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08 қазан 2014, Сәрсенбі
Категориясы: Кембридж тәсілі
Theme: Sport
Date: September 18th
Class: 11th
Teacher: Gilmanova Zhanargul Zhaksigalievna

Цель урока: обобщение и систематизация умений и навыков на основе монологических и диалогических высказываний по теме в форме дискуссии, деловой игры.

Развивающий аспект: развитие воображения, умения высказывать свою точку зрения, личное отношение к поставленной проблеме; умения аргументировать свое высказывание, определить и сформулировать собственные пути решения проблемы.

Воспитательный аспект: воспитание толерантного
1) Saying compliments.
T: Hello, everybody. You know that people must be polite
to each other, so let’s start with saying compliments.
(Учащиеся бросают друг другу небольшой мяч и говорят комплименты) e. g.

P1 - Lera, you look wonderful today.
P2 - Thanks, you are very kind. Jane, your smile is so charming.
P3 - Thanks a lot. I’m pleased to hear that. Etc.
2) “Hot chair” game.
T: What should we take into consideration while choosing a profession? Is character important? I think, yes. We’ll play a psychological game which is called “a hot chair”. The game is simple. One of you will sit down on the chair, the others will speak honestly about his(her) traits of character. Then our psychologist (name) will give her comments.
P1. Sits down on the “hot chair”
Pupils speak in turn. E. g.

I think you are (communicative and sociable)
In my opinion you are (generous and amiable)
I am sorry to say, but you are (a bit lazy, you should be more hard - working

You are …, but sometimes you are …etc.
(После того, как учащиеся высказались по поводу характера своего одноклассника, ученик, выступающий в роли психолога, дает совет о том, какую профессию следует выбрать учащемуся).
Psychologist: I would advise you to become a … because you are…

2. Presentation (5 min)
Look at the active board. Let’s read and say What we are going to speak?
What do you call a person who:

a) swims b) plays football с) does gymnastics
d) plays hockey e) does the high jump f) plays tennis
g) goes cycling h) does sports

Today we continue working on the topic "Sport". We shall speak about your favorite kind of sport, about sport in our country. We shall do some grammar exercises.

Let’s divide into groups. Come here and give photo. Who have team photo and single photo.

3. New words (Work in pairs 5 min)
In pairs, students have two minutes to think of as many different sports as possible. then go round the class asking different students to say the name of a sport without repeating any of those previously mentioned. Write any new vocabulary on the board.

4. Speaking (Work in groups 5 min)
We divide two groups Team group speak about football and single group speak about box.

Sport is good because
- build muscles; improve health; get fit; lose weight; calm you down; make you feel good/better; improve general fitness; increase your sense of well - being;

Sport is bad because
- boring; entertaining; hard training; relaxing; stressful; energetic; cooperative;

5. Brainwave (5 min)

2 stars, 1 wishes
6. Karaoke time Sing a song (4 min)
s time to have a rest! Stand up, please!

7. Practise Grammar (8min)
Read the text and find. (Adjective, Verbs, Tense)
Adjective Verbs Tense

8. Conclusion.( 5 min)
What do you think about sport in Kazakhstan in the future. Write 2 - 5 sentences.

Home task (To learn the new words. To write a project about
Future sport)

Our lesson is over. I hope you liked it.
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There is/There are
There is/There are
Then to create a positive learning environment the teachers asks students to start the lesson giving each other compliments about appearance, job performance, talent, etc. and also practice accepting compliments.
Daily routines
Daily routines
Формирование грамматических речевых навыков продуктивной речи по теме и их активизация в неподготовленной диалогической и монологической речи в ситуациях общения.
Geography and travelling
Geography and travelling
развитие языковых способностей и устойчивого интереса к изучению английского языка, развитие интеллектуальных способностей (памяти, мышления), навыков рефлексии.
The place where I live
The place where I live
Познавательный аспект - совершенствование грамматических и лексических навыков: степени сравнения прилагательных в английском языке, лексика по теме “The Country and the City”.
Foreign languages in our life
Foreign languages in our life
Мангистауская область, город Актау, преподаватель Мангистауского гуманитарного колледжа Макарова Венера Валерьевна
Прямоугольная система координат
Прямоугольная система координат
ВКО. г. Семей. учитель математики и информатики, ГУ «СОШ №33 им. К.Рыскулбекова» Мусина Адемы Заманбековна Урок математики по теме "Прямоугольная система координат".
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