be attentive, to write neatly and correctly, to foster their love for animals.
Type of the lesson new lesson
Kind of the lesson mastering of new material
Teaching methods Explanation, question - answer, listening, reading, speaking, writing, associating
Visual aids An interactive board, a board
Procedure of the lesson
I. Organization moment
a) Greeting.
b) Asking about the dates, absentees, etc.
Main part
II. Introduction of the lesson
A ) Listening.
New words and expressions
B) Do exercise: True or False
C) Read the statements and tell your partner whether
you agree or disagree with the following statements
D) Association
E) Complete the words with missing letters.
F) Answer the questions
G) Scrambled letters
H) Match the words
I) It’s interesting to know
A) Dear children! I am glad to see you. Today we are going to talk about animals. Animals are everywhere around us, so it is easy to think that we know exactly what animal are.
Animals often have eyes, ears and legs.
Who will tell what animals you know? (bear, rabbit, fox, wolf, dog, cat, etc.)
That’ll do. You know a lot of animals. What poems do you know about animals?
New words and expressions:
• Use - қолдану
• Experiments - тәжірибелер
• Medical reasons - медициналық негіз
• Fur - жүн
• Circus and films - цирктер және фильмдер
• Weak - әлсіз
• Desert - шөл
• World - әлем
B) Do exercise: True or False
- A camel can not live without water. T.
- The cleverest animal is a horse. T.
- A tiger is a small cat and it is weak. F.
- A camel lives in the desert. It needs little water. T.
- Tigers and lions are the cleverest animals in the world. F.
C) Read the statements and tell your partner whether you agree or disagree with the following statements
1. Animals are used for experiments ---------------- agree ------------------- disagree
2. Animals are used for food
3. Animals are used for medical reasons
4. Animals are used for their furs
5. Animals are used for circus and films
E) Complete the words with missing letters.
An eleph…nt A li…n
A cam…l A be…r
A f…x A rabb…t
A tig…r A wo…f
A monk…y
F) Answer the questions.
It lives in the house. It likes fish. What is it? (cat)
It lives in the forest. It likes bananas. What is it? (monkey) It is very big and grey. What is it? (an elephant)
This animal likes grass. It is a domestic animal. It gives us milk. (cow)
This animal lives at home or in the street. It is man’s friend. What is it? (dog)
It is green and big. It likes meat. It lives in the river. What is it? (a crocodile)
G) Scrambled letters
T: Who will the first?
1. Erab - bear
2. Gteir - tiger
3. Wflo - wolf
4. Bbarti - rabbit
5. Raffige - giraffe
6. Helenpta - elephant
7. Reha - hare
8. Onil - lion
H) Match the words
Hare ----------- a. Orange and likes hen
Bear ----------- b. Long nose and big ears
Tiger ----------- c. Big and brown, likes a honey
Wolf ----------- d. Long ears
Rabbit -------------- e. Short tail, a domestic animal
Giraffe ------------- f. Grey and with big teeth
Elephant ----------- g. Black and orange
Crocodile ---------- h. Green and big
Monkey ------------ i. Has long neck
Fox ------------------ j. Very funny
I) It’s interesting to know.
I’ll give new information about the animals’ ages, you should remember it.
How many years do animals live?
Rabbits - 5 years
Camels - 40 years
Dogs - 15 years
Horses - 30 years
Pigs - 25 years
Cows - 25 years
Sheep - 12 years
Goats - 15 years
Cats - 13 years
Where do animals live?
- Do people threaten some animals?
- Are animals in danger?
- What animals are there in the zoo?
- Where do tigers come from?
Giving marks
P1 - P5 your mark is an excellent.
№249 мектеп - лицейдің ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі
Сералиева Динара Куанышбаевна
Level 4
Theme Animals
Aims 1. To enrich pupils knowledge, to develop pupils abilities in speaking; to enrich their vocabulary;
2. To develop their reading, writing, listening skills and grammar, lexical habits;
3. To bring up pupils to be attentive, to write neatly and correctly, to foster their love for animals.
Type of the lesson new lesson
Kind of the lesson mastering of new material
Teaching methods Explanation, question - answer, listening, reading, speaking, writing, associating
Visual aids An interactive board, a board
Procedure of the lesson
I. Organization moment
a) Greeting.
b) Asking about the dates, absentees, etc.
Main part
II. Introduction of the lesson
A ) Listening.
New words and expressions
B) Do exercise: True or False
C) Read the statements and tell your partner whether
you agree or disagree with the following statements
D) Association
E) Complete the words with missing letters.
F) Answer the questions
G) Scrambled letters
H) Match the words
I) It’s interesting to know
A) Dear children! I am glad to see you. Today we are going to talk about animals. Animals are everywhere around us, so it is easy to think that we know exactly what animal are.
Animals often have eyes, ears and legs.
Who will tell what animals you know? (bear, rabbit, fox, wolf, dog, cat, etc.)
That’ll do. You know a lot of animals. What poems do you know about animals?
New words and expressions:
• Use - қолдану
• Experiments - тәжірибелер
• Medical reasons - медициналық негіз
• Fur - жүн
• Circus and films - цирктер және фильмдер
• Weak - әлсіз
• Desert - шөл
• World - әлем
B) Do exercise: True or False
- A camel can not live without water. T.
- The cleverest animal is a horse. T.
- A tiger is a small cat and it is weak. F.
- A camel lives in the desert. It needs little water. T.
- Tigers and lions are the cleverest animals in the world. F.
C) Read the statements and tell your partner whether you agree or disagree with the following statements
1. Animals are used for experiments ---------------- agree ------------------- disagree
2. Animals are used for food
3. Animals are used for medical reasons
4. Animals are used for their furs
5. Animals are used for circus and films
E) Complete the words with missing letters.
An eleph…nt A li…n
A cam…l A be…r
A f…x A rabb…t
A tig…r A wo…f
A monk…y
F) Answer the questions.
It lives in the house. It likes fish. What is it? (cat)
It lives in the forest. It likes bananas. What is it? (monkey) It is very big and grey. What is it? (an elephant)
This animal likes grass. It is a domestic animal. It gives us milk. (cow)
This animal lives at home or in the street. It is man’s friend. What is it? (dog)
It is green and big. It likes meat. It lives in the river. What is it? (a crocodile)
G) Scrambled letters
T: Who will the first?
1. Erab - bear
2. Gteir - tiger
3. Wflo - wolf
4. Bbarti - rabbit
5. Raffige - giraffe
6. Helenpta - elephant
7. Reha - hare
8. Onil - lion
H) Match the words
Hare ----------- a. Orange and likes hen
Bear ----------- b. Long nose and big ears
Tiger ----------- c. Big and brown, likes a honey
Wolf ----------- d. Long ears
Rabbit -------------- e. Short tail, a domestic animal
Giraffe ------------- f. Grey and with big teeth
Elephant ----------- g. Black and orange
Crocodile ---------- h. Green and big
Monkey ------------ i. Has long neck
Fox ------------------ j. Very funny
I) It’s interesting to know.
I’ll give new information about the animals’ ages, you should remember it.
How many years do animals live?
Rabbits - 5 years
Camels - 40 years
Dogs - 15 years
Horses - 30 years
Pigs - 25 years
Cows - 25 years
Sheep - 12 years
Goats - 15 years
Cats - 13 years
Where do animals live?
- Do people threaten some animals?
- Are animals in danger?
- What animals are there in the zoo?
- Where do tigers come from?
Giving marks
P1 - P5 your mark is an excellent.

At the shop
educational to enrich pupil’s knowledge, to enlarge their interest in learning foreign languages and to introduce the pupils with new words and give them more information

This is my friend
To teach pupils say about their friends, to enrich their vocabulary. To develop reading, writing, lexical habits. To bring up their love profession.

There is /There are оралымы. Animals
Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы, Әйтеке би кенті, №249 мектеп - лицейдің Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Сүйеубаева Жұлдызай

Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы, № 258 негізгі мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Исмайлова Асель

About animals
Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы, № 258 негізгі мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Исмайлова Асель
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