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At school 1 класс

02 ақпан 2014, Жексенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
The purpose of the lesson:
• practical: - intensify in the speech of students vocabulary on the topic «At School».
- to train students in the use of installations in English;
• developing: - to develop thinking, memory, to make a statement in English.
• educational: - learn to listen to each other.
• Visual aids (educational - visual material): a textbook, handouts, subject visibility, image cards.

The outline of the lesson
I. Motivational moment.
- Hello, pupils! How are you? Sit down, please. The theme of our lesson is “At school”. Today we shall introduce with the new words, which we can use at the lesson. But at first, let` s do phonetic drill exercises.

II. Phonetic drill exercises. - repeat after me:
«D» - dad, down
«W» - what, well
«H» - hello, hi
«R» - rubber, ruler
«P» - pen, pencil, pencil case
«B» – boy, bag
«M» – mother

III. Questionary.
What is this? It is a … (using the cards)
What is this? It is a pen.
What is this? It is a pencil - box, etc.

IV. Review previous lessons` vocabulary.
What is your name? Are you a boy? Are you a girl? How old are you? What is your mother` s name? What is your father` s name? What is your sister` s name? What is your brother` s name? Well done.

V. New vocabulary
- My dears, today we shall introduce with the new words by theme “School”. Please listen to the track.
Listening. Track № 24.
- Good morning, children! Sit down, please. Open your books. Open your copy - books. Take your pens. Look at the board. Close your books and copy - books. Stand up, please. Good bye, children!

VI. Working by theme and fixing up.
a) Working with Work - Book
Open your exercise books. Откройте ваши рабочие тетради на странице 17.
Ex. 1/17 – Listen, choose and tick.
Ex. 2/17 – (Before starting the work, there will be revision of the numbers from 1 to 10). Match and say what they are.
• Физкульт — минутка. You little tired. Let’s do some physical exercises. Stand up, please.
Hands up! Hands down!
Hands on hips! Sit down!
Stand up! Hands to the sides!
Bend left! Bend right!
One, two, three, hop!
One, two, three, stop!
b) Working with cards.
VII. Conclusion.

What time is it?
What time is it?
purpose of the teaching: presentation of the new materials about time presentation of the question “What time is it?” and answering it. Presentation of the words: half, quarter, past, to, clock, minutes.
Dream vacation
Dream vacation
Practice pupils by doing different kinds of games and exercises of the lesson, enrich pupil’s vocabulary
Our friends
Our friends
to introduce new grammar; to teach to practice vocabulary in the usage of it, to think using English language and to understand and to solve the main idea of the task; understanding of educational texts.
My favourite flower
My favourite flower
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Educational aim: Introduction of the grammar material: there is. Vocabulary: attic, bedroom, stairs, bathroom, kitchen, living room, garden. Make up word combinations and sentences with the new words: to educate their oral speech by doing exercises:
What is this?
What is this?
Түпқараған ауданы, Сайын Шапағатов елді мекені, №"1 мектеп - лицейі, ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Елубаева Фариза Мересейқызы
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