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Not feeling well

21 қаңтар 2017, Сенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Сабақтың тақырыбы: “Not feeling well”
Сабақтың мақсаты: Студенттердің денсаулық және салауатты өмiр салты туралы бiлiмiн жетiлдiру. Жағымды және жағымсыз әдеттерді талқылау.
1. Шет тілін үйрену барысында оқушының тілін жаттықтыру (монологтық. диалогтық); сөздік қорын молайту, өз ойын тиянақты жеткізуін дамыту;
2. Бағдарламада белгіленген тақырыптар мен тілдік материалдарды қайталау;

3. ауыз екi сөздiң дағдыларын, тыңдау қабілеттерын жетiлдiру.
Сабақтың түрi: құрамалы
Көрнекілігі: интерактивтік тақта, видео - роликтер.
Пән аралық байланыс: Қазақ тілі
Plan of the lesson.
I. Org moment: – a) greeting; b) talk with duty:
II. Checking up the homework.
III. Warm - up

IV. Pre - reading task. Work on vocabulary. Watch video with new words.
V. Reading the text.
VI. After - reading tasks
a) complete the sentence with one of the words below.
c) match the word with its definition.
IX. To make a dialogue. “A doctor and patient”

XI. Consolidation. match the proverbs with kazakh translation;
XII. Conclusion.

The procedure of the lesson:
I Org moment: (слайд 1) – a) greeting; b) talk with duty:
Teacher: Good morning! How are you today? Are you fine?
Teacher: That’s nice. Let’s start our lesson. Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. We’ll speak on the theme “Health”. We are going to discuss our lifestyle and the ways of taking care about our health.
Teacher: Look at the board. What about this slide?

Teacher: That, s right.
II. Checking up the homework.
IIІ. Warm - up. Let, s speak about our habits. What good and bad habits do you know?
Complete the diagram.
Teacher: O’k great.

IV. Pre - reading task. Work on vocabulary. Watch video with new words.

V. Reading the text.
Teacher: Now, children, your task is to listen to the text and translate. On the board you see new words
Last week Tom was taken ill. He was running a high temperature. He felt sick and giddy. He had a headache and a sore throat. His mother phoned the doctor. The doctor arrived at 11 o’clock. She asked to strip to the waist, examined his throat, felt his pulse, tested his blood pressure. She also took his temperature. It was 39. She said that was flu. The doctor wrote a prescription for some pills and mixture. Tom followed the doctor’s advice and soon he recovered. high temperature Feel giddy Headache Sore throat Waist To feel one’s pulse Flu To write aprescription To test one’s blood pressure To take one’s temperature New words
Teacher: Now, who wants to translate. Do you understand the text?
VI. After - reading tasks

a) match the word with its definition. Teacher: Now let’s do the following task. I show you the pictures about health, you must give me your opinion.
1) A place where we get medical help. (hospital)
2) A state of being well. (health)
3) Small round things you take to recover. (pill)
4) A person who gives us medical help. (doctor)
5) А саг that takes a patient to the hospital. (ambulance)
6) A part of a body that helps us to see the world. (An eye)
7) 8) A person who needs a medical help. (a patient)
VII. Describing the picture.
Teacher: Thank you.

To make a dialogue. “A doctor and a patient” Now pupils, I give you 2 minutes to think a dialogue.
- Are you ready? Who wants to be a doctor? Who wants to be patient?
XI. Consolidation. a) match the proverb with its translation.
Teacher: I see that you are tired. Let’s have a rest. You can see some English proverbs. They are connected with the topic of our lesson. Match the proverb with its translation.
1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away - Тәні саудың жаны сау.
2. Good health is above wealth. –– Күніне бір алмадан - дәрiгерсiз күн кешесің..
3. A sound mind in a sound body. – Жеу үшін өмір сүрме, бірақ өмір сүру үшін же.

4. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. - Байлық денсаулықсыз - дәнеңе.
5. Live not to eat, but eat to live - Денсаулық қазынадан қымбаттау.
6. Wealth is nothing without health. - Кiм ерте жатып ерте тұрады - денсаулық, байлық және ақыл табады.
Teacher: Great!
B) Guess the crossword about health.
C) Teacher: The next task you should form words, using the parts of words.
Ture, medy, mist, s, thy
tor, in, pera, cine, ger, mix
fin, som, press, heal, tient
re, sure, doc, den, che, tist
weal, pa, nia, tem
Teacher: And now let’s answer Crazy Questions. Choose the right variant. Then make a key word – (HEALTH).
1. How do we call “a pain in the head”?
backache (n)
toothache (g)
headache (h)
2. A part of a body that helps us to see the word.
lip (a)
eye (e)
tooth (o)
3. A feeling of being hurt.
pain (a)
fun (y)
laugh (i)
4. A thing you take to recover.
sweets (m)
a medicine (l)
books (r)
5. The right food keeps you….
well (t)
ill (k)
funny (p)
6. Never … to be healthy.
laugh (x)
eat (l)
smoke HEALTH
Teacher: Very good! You’ve answered all these questions well. Now let’s come to the blackboard with your letters and try to make a key - word. Put your letters on the blackboard.)

XII. Conclusion.
Teacher: Thank you for your work. You were very active and clever at the lesson.
Write down your homework: At home you will write a small composition about “Health”
Your marks for the lesson are:...
Teacher: Our lesson is over. I wish you good health and happiness. And don’t forget that “Good Health is Above Wealth”! Good bye!

XIII. Giving the home task: To write an essay about health
XIV. Giving marks

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Құлсары Қаласы, Жылыой мұнай және газ технологиялық колледжі
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Назар аударыңыз! Жасырын мәтінді көру үшін сізге сайтқа тіркелу қажет.
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